
Twilight of Fate

Our meeting wasn't supposed to end up like this. This was not the kind of meeting that I wanted. Is it going to end here? Will I ever see her again?... Darkness filled Edward's view as his mind slowly faded into the darkness. A teardrop ran down his face, dyed with blood.

Jem_Catenza · Fantasy
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1 Chs



The Continent of Maraya. The kingdom of Crestia and its capital, Creia, were located in the Lemuria region, on the west side of this land.

"Father! I want someone who loves me back! I was not accounted for this arranged marriage. Please don't force me into marrying Celia!" a boy in his mid-teens complained. "Father, please. I want you to withdraw me from this marriage." the boy pleaded.

"Phillip, you are my heir, the next head and the future of our family," said the duke, ignoring his son's complaint. "You have to keep our structure and pride, and marrying Duke Fontaine's daughter is part of your duty."

Gritting his teeth, Phillip turned his back and headed out the door. Just before stepping out, he came to a halt to glare at his father. "Keep your success and pride to yourself," he bellowed as he stormed out of the room and head to his bedroom.

Not wanting to stay and locked up in this manor any longer, he packed all the things he needed and sneaked out of the house.

It was around midnight. The entire populace, excluding the guards, should be resting. Without turning back, Phillip headed out of the place where nobles lived. However, he was stopped by a guard when he reached the city gate.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going in the middle of the night?" The guard called out, slowly approaching Phillip obscured in his cloak.

Phillip took off his hood to reveal himself. "I am Phillip Gregory Arbor. Sorry to trouble you this late, but I have somewhere to attend. Please do not tell anyone that you came across me. Keep up the good work." He then turned his way to the gate.

Snapping out from his shock, the guard immediately dropped his head and quickly apologized. "No, I am sorry to have inconvenienced you, my lord. You do not need to apologize to a lowly servant like me" The guard was anxious, worried that he may be punished because of the way he acted. 'I am done for'. Accepting his fate. He closed his eyes shut and held his breath.

Phillip looked at the guard; reading his mind, Phillip smiled. "Raise your head. The fault was mine for hiding my identity. It is your job, after all, to stop people that suspiciously wander at night. You are doing your job wisely." 

He was caught off guard by Phillip's words. "I am not worthy of your benevolence. I shall not tell anyone as you requested, my lord. I will carry it to my grave." The guard bowed down once again.

"You have my gratitude." Phillip walked out the gate and headed toward the unforeseen horizon.


Duke Arbor's Manor, after Phillip, left his workroom.

A slim yet charming figure entered the room. Her sky coloured hair flowed down to her waist, swirling smoothly. She sat on a chair and spoke. "Father, is something wrong? I came across my elder brother, Phillip, on my way here. He was expressing a look I have not seen before." The gentle voice filled the room. "Is there something wrong with my dear brother? From where he came from, it seems that he was in your room a moment ago." She looked troubled.

In his worktable, the duke turned and sat to a chair across the elegant figure. "You see, Fiora, he has grown to a fine young man. He just graduated from the Royal Academy with astounding marks that broke through unreachable heights," he pondered.

"Ever since he was nine years old, something changed about him. It is like he has a different persona..." Arbor paused. "... He was clumsy before that. But ever since the accident, he completely changed to a serious yet gentle manner. Everyone was always scared of him at the Academy because of his arrogance. But now, everyone seems to admire him."

"Indeed..." she said softly. "That day, he was accompanying me through the city, but it ended tragically. I was taken away by a bandit. Phillip chased after me and managed to catch up, but..." her voice started to break. "Phillip charged at the bandit, causing him to drop me on the ground. He told me to get help, and I did as he says. But when I got back..." Fiora clutched the hem her dress tightly. "We found him lying on the ground. The bandit was gone. Phillip was barely holding on to his life. A blade pierced his chest."

"We managed to get him treated quickly." Tears formed in her eyes. Fiora quickly wiped them. "It is a blessing he survived, although he was in a coma for weeks."

Duke Arbor looked at his daughter, feeling his chest tighten. "It is indeed a blessing. If Phillip did not follow you, who knows what would have happened to you."

