
Twilight in Obsidian

“Please take me with you,” the woman whispered. Her voice was dry and hoarse, her body trembled like a leaf on an unsettled wave. Was it because of the crime she had just committed, or was it because of the aura the man before her gave off? She must be sick, both in and out of the head. Everything in her said not to ask for help, or at least not to ask him for help, nevertheless, here she was bowing her head down before him. “Now, why would I do that?” His dark, airy voice filled her ears. His voice sent shivers down her spine, making her freeze in her spot. Her head sank to the floor, unmoving. “I do anything from cleaning to washing, and cooking,” she said, muttering her words, timidly. The man hunched down to her size and uttered, his breath tickling her neck. “Have you met me before?” “No, but I can—” She began to say, as if he were contemplating her request but was quickly interrupted. “Don't be so quick to sell yourself to death.” Passing through her, he left her to crumble on the ground. °∆° "Did you think I would let you go after I found you? Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?” His voice deepened with each word that fell off his lips. The woman stepped back, not wanting to get close to this terrifying man. “I am being truthful, Your Highness. I don't know you, Your Majesty, our families haven't met for any reason. So please let me go,” she whispered. Her body touched the wall. Now she was stuck between the wall and the terrifying man. “Please, My Lord, I don't know what you are talking about,” She whimpered. He placed his strong hands on her hip, giving it a light squeeze as he pulled her closer to his chest. He whispered into her ears, “I missed you so much, it's been a long while, My love” He placed his head on hers °∆° R18 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOOK COVER ISN'T MINE, IT WAS FOUND AND REDESIGNED BY ME. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT, AND I WILL OFFICIALLY TAKE TIME TO MAKE ONE WHEN I HAVE MORE FREE TIME.

AraneaeRuber · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

The men fight

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 28~ 

"I really don't want to go down there" Yeona whispered, her voice dry and strained with nervousness. She had a very tight grip on Sera.

Sera on the other hand was feeling very confident in her luck and powers as she walked down the stairs with Yen on her tail.

"Don't worry, I am here" she turned her head, giving her friend a calm and comforting smile.

But sadly, Yen was not buying it, as she looked ready to change her mindset on the deadly mission they were about to encounter.

"I really don't want to go down there" She whispered again, but this time around she added a little yell into it.

"I told you, I will protect you" Sereia teased. The lamp torch flicker as they turned to the right. 

"More steps?" Sereia sighed with annoyance laced in her voice, They walked further down the dark abyss that was the basement.

"Um, isn't this where we picked up the lamp?" Yen asked, confusion vivid in her expression.

"Really?" Sereia responded with a confused question. 

"You aren't even noticing the stairs!!" Yen yelled with worry and annoyance, with which Sera replied with a shrug of her shoulder.

"I just noticed that the steps got longer that's all, pause let's just keep going, every tunnel has an end like they say"

"Well, sadly this isn't a tunnel"

"Dry, and sarcastic comment won't get us to the end"

Not wanting to drag it on another moment, Yen sighed as she continued. But it was not sooner than later that Sera also noticed the same lamp holder. 

"Okay, stop, this is very strange. At this point we are just turning in an unnecessary spiral circle" Sera said, pausing on her heels as she leaned by the wall to look ahead in to the abyss.

Watching her think, Yen left her to her thoughts. Suddenly, clapping her hands together, she turned to Yen. 

"I am going to do something I have only read in books, but it somehow makes sense to do it here" she said.

"I don't understand? What do you want to do?"

"Give me your hands" She asked, grabbing on to her wrist, she gave her a small but pitiful smile "This is going to hurt, a lot"

But before she could react to what she had said, Sereia dragged her smooth palm over the rough wall surface. 

The walls' edges cut through her palm and her blood dripped all over the wall, slowly creating prints.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!" She yelled furiously, snatching her wrist back from her grip. Her eyes brimmed with tears. 

"I apologize, I was just trying to see if it would work." she replied.


