
Chapter 20): A Call.....

Chapter 20): A Call...

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

[5+ chapters ahead on Buy/meacoffee/flaminglines.]


[A/N: So because of some ideas that popped into my head for this book, things will be changing.]

Ryan woke to the feeling of a head on his chest, but knowing exactly whose head it was he didn't move it away, instead he took the extra time he had left and began to run his hand through her hair, he sighed as he didn't want to get up. Leah below him moved some as if she was waking up, he let her do it on her own time since he wasn't in a rush.

"Good morning." She whispered while yawning loudly.

"Good Morning." He answered kissing her forehead as she lifted her head smiling at him.

"How much time do we have?" She asked not even bothering to look at the clock.

"About thirty minutes, and if I want to play in the game tonight then I need to be on time today." He groaned out as he would rather lay in bed longer.

His words though made her stand quickly with a smile, not that he saw it as his eyes were glued to her tan legs which were not helping with his problems under the sheet, which she noticed, "You know my eyes are up here right?" She giggled.

He took a long deliberate look at her legs before looking at her stunning face, "I know, but you truly do not have a spot on your body that isn't perfection, so I kind of got lost there."

Shaking her head she began to walk away, "Get up Ryan, my father is coming to the game tonight, and you still have something to ask him."

Ryan knew she was right so he quickly jumped from bed, getting in the shower he was out in five minutes, the smell of something burning caught his attention and made him laugh as he wandered downstairs. Looking into the kitchen he saw smoke rising along with Leah letting out low curses as she tried to get the situation under control.

He chuckled walking into the room while smoking a joint, "You know I have some premade meals right? You could have just heated one of those up."

"Well sorry I was trying make you breakfast, but obviously your stove is defective." She complained sending a glare to said appliance as she did so throwing the spatula she had to the ground.

Chuckling he took a hit before going to the fridge and taking out the cucumber sandwiches that he had in there, he passed some over to her, "Eat this, also go ahead and take the car. I mean at this point it is basically yours."

She laughed and took a bite of the sandwich she was holding, "Okay, well I am going to head home then. Mom has been calling me too so I need to get there before they send out a search party."

He nodded, "Alright well I will catch you later."

Leaning over he kissed her deeply, she didn't hesitate to lean into it either, he groaned as he lifted her by her legs which immediately wrapped around his waist as he did so. Leah was holding his hair tightly as he stumbled back into the counter, they both let out groans him from hitting the counter and her from trying to basically crawl into his skin at this point.

After who knows how long they finally pulled apart, but not without giving each other lingering pecks, finally Ryan set Leah down who was reluctant to do so. So that they would not waste any more time Leah left before he could draw her back, which he saw as a good idea as he did not want to be late for school and he would that way.

Stuffing his bag with his snacks and food he took off out the house grabbing his helmet, as he left the garage Rosalie was standing there giving him a curious expression, he paused, "Can I help you?"

She gave him a small glare stare before she spoke, "My family already left after I overslept, can I get a ride from you?"

He paused and blinked, then blinked again before nodding his head, he knew that she was lying as they did not sleep, but he didn't call her out on it, "Do you have your own helmet or what?"

"Yeah give me a moment." She said a small smile on her face before she took off towards her house.

Ryan sighed but went ahead and waited while leaning against his bike, he didn't have to wait long as she was back in less then two minutes most likely speeding when she was inside her house, she lightly jogged back. Getting on the bike they rode to school, and Ryan had to say that it was hard to actually concentrate on the road as they did so.

Despite his feelings towards Leah he couldn't deny that Rosalie was a beautiful woman, he also couldn't stop the little groan as he could feel her press herself into him holding his chest tightly. She did not even try to wrap them around his waist, she was blatantly holding on to his chest tightly her fingers lightly caressing it.

He sighed internally as he pulled into the parking lot, no one was super surprised by him being early, they all knew game days that he actually showed up on time when he was needed. They were surprised by the fact that Rosalie was slinging her legs off the bike, she didn't move away either but waited for him to get off, her siblings watching it all.

"Thanks for the ride." She said with a smile.

He nodded popping a handful of gummies into his mouth, since he changed he needed a lot more to get high if it wasn't made by himself, walking off he went into the school.


"I want you all to be here on time and ready to play. Port Angeles Dragons are our number one rivals, we need to make a statement this opener." Their coach spoke to them as they sat on the bleachers instead of practicing as he didn't want them sore before the game.

Ryan had his eyes closed with a jacket over his face, he was not really paying attention as he knew he needed to show up to play, he didn't care much for the whole pep talk rivalry thing, he wasn't originally from here after all. The others though cheered a little hearing these words making him roll his eyes, finally the speech was done and they were given the rest of the period free.

Sneaking out the gym he went to get high outside, he wasn't to surprised to find Rosalie following him moments later, "Were you there last night?" She asked as they had been standing there for awhile silently.

He looked at her with a raised brow with a confused look, "The bonfire? Yeah I was there, remember we invited you."

"No not...You know what never mind." She said shaking her head looking frustrated about it.

He didn't say anything though as he didn't want to tell her about him yet, he hasn't even told Leah, why would he start with Rosalie.

Finally finished smoking he went back inside with her following right next to him, he knew that she was with him so much because of the mate thing but also cause she could probably smell Leah on him. He wondered what was going on in her mind about that.


Ryan was lacing up his shoes as his phone rang in the quiet house, he paused as he saw the caller was his mother someone he had not talked to all week, this was probably the 'we will be home this weekend' call he usually gets. Letting out a breath he answered, "Hey mom."

"Ryan, I am glad I could catch you before your game. Unfortunately your father and I will not be able to attend it as we are going to be working tonight. We wanted to wish you luck though, we love you son." A beautiful voice that sounded like bells said from the other end of the phone.

Ryan didn't smile or feel happy about the call he just gave the same generic response he would give to the kids at school, "Thanks mom."

"That isn't all I am calling about though. Your grandmother called...she is getting up there in age so she wants to see you again. We will be going on a trip to Alaska this summer so that you can see her, okay?" She said shocking him.

Ryan had met his grandmother many times and had fond memories of her as she had been the only good thing about his family in this life, he did not see her much though as his mother and her did not get along. Apparently it had something to do with her marrying my father, she did not approve of him which is why he never joined in visiting with them.

He was actually a little excited about seeing her and wondered why she did not call him herself, she usually did that so that he did not need to speak to his parents.

"Ryan? Did you hear me?" She asked him when he had gotten lost in his thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I heard. Sounds like I am going to have a great summer, anything else?" He asked looking at the time.

".....No. I love you Ryan." She hesitated before saying finally.

"Talk to you later mom." He answered back, he had never told his mother he loved her, cause she did not show she loved him at all so her words were hollow to him.

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