Fiora nodded. "But after he woke up. Phillip was acting strangely. I was in his room when he woke up..." Looking at a candle, she continued. "He was calling out a name I have never heard of before. If I can recall, I believed it was a girl's name. He murmured her name a few times while asleep when I was there." Fiora was lost deep in her thought.

Duke Arbor called out her name.

"Oh... my apologies, Father," Fiora bowed her head. 'Liz. Just who is this person brother was reminiscing.'

"I believe he called her Liz. Do you, perchance, know someone sharing that name, father?" She tilted her head.

Sitting on the chair, he thought genuinely. "I have not met or heard of that name before in this kingdom," he responded, thinking deeply. 

"Ever since he woke up, he seems like a different person. It feels like he is a lot more mature than his age," Fiora wondered.

"Certainly, he seemed like a different person. When he returned to the Royal Academy, everyone was in an uproar, surprised that the arrogant child of mine became gentle and sincere. The arrogant, clumsy child that barely passes his marks change to a sincere, gentle, serious man" Arbor stroke his chin. "His marks suddenly exceeded the requirements, and his swordsmanship was refined from such a young age. Every morning he is always in the backyard refining his movement with the sword. I could not help but be impressed."

"Watching my elder brother grow in the Academy, he was surrounded by everyone. He put a smile on everyone's faces. He had many girls pursuing him. Even Princess Christina, who has no interest in others except a few, secretly admired him..." Her expression changed. "...But looking at him today. I could not help but feel intimidated when I came across him on the way here."

Duke Arbor closed his eyes, hanging his head. "Duke Fontaine asked if he could leave Celia's care in Phillip's hands. Meaning, if she could become his fiancé." Duke Arbor looked troubled. "I accepted his request without consulting Phillip. He was enraged by this proposal and asked me to withdraw..." He paused. "I blatantly ignored him. He left the room with a look I have not seen him expressed.

"He must be enraged of Celia becoming his fiancé. Fiora heaved a sigh.

The next day there was an uproar in the manor. The head of the house was informed by one of the servants serving the Arbor family that Phillip ran away. The head of the house was dumbstruck. He recalled what Phillip said before he left the room. Does he not want the marriage that he is willing to throw his pride and nobility away? Duke Arbor snapped out of it and ordered his servants. "Inform the guards to look for Phillip! Make sure to scour the city!"

Unfortunately, Phillip was no-where to be found.


The Kingdom of Histeria. East of Crestia Kingdom

Two weeks had passed since he left the Kingdom of Crestia. Phillip was in a small city in the Histeria Kingdom. Wandering around the city, he came across a merchant guild, selling different varieties of goods. Walking in the building, every corner inside were outstandingly unique. 

Looking around the building, he was met by a mesmerizing girl who looks around his age. Her aura exudes a soothing atmosphere. She had her wavy light blue hair in perfect condition, and there are no wrinkles at all in her uniform. The sun peaking at the window lit her face with perfectly arranged features. It can make anyone that looks at her feel calm. Her skin was that of having taken care of, almost translucent. The reflection of her eyes resembles that of the vast blue ocean. Phillip could not take his gaze off her. Their eyes met, and time seemed to come to a stop.

"Hmm?" Hiding in his cloak, the girl could not see the daze in his face. She smiled and leaned closer towards Phillip, trying to steal a glance. She paused once she saw his face. Their faces filled each other's view without even realizing it.

Underneath the hood was a boy around her age. His asymmetrical grey hair is longer on his face's right side, sharp face, strong and serious golden-brown eyes. He gives off a calm, collected air around him, sometimes feeling dangerous and somehow gave a safe feeling. The girl felt a safe-reassuring sense around him.

As they stare at each other's eyes, their faces drew closer and closer to the point of almost touching each other's nose.

Without realizing her face so close to his, Phillip retreated a few steps, flustered. He tried to calm his beating heart down.

Still staring at him, she came back to the present. Her mouth was slightly open. The calm air around him gave her a sense of safety and wanting to stay by his side. Realizing what she was thinking, she threw it to the back of her mind. After snapping out of her daze, she smiled. She lightly grabbed the hem of her dress and bowed in a noble manner. Each moved she makes were elegant and charming.