Sereia bit her lips, not knowing what to say. Meanwhile, Yen glared at her with teary eyes.

"I am sorry. Pause, give me your hand".

"Like I would do that again!!" she shouted, hiding her wounded hand behind her back.

"I just want to heal you" Sereia replied, 

"No! Let us go back to the room, I need to band up my palm" she said with a tired sighed. 

The entire 'adventure' was physically and mentally exhausting. She had a bleeding palm and no 'mysterious' door had being found.

"I am serious, I can heal you"

"No, I don't trust you till we leave here. Don't push it and let's go". 

Sereia rolled her eyes at her, snatching the wounded arm and whispered the healing spell into her wrist. The bleeding wound soon began healing right be for their eyes. The two girls stood between the brightening lamp, staring at it. 

Unbeknownst to the arguing girls, her blood had begun to draw a trail that lead down to the dark abyss of the dreadful basement. The girls still failed to notice this until they heard a Swiss and swoosh sound of the wind, coming from down the basement. 

"Since when did it become chilly here?" Sera asked, ignoring one of Yen's numerous offers to stop their 'adventure'.

"Don't try to change the topic and let's go" Yen commanded, but this time not letting Sera have a say as she yanked her hand and began pulling her up the stairs.

"No, wait a minute, it's getting cooler down here" Sera said now sounding more serious, making Yen pause on what she was doing. Suddenly, there was a might gush of wind, and on reflex Sera immediately spelled a protective magic, creating a dome over her and Yen. The harsh wind passed through their dome, leaving an icy feeling. 

Thinking it had stopped, Sera was ready to let down her guard, but it came again and again and again, until she was sure that it was really only targeting them as they were the only ones down there.

"What do we do? It won't let us pass" Sereia yelled over the loud whistle of the storm wind.

"Take my advice and run" She offered her advice that she had being pushing since before the 'adventure'

"No! We have come this far to go back, there would be no point for it".

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Yen asked. Her heart and mind racing at the sudden turn of event.

"Sereia I don't want to die" she added again after noticing her silence.

"And you won't" she spoke calmly and confidently. She lifted her foot and took a step down the stair, and the wind pushed on in retaliation, but its force wasn't enough to stop the determined woman as she continued her stride. 

She didn't fumble nor falter her in her steps. Not only that, but she confidently made steps, going closer to the stronger wind current, closing the gap. Yen body shivered with fear and worry. 

She clung to her friend's clothes with one hand and the other rested on her shoulder, as she followed her like a pet with no master. 

"Sereia I don't want to go there". She said with a low crying voice.

"Don't worry I am here, nothing bad would happen, trust me" She responded patiently, but only got a hum as a response.

Hands still out stretched to keep the water barrier from evaporating or worse turning to ice and freezing them up. They continued with soft but heavy footsteps as they got closer and closer to the door. 

A large, eerie door stood before them, as they approached the door, they could feel a chill running down their spines. The door was made of dark wood and seemed to be centuries old. It was adorned with intricate carvings of strange symbols that they couldn't decipher. 

They tried pushing it open, but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper coming from the house. It sounded like someone or something was trying to communicate with them. They exchanged nervous glances, not wanting to get caught, they decided to try again, this time with more force. 

Its rusty hinges creaked as they pushed it open, revealing a dimly lit corridor. The walls were lined with cobwebs and the air was thick with musty smells. They cautiously stepped forward, their footsteps echoing off the stone floor. As they advanced, the darkness seemed to close in around them, making it difficult to see what lay ahead. 

The wind that was aggressively pushing them away, trying to prevent them from entering, seemed to have died down. It soon felt like normal air was circulating around the space.

Suddenly, they heard a faint whispering sound coming from further down the corridor. Their hearts racing, they pressed on towards the source of the noise, unsure of what awaited them at the end of this eerie passageway.



Noble women are not permitted to own jobs OR have business. They were to stay home and take care of the household and the house finances.