
Twilight in Obsidian

“Please take me with you,” the woman whispered. Her voice was dry and hoarse, her body trembled like a leaf on an unsettled wave. Was it because of the crime she had just committed, or was it because of the aura the man before her gave off? She must be sick, both in and out of the head. Everything in her said not to ask for help, or at least not to ask him for help, nevertheless, here she was bowing her head down before him. “Now, why would I do that?” His dark, airy voice filled her ears. His voice sent shivers down her spine, making her freeze in her spot. Her head sank to the floor, unmoving. “I do anything from cleaning to washing, and cooking,” she said, muttering her words, timidly. The man hunched down to her size and uttered, his breath tickling her neck. “Have you met me before?” “No, but I can—” She began to say, as if he were contemplating her request but was quickly interrupted. “Don't be so quick to sell yourself to death.” Passing through her, he left her to crumble on the ground. °∆° "Did you think I would let you go after I found you? Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?” His voice deepened with each word that fell off his lips. The woman stepped back, not wanting to get close to this terrifying man. “I am being truthful, Your Highness. I don't know you, Your Majesty, our families haven't met for any reason. So please let me go,” she whispered. Her body touched the wall. Now she was stuck between the wall and the terrifying man. “Please, My Lord, I don't know what you are talking about,” She whimpered. He placed his strong hands on her hip, giving it a light squeeze as he pulled her closer to his chest. He whispered into her ears, “I missed you so much, it's been a long while, My love” He placed his head on hers °∆° R18 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOOK COVER ISN'T MINE, IT WAS FOUND AND REDESIGNED BY ME. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT, AND I WILL OFFICIALLY TAKE TIME TO MAKE ONE WHEN I HAVE MORE FREE TIME.

AraneaeRuber · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Ride Home.

Editing in progress….

~Chapter 24~

Lord Harris breathed out as he turned to receive the mail. His wife and two daughters stared in shock at what had transpired between their father and stepsister.

"Mother, Did Yeona just call my father a bottom feeder?" Lyra, the eldest of the twins, squeezed on her dress skirt in anger. "How dare she!"

"Mom, you need to kick her out! Send her away even, how dare she act rude to father, even after he gave her a roof over her head."

"We can't just kick her out,"

"Then marry her off; isn't she already getting too old for marriage? If you don't do it now, she would end up staying here forever."

Truthfully, there have been multiple marriage proposals from noble families for Yeona. She always rejected them and also offered her daughters, but they would go mute immediately after she proposed to her daughters.

It was as though they felt repulsed at the idea of marrying her daughters. 

Then she took the initiative to meet them in person during balls and events. They would openly tell her that it was Yeona that they wanted, and they would also take the time to describe how much they loved her, even though they had never spoken to her.

In their words, that was the best thing about her. Everything about her was so surreal and beautiful. Some even told her that they fell in love with her from a distance, as they wouldn't dare to meet her in person.

She truthfully felt embarrassed at the idea of Yeona being praised and not her daughter.

"Yes, dear, I believe it is high time she got married, and I know the perfect man for her," Lady Eva said.

Among the good and eligible bachelor men were also old and married men who also wanted Yeona. Though it did tick her off that every man, young and old, wanted to marry her, now she could gladly use it to her advantage.

Well, after all, the female marriage is handled by the legal guardian or parent. It did not matter whether the female was of age or not; the parents always had the right to choose whomever they deemed fit for their daughters.

Only the daughters.

Lord Harris came back with a formal stamped letter.

"Who is it from?"

"It is from the Eastwood family." He replied as he threw the letter to the ground and stomped on it, "What the hell did that brazen child do? Or say? I have been trying to build a relationship with several noble families for the last three years, and that also includes the Eastwood, but she dares to do this behind my back."

"What does the letter say?" Lady Eva asked. But she got no replies, as he only paced around the room like a wounded animal.

Lady Evangeline bent to pick up the letter and read it: "Dear Rutherford and Chamberlain family, I would like to formally notify you of my visit to your manor tomorrow, early morning, ~Sighed Eastwood family."

This was how letters were written; they were always addressed to the family, but not to the person in question. This was why Lord Harris assumed it was from Whyte Eastwood, as neither Yeona nor his family had a relationship with their family.

Or so he thought.


"Y-Yes S-Sir" York replied, but Marina didn't come down from the room, which only infuriated the head of the house as he stomped to the room.

"DID YOU NOT HERE ME?!! I JUST GAVE AN ORDER, AND IT NEEDS TO BE FOLLOWED UP ON," He yelled as he stepped into the room.