"Sorry to surprise you so suddenly..." The girl looked at him with a gentle smile. "...my name is Violetta, just call me Violet to make it easier. I am a store attendant of this guild."

Phillip calmed down and introduced himself. He took off his hood. The girl paused as she stared at him as he introduced himself. "My name is Edward. I hope you can forgive me for my unsightly manner and pleased to make your acquaintance," Phillip straightened his posture and bowed his head.

Phillip used a different alias due to himself being missing. Hiding his noble name and used an alias that manifested in his memories. This name also is somewhat attached to him ever since he awoke from his coma. Floods of memories of 'Edward' fused with his soul. A different personality, a different person, a different world, a different life.

The reason for his gentle, kind demeanor was because of Edward's soul of his past life. This changed Phillip into a new person. From an arrogant, overconfident, clumsy bastard to a kind, respectable, humble person. This 'Edward White-Miller' is the name that Phillip is currently using. A person's memories transferred into his life.

"Sir Edward, I apologize, but weapons are forbidden in the store. If your holding into any weapon, we will gladly hold onto them for you until you leave. Violet let out an apologetic expression, but it changed back to a smile after. 

"...I understand."

Taken aback at first, Phillip then readily agreed and removed all his weapons: the sword at his waist and two hidden daggers. A second attendant came to take his weapons away. 

"Would you mind if we performed a body check?" Violet asked.

"No, go right ahead." Phillip lifted his arms with a nod.

"Excuse me," Violet said as she gently began to check Phillip's body. It was over in a few seconds. Violet deemed Phillip completely disarmed. 

"Thank you for your cooperation, Sir Edward." Violet gave him a gentle smile. "Please follow me; I will guide you to a room to assist you with your needs.

Phillip went to another room at Violet's guidance, looking around the shop as he walked two steps behind diagonally behind her. The first floor was a wide-open space with many different sections. The first floor has many rooms for stored attendants to discuss business with many potential customers. Phillip was led to one of the rooms.

The room was sectioned off with partitions, so the discussions would be kept private as long as their voices are low. The inside of the room was finely decorated on every corner to satisfy the customers. 

"Please take a seat." Violet offered Phillip a seat on a soft couch in the room. He took her offer with a 'thank you' and sat on the sofa. She then sat down on the opposite seat, facing him. 

"Let me welcome you to the Merchant Guild. I shall be the one assisting you today. Please to make your acquaintance." Violet smiled at Phillip, bowing her head. "How may I assist you with your needs Sir Edward?"


They finished their negotiations, and Phillip paid with his pouch full of gold coins. He was heading out of the guild, and Violet followed after him. Once they were at the entrance, one of the attendants gave him his weapons back. Phillip bid his farewell to Violet and the other attendants. 

Violet watched his back as he gradually became out of sight around the crowd. She could not help but think about his aura he was emitting. It was such a soothing aura, making Violet want to follow him on his journey.

Two attendants beside her giggled, seeing her in a daze. "It seems Lady Violet has her eye on that boy."

Violet turned to the attendants. "Please don't joke around that matter." Her face was slightly flushed. She then turned back to look at Phillip, where he was no longer there.

'This is the first time I have ever felt this feeling. He gave off such a calming aura. I talked to many different customers, and he was the first one I have ever felt so comfortable talking to. I feel safe around him. Phillip... I want to see him again.'

The sunset lit her beautiful face, revealing herself staring into the distance. She put a hand between her chest, with a saddened expression.

"Oh my..." One of the attendants spoke. "He is quite handsome, isn't he, Lady Violet? Don't be sad. You will meet him again someday." She said, trying to cheer her up, seeing right through her expression.

"I-I'm not a child anymore! And stop teasing me!" Violet's face turned red. Her sadness was gone but changed with embarrassment. 

"Hahaha." The attendants stuck their tongue out.

Having enough of the two attendants teasing her, she turned and headed back into the building. She smiled with a hint of sadness and expectation. I hope I can meet him again.

Sorry.. i do not know the mechanics of this app and i am a new author writing here. Please bear with this chapter. I hope it will get better as time pass by

Jem_Catenzacreators' thoughts