
Twilight: My Brother's Keeper.

Uchiha_lover2 · Book&Literature
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Alexander Gregory Masen Cullen

Edward Pov.

The sound of tires squeeling against the road echoed through the parking lot of Forks High.

Edward, who was trapped in the intense gazing pools of chocolate that was Bella Swans eyes, instantly tore his own away from her and towards the black van of Tyler Crowley that was currently out of control and judging from its path, it could only spell out death for the adorable girl he was lost in mere seconds ago.

Terror quickly overcame him, but what he was terrified for, he couldn't say.

Edward took off at a terrifying speed. At a speed, he never knew he was capable of, all to save the object of his desires, Bella Swan.

Alexander Pov.

Alex watched from a distance with a gleeful smile as his pathetic older brother ran across the school parking lot to save the doe eyed blood bag he seemed to have formed an attachment to.

Alex had been watching his brother closely, and to his amusement, his brother had become oddly fascinated by the plain girl that had just moved here recently, in fact Alex would say he had become obsessed with her, even going so far as to stalk her. It was rather creepy, but everyone had their flaws. Alex's flaw was being too handsome. It was a burden, really, one that Alex gladly bared.

Alex watched intently as Edward stopped the van from crushing her, exposing himself to the little blood bag. Alex loved when everything went according to plan.

He would make sure to expose Edward to the girl, and when he was at the height of his happiness, Alex would kill her and relish the look of anguish on his brother's face.

Maybe then he would finally get his wish. Alex thought to himself with a look of longing on his face.

"Nice save, Eddie." Alex said, his voice teasing and loud enough for his brother to hear.

Edward stood up and immediately glared in Alex's direction with unbridled fury. Alex could practically taste the anger and hatred emanating from Edward. It fed Alex's weary soul seeing his brother angry.

Edward didn't immediately come over to reprimand him. Instead, he made sure his little pet was loaded into an ambulance before he made his way over to confront Alex.

20 years had passed since the brother's last met. The two of them stood tall. Golden eyes glared into red with fiery hatred and righteous anger.

"Hello, brother." Alex greeted nonchalantly, smirking carefree as though he didn't just nearly murder someone.

Alex knew his actions would piss Edward off, and he was right if the visceral growl was any indication.

"Alex, was it you?" Edward asked, his tone laced with accusation. Edward knew it was him, yet he asked in hopes that it wasn't Alex.

Alex pouted as though he was confused. "Was what me?" Alex asked innocently.

In the blink of an eye, Edward appeared in front of Alex and grabbed his collar. "Don't play dumb with me, Alex!!!" Edward yelled furiously, venom spewing from his mouth. A few drops of venom landed on Alex's face. Alex brushed the drops off with his finger remaining calm in the face of his brothers anger.

Alex knew what Edward was talking about. He was asking if Alex used his gift of luck manipulation to cause the accident. It was a truly terrifying gift. He could make you so lucky that every time you play the lottery, you'd win, or if you went to the casino and played blackjack, you'd get a 21 each hand you played. Alex did both of those things multiple times throughout his lifetime, which is why he's a billionair, that he invested in companies and manipulated the owners' luck so that the company would become quite successful.

Alex looked up into the air, contemplating his answer. "Hmmm.... I may have... slightly lowered her luck." Alex said slowly while pinching his thumb and index finger together to visualize his words.

Edward hissed threateningly at Alex and tightened his grip on Alex's collar before he spoke, sounding threatening. "Stay away from her!!! or..." Edward hesitated for a second.

"Or what, you'll kill me?" Alex finished for him with his eyebrow raised in obvious disbelief.

Alex suddenly bursts into a fit of laughter. "Don't worry, brother, I'm not going to hurt her. It was a test, I wanted to see if you've lost your edge or not."

Edward frowned clearly he didn't believe Alex and was now most likely reading Alex's thoughts for the truth, but sadly, for Edward, he wouldn't find anything. Alex had a way around Edward's mind reading gift. His brother was wasting his time.

Alex lifts his hands in surrender. "Look, if she's that important, I won't touch her." Alex promised. He sounded rather sincere, which no doubt

Edward's eyebrows furrow together, and the anger in his frown dissappeared, replaced with desperation. He looked at Alex pleadingly.and spoke, the desperation in his eyes appearing within his voice. "Whatever scheme you have to ruin my life, Alex, I beg you to leave her out of it."

Alex's eyes widened for a split second before a mask of indifference covered it. "What makes you think I'm here to ruin your life?" Alex asked, acting confused. "Maybe I just missed my older brother." Alex's lips curled into a bright loving smile that Alex knew Edward saw through immediately.

"Just leave her alone, Alex." Edward said in a threatening tone that would frighten most people.

Alex rolled his eyes at Edward's tone, clearly not fazed by his tone. "Hmm... I'll think about it." Alex replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

Before Edward could say anything, Alex spoke up, cutting him off. "Anyway, I'll see you around big brother. I hope your little pet is okay." Those were Alex's last words before he disappeared, leaving Edward standing in place with eyes full of worry and a mind wracked with nerves.

Alex ran all the way home. Home was a modest two story yellow house. Alex coerced the previous owners into selling him the place. They happily obliged before moving out of Forks.

Alex walked into the house and settled onto his couch, turning on the TV, waiting in anticipation at the reunion he would have with everyone soon enough.