His face was red and swollen, filled with rage and anger at the number of times he had been insulted and disregarded.


"Maybe when you get an actual house that is under your name, you will make demands," Yeona said dryly, standing up from her bed.

"You have no manner, Lord Harris; you just barge into a woman's room, not caring if she is clothed or not? Such a terrible manner, and you call yourself a noble? Don't make me laugh."

"WHY YOU LITTLE CHILD OF A-" He began to curse at her, but it was interrupted by Marina.

"I will go clean now."

He gripped her hair harshly as he glared hard at her. "Do not interrupt me when I am talking," he spat at her. Marina said nothing, as she only stared at him.

What was she supposed to say, exactly? All she wanted was for him to leave her and Yeona alone, but that wasn't happening anytime soon. Lord Harris pushed her head forward, towards the door, sending her away from the room.

Yen sat lazily on the bed as she looked at her stepfather square in the eyes. "Yeona, I gave an order that needs to be followed. GO AND DO IT. RIGHT NOW!" He commanded.

"I am not feeling so well," she replied. 

It wasn't like she was lying; she genuinely wasn't feeling well after everything that happened on her way back.

She was tempted to write a letter to Sereia, asking her to come another day, at the very least.

But as usual, Lord Harris neither believed her nor liked that his command was being objected to. He tugged on her arm roughly as he shoved her towards the door.


Yeona hissed hard and loudly for him to hear, this act only infuriated him the more, and he pulled her back to him.

Yeona sighed at the back and forth of these stupid acts. She raised her light purple eyes to look at him. There was no fear reflecting on them, just anger, resentment, and irritation.

Having fed up with her rude behavior, Lord Harris raised his hand to hit her, which she was very much prepared to take

"You should not do that!!" Lady Evangeline shrieked at her husband as she paused mid-action.

Yeona didn't as much as to glance at the woman, she kept her eyes fixed on Lord Harris, as though scanning every part of him, burning his features into her eyes. There was no way she would not recognize him, even though he smeared himself with the dirt that he was.

"Remember the Eastwoods are coming over, we wouldn't want them to see her face scared pause Yeona, behave yourself and do what you were asked to do" she commanded. Yen slapped Lord Harris hands away from hers rudely as she made sure to stomp on his feet as she felt.


But satisfying, also Yes.

~Next Day~

The Eastwood family had arrived, and the Harris household was in a frenzy of preparations. Lady Eva made sure everything was spotless, and York had prepared a grand feast for the guests. 

Lord Harris was nervous, and Yeona was getting ready to greet her friend. She at the very least wanted to look more presentable than she usually did.

As the Eastwoods walked through the door, they were greeted by Lady Eva, who welcomed them with open arms. Lord Harris stood at the side, looking uneasy and uncomfortable. Whyte Eastwood, the head of the family, greeted them with a nod, his eyes scanning the room.

As they made their way to the dining room, Lord Harris spotted Yeona at the top of the stairs. She was dressed in a simple green gown, her hair tied up in a bun. 

Whyte Eastwood immediately took notice of her and greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss Yeona. You look lovely today," he said, his eyes never leaving her face.

Yeona simply nodded her head in response, not saying a word.

She looked around to see if she could find Sereia. But she was disappointed to see that Sereia was not with them. 

"Where is Sereia?" Yeona asked, her voice laced with concern.

"She is out at the carriage, she brought some things for you," Whyte replied, his expression speaking softly.

Yeona could see that Lord Whyte cared for his daughter. Yen made a mental note to ask Yen to give him a change. 


They made their way to the dining room, where they were served a delicious meal by York. Yeona tried her best to ignore Lord Harris, who sat at the head of the table, his eyes constantly on her.

Sereia came with a delighted look. Her eyes not hiding the excitement. But for some reason, Yen knew that excitement was probably not for her, but for the things they were about to do. 

Yen inwardly groaned as Sera hugged her tight around her shoulders.

"How are you?! I missed you, so much" She asked. 

"We saw yesterday, there wasn't so much time in between to miss me". 

Before she could reply, Lord Whyte cleared his throat, making her turn her attention to him. It was then she finally noticed the other adults she hadn't greeted. 

"Oh?" she pulled herself away from Yen's form. 

"Greetings House of Rutherford, I am Sereia Eastwood"




*Destinara- This is the process whereby parents arrange partners for their daughters. It does not matter if she is a child or already an adult. The parents are obligated to pick a partner of their choosing for their daughters.