
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - The Beginning III

Ten years had passed since Var first set foot under the guidance of Hominus. His perspective on the world of magic had grown profoundly, gaining remarkable depth and strength. Hominus had carefully mentored him, shaping him into a formidable and invaluable individual.

Having been away from his hometown for so long, Var yearned to visit Hydale. He believed it was important to inform Hominus of his desire. He valued Hominus' guidance and advice deeply and did not wish to act rashly without his mentor's approval.

With determined steps, Var returned to the chamber where Hominus often resided. The deity was observing a large mirror that displayed the life in Hydale. As Var entered, Hominus lifted his gaze, a gentle expression on his face.

"God," Var called with respect. "I wish to request permission to visit my hometown, Hydale. I want to see how they are doing."

Hominus regarded him wisely as if carefully weighing his request. "But Var, I believe your family is currently facing a difficult situation."

Hearing this, Var's curiosity was piqued. "What kind of trouble?"

After a moment of contemplation, Hominus finally responded. "Your father has fallen ill. It is one of the most dreaded diseases known to the world, as there is neither medicine nor magic capable of curing it."

Instantly, Hominus showed Var the image of his father lying on his bed through the large mirror. His father's face was deathly pale, and his body was skeletal, a stark contrast to the father Var remembered.

The sight of his father's frail condition struck Var deeply. His once healthy and commanding father now looked like a mere shadow of his former self. 

"Then, will You heal my father?" Var asked, his voice trembling with hope.

Hominus fell silent, then slowly shook his head. "No, I cannot."

"Why not? Aren't You incredibly powerful?"

"As a god, I cannot interfere with earthly affairs, Var. The time I saved you was the first and last time I will do such a thing," Hominus replied, His voice full of gentle resolve. "Therefore, if you wish to see your father one last time, I will grant you permission to visit him in Hydale."

"Really?" Var asked, excitement brimming in his eyes.

Hominus nodded slowly. "However, remember, the outside world is not always kind. Be vigilant, and do not forget the lessons I have taught you."

"Thank you, God! I will not forget anything," Var responded with deep respect.

With Hominus' blessing, Var stepped out of the deity's realm that had been his home for a decade. The sunlight welcomed him back to the human world, illuminating every corner of the path he hadn't walked in so long.

As Hydale appeared on the horizon, his heart fluttered. So much had changed, he thought, observing the new buildings and unfamiliar faces. Yet, despite all the changes, he knew the main reason for his return was his family.

In silence, Var slipped into his family's home in Hydale. Each step within the house was heavy with sorrow, a reminder of a childhood filled with suffering. Now, the atmosphere was just as tense, laden with the worry and fear his family felt for his ailing father.

From behind a curtain, Var watched his younger sibling with admiration. No longer small, his sibling had grown into a strong figure, exuding a captivating aura of magical strength. But beneath his admiration, Var felt a gnawing doubt. Could he ever match his sibling's abilities? This question haunted him, but his fear of failure loomed even larger.

Uncertainty shrouded the family as they decided to summon a doctor from Guinevere, the land of the famed elves known for their magical skill. Yet, even with the presence of the best elven physician, no one could find a way out of the rampant illness.

With a pounding heart, Var continued to hide behind the curtains in the corner of his father's bedroom. His eyes meticulously watched every movement and expression of his family gathered in the room. They appeared tense and full of worry, especially as they observed their father's worsening condition.

Amid this sorrowful situation, Var revealed himself to his family. The sound of his light footsteps behind them made everyone turn. Surprise and disbelief etched across their faces as they laid eyes on him.

"Var?" his mother exclaimed, her voice a mixture of astonishment and resentment. "How could you be here?!"

The gaze his mother fixed upon Var was filled with disapproval, as if questioning his motives for being there.

His sibling stared at him with a cold, sharp gaze. There was clear disappointment in their eyes, as if Var had disrupted their peace with his presence.

Though Var felt crushed by his family's reaction to his arrival, he tried to express his determination to heal his father to them. "I'm here to try to help," he said with a voice full of conviction, attempting to explain his good intentions.

However, before he could continue, a small chuckle echoed in the room. His family, previously tense, now laughed with smirks. "You? Healing father?" his sibling asked with a tone full of disbelief. "You can't even control your magic properly!"

His mother joined in the laughter, her face adorned with a mocking expression. "Do you think you can do something that even the best doctors and wizards can't?" his mother remarked sarcastically.

Doubt flooded Var as his family mocked him. Though his determination to heal his father still burned within him, he also felt trapped by guilt for not obtaining permission from Hominus. His mind was filled with unanswered questions.

Was he worthy of using his magical powers without the blessing of his mentor?

Would his actions have negative consequences for himself?

Yet, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a voice in Var's heart reminded him of his duty as a wizard. Though he had not received formal permission, he knew that the magical power he possessed was a gift that must be used wisely. And therein lay his dilemma, between the desire to help his family and his respect for Hominus.

With steady steps, Var approached his father's bedside. The tired face of his father, once full of dignity and warmth, now looked pale and vulnerable. Yet, even in moments like this, there was strength in his eyes that still burned, showing a steadfast desire to survive.

Var fell silent as he gazed at his father's face before placing both of his hands on his father's chest.

In the tense silence, magical energy began to surround Var, forming a breathtaking aura of light around him.

As Var completed a series of final incantations, the magical energy he radiated pierced through his father's body, emitting bright flashes of light. In a moment of wonder, a miracle occurred. His father's body began to feel warmer, his labored breaths stabilizing, and the color of life slowly returning to his face.

His family, who had initially mocked him, now watched in awe. Their eyes were filled with dazzling flashes of light, mesmerized by Var's magical power. Even their voices fell silent, as if disbelief had taken hold of them.

As the magic reached its peak, a miracle unfolded. His father's body, previously lying weakly in bed, now began to emit an aura of healing.

His father was healed.