
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - The Beginning II

"Forgive me, God! I regret hitting that boy! But he tried to steal the bread I was selling! I am not entirely at fault!" the shopkeeper exclaimed, bowing in fear, his eyes filled with genuine remorse.

The Dragon God Hominus gazed at the shopkeeper profoundly, delving into every anxiety and confusion within his heart. With a gentle voice filled with wisdom, the Dragon God delivered His counsel to the frightened villagers.

"If a child tries to steal bread, offer him dinner as you would to a family. Do not humiliate and torture him as you did just now. Remember, children act by imitating the adults around them. If they do wrong, it is you who bear the sin," the Dragon God Hominus declared with a voice that resonated deeply.

Cries of repentance echoed throughout the village, creating a reverberation that conveyed the fear gripping the hearts of every resident of Hydale. The Dragon God, seen as the guardian and bearer of divine law, faced them with an undeniable authority.

"Do good, my beloved humans. I will return to the heavens, but I will continue to watch over you," said the Dragon God Hominus, lifting His gaze to the vast sky, His face radiating boundless wisdom.

The flap of Hominus' wings marked His grand arrival, leaving a trail of wind that caressed the villagers' faces. Meanwhile, Var, trembling and battered, was lifted by Hominus and placed gently on His back. Swiftly, they soared into the blue sky, disappearing among the drifting clouds.

Var, still stunned by the astonishing event, reflected in silence. His eyes gazed down at the village that had once been bustling and now lay quiet and still. What had just happened? Was this real or just a strange dream? Yet, despite his doubts, deep in his heart, he hoped that all of this was reality, that goodness and justice still existed in this harsh world.

Hominus took Var to His magnificent abode, a palace hidden behind soft, white clouds. There lay the sanctuary of the Dragon God, a place where ultimate power and wisdom gathered in mesmerizing harmony. Gently, Hominus set Var down in the center of a room filled with sparkling light, gazing at him with deep affection.

"Var, look at me," Hominus said with a calm yet meaningful voice.

Obediently, Var looked into Hominus' eyes, his gaze filled with innocence and hope, taking in the wonder that enveloped the room. The light in Hominus' eyes illuminated the darkness in Var's heart, bringing back the warmth that had been lost in his arduous journey.

"I sense an extraordinary potential within you. You possess a special ability that has yet to awaken, Var," explained Hominus, His voice echoing through the room, creating vibrations that stirred the latent potential within Var's soul.

For the first time, Var heard those words directed at him, and tears of joy streamed down his cheeks. Without hesitation, he leaped and embraced the Dragon God tightly, feeling irreplaceable warmth and affection.

"I will help you. One day, you will become the greatest wizard on earth. Use that power for good," promised Hominus sincerely, His voice filled with unwavering conviction.

From that moment on, Var became Hominus' secret disciple, a move that defied the law agreed upon by the three Dragon Gods, which prohibited intervention in human affairs. However, Hominus felt that as a god, he had a moral obligation to aid His people in need, especially those with immense potential like Var. With this opportunity, Hominus committed to developing and protecting Var so that one day, he could become His successor in safeguarding and protecting the people of the earth.

One day, within the magnificent palace, Var wandered through the corridors filled with wonders and beauty. In a corner of the palace, he saw beautiful angels gracefully flying around. These angels had elegant white wings that fluttered gracefully in the air, and some of them wore shimmering silver armor with mesmerizing elegance. However, some wore simple white garments, symbolizing purity and innocence.

Enchanted by their presence, Var couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked Hominus who was nearby, "God, what are those?"

Hominus looked at Var with a gentle smile, realizing He had never introduced these angels to him before. "They are angels. These angels are the loyal guardians and devoted servants within my realm. They come from the souls of humans who have faithfully served the power and wisdom of our realm, even until the end of their lives," Hominus explained, His voice filled with pride in His angels' loyalty.

"And what happens to the souls of those who are not faithful?" Var asked, curious about the fate awaiting the unfaithful.

Hominus paused for a moment, as if contemplating the right answer, before finally responding with a voice full of wisdom, "Those who are not faithful, they become ash. They vanish like dust in the wind, leaving no trace and no memory of their existence in this world."

Hearing this, Var felt a shiver of fear creeping into him, but Hominus, aware that His explanation had frightened the child, quickly continued in a soft, loving voice, "Therefore, Var, you must remain faithful to the principles of truth and justice. I hope that one day, I will see you become one of the loyal angels in my service, a guardian and protector for those in need."

Var smiled broadly, his heart filled with new hope and determination. He felt he had found his true purpose in life, which was to become a loyal angel in Hominus' realm. With unwavering resolve, he vowed to dedicate his life to upholding justice in a world full of darkness and hatred.