
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Movies
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54 Chs

Chapter 10) Edited

After their meal they all made their way out the mall, Ryan laughed when he saw Seth blush after being kissed on the cheek by his friend Sara. Leah had the look in her eyes that she wanted to tease him, he wasn't going to stop it either, no as his fill in roll at big brother he thought he should join in.

As they walked to the car and were a good distance from his friends that is when Leah started the teasing, "So you and Sara huh? Should we go back and by you a pack of condoms then?"

Seth's eyes went wide before he yelled, "Leah!"

Ryan laughed holding his stomach, "Come on Leah don't tease the poor boy, after all we both know he watches a lot of Teen Mom and wants his chance on the show."

"Ryan you too!?!" Seth said with a betrayed expression.

Leah and Ryan were both laughing as they put everything into the back of the car, Seth had gotten a lot of things, when Ryan looked at the receipt it showed he spent over eight thousand on things. Ryan didn't complain about it, he was actually happy Seth was comfortable enough to do something like that, it actually showed he was close to them.

He knew Seth was a free spirit and a fun kid, even as a wolf he was the same, though with his duty to the pack he didn't get to show it a lot all the times. Which is why Ryan was going to make sure he stayed the same way when he shifted, though first he would need to see if they told him first.

At times Ryan actually forgot he was just a normal human, looking at his system it didn't offer anything about getting powers or anything. Though he knew in the games that there was a Vampire package and a magic package, he wasn't to sure about being a werewolf but their might be one for that too.

Honestly he didn't' know what was going to happen in his life, or why of all places he was sent to this world but he was going to live his life how he wanted. He knew that hanging with Leah and Seth would cause for him to fall into the plot, it would be something that he wouldn't be able to avoid when the shifters did get involved with Bella.

Seeing as that would be in New Moon, which was also the second movie he knew it was coming, they would leave in the middle of school next year but be back by the end of it. This all sparked Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, when those got closer he knew that the shifters would be in it no matter what, while New Moon touched on them and about them it was the others that showed their power.

Even with New Moon it wasn't really shown how strong they were, because the entire time during New Moon it was about her learning about them. They really didn't have any enemies in that book or movie, more like it was her trying to find something to cope with Edward being gone.

She wasn't a real friend to them, if anything she was only something that put them in danger by her own actions.

Shaking those thoughts away he focused back on Seth and Leah, at the moment she was still teasing him about Sara, which made Ryan smile some more. He didn't get her to stop either since they were headed directly to the hospital, he didn't want her going into a dark place before they got there since she would be down when she realized they were there.

The closer they got to Forks the more she did calm down some, when Ryan saw that her face was down as she read a text message he reached over taking her free hand, "We can skip this you know. I am sure Emily wouldn't mind you waiting until she got home for you to see her."

Leah smiled softly while shaking her head, "No, I can do this. Just...don't leave please."

Ryan squeezed her hand while giving her a light smile, "Don't worry I will be there the entire time. And remember if he is there ignore him, before you were dating him and he was dating her she was your cousin first. Blame him, never blame her."

She nodded her head while leaning over so she could rest her head on his shoulder, Seth was just smiling in the back, "I won't let that effect me. I have been thinking about what you said and realized that you are right, I shouldn't envy her or blame her, it was him who did all this. Seeing how he treated everything it just shows how little he cared for me, but he better not treat my cousin that way.

Or he will pay." She said growling at the end some.

Ryan just squeezed her hand, he knew that she could feel this way now but it could be different in the future, at the moment he was actually curing the future. He didn't know if she would imprint on him or if their relationship would proceed that far, but he did know that she would be suffering a lot more when she got apart of the pack linked minds.

It would kill her to have to hear and feel the emotions that Sam would have for Emily, at the same time there is nothing that she could do about it, which is why he was upset about the alpha thing. He was really hoping that she could leave the pack, but he didn't know if that was an option or not.

