
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Stranded on Elenmoor's Shore

In a world where humans, demons, and elves live, each group has its kingdom led by three dragon deities. Humans live in the kingdom of Hydale, ruled by the human dragon deity, Hominus. Demons call the realm of Metania home, where the demon dragon deity, Maldea, holds sway. Elves reside in the kingdom of Guinevere, under the rule of the elven dragon deity, Dalis.

These kingdoms are integral to the world's fabric, serving as beacons of civilization amidst wild magic and untamed lands. The balance between them is maintained by the harmonious relationship between the Dragon Deities and their subjects, ensuring stability.

However, beneath this apparent peace, unrest brews. Old rivalries resurface, and tensions mount, threatening the very foundations of these kingdoms and the world they inhabit.


The roaring waves crashed against the shores of Elenmoor Island, melding with the boundless silence of the night. The sky was adorned with twinkling stars, dancing upon the dark canvas, creating a mesmerizing spectacle in the vast universe. Yet, amidst the tranquility, there lay a presence stranded, tossed amidst the wreckage of a shattered raft.

In a half-conscious state, a man with dark blue hair lay silent upon the sand, his body marred with wounds and weariness. His eyes fluttered open slowly, greeted by the biting night wind that pierced to the bone. His mind felt empty, attempting to piece together memories severed by exhaustion.

With a blurry gaze, he surveyed his surroundings, only seeing the jutting formations of rocks from the base of the cliffs