Sighing he smiled when she looked at him with a questioning glance, "Nothing to worry about, just not a big fan of hospitals. Well not really."

She nodded her head, "Yeah I know how you feel, to many sick people."

"Well I like them," Seth said cutting in as he smiled at the way the two were positioned, "Yes there are a lot of sick people, but there is also a lot of babies meaning new life too."

Hearing that they both nodded and smiled, though Leah's didn't last long as they saw the sign for Forks, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes, "We are making good time. Do you mind if we drop our things off before we go."

Ryan didn't even think twice before heading in the direction of their house, Leah leaned up kissing his cheek in thanks before she started to hum 'Smells like teen Spirit' by Nirvana. As she got further in he turned on the song, she had a nice voice but didn't sing out loud, he knew her well enough though that he knew she wanted to listen to the song so he wasted no time putting it on for her.

As they drove along she got into the song humming it, Seth was in the back belting out the lyrics though he always claimed later that he did no such thing, he really liked nineties music though despite what he said.

Pulling into the front of the house they saw Charlie Swan, Billy Black and their Dad Harry unloading the truck, it seems they had a good day fishing, Meredith got excited seeing his car. Hearing them approach all the men turned around and smiled seeing them, "Hey kids, did you have fun in Port Angeles today?" Harry asked them.

"Heck yeah! Ryan bought me all kinds of things." Seth said with excitement as he jumped out the car heading towards the back where his bags were.

Ryan got a smile and a nod from Harry, they had talked once before about him doing that for Seth, the first time resulted in them yelling at one another. But seeing as Ryan didn't leave and kept spending time with them Harry came to realize that he couldn't stop it, so like accepting his friendship with his daughter he accepted Ryan buying things for Seth.

Leah got out with her bag too which was way different compared to the ten bags that Seth was trying to take inside, all the men laughed when they saw that Seth was wobbling a little carrying it in. Charlie was the one to walk over and help him carry some as Harry was carrying a cooler into the house.

"Was Meredith okay today?" Ryan asked as he took the bag from a glaring Leah who he ignored.

Harry laughed as he watched his daughter jump on Ryan's back from trying to get her bag back, "Yeah she was fine, helped keep away some animals we ran into in the forest too."

Ryan nodded, he knew Meredith didn't have a sense of danger, she was ready to fight the Cullens when they came to the house, so he wasn't surprised that she helped them with the animals in the forest. He had to laugh when Leah bit his shoulder as she was still trying to get her bag back, even though they were already inside.

"Are you going to detach any time soon, we are already at your bedroom door." Ryan said with a dead voice as he looked to his side seeing her still biting him.

Leah huffed as she took her teeth away before opening her door and setting her stuff inside, "I could have carried that myself, I didn't need your help." She said but it wasn't in mean way.

He chuckled some, "Just because you can do it on your own doesn't mean that I will let you."


(I want to try it some, Cullen POV)

"You know just because you stand there doesn't mean he will appear right?" Alice said with a giggle as her feet were hanging off the branch of a tree.

Below her was a pacing Rosalie who looked mad about their situation, "Just because he can't see me, and I can't hear him doesn't mean that I am not worried about him being alone there. You know what the mate bond is like, you would be doing the same if it was Jasper." Rosalie growled as she stopped while running a hand through her hair.

"I know that Rose," Alice said giving her a soft smile, "But what can you do? You refuse to actually start something with him and are determined to be a friend or whatever he will allow. Just because you pace here doesn't mean it will help."

Rosalie sighed as she leaned against a tree, "What else am I suppose to do then Alice?! I can't make the feelings stop, and I refuse to make him something then what he isn't.....You saw him with her, he is happy as a human, and she won't become one of those nasty dogs. He can have a real life."

"Yeah but can you live with it? We all get one mate Rosalie, is losing yours going to be worth it?" Alice asked but she didn't get a response all her sister did was put her head down making her hair cover her face. Though from the way her hands were clenching she knew that she wasn't happy about the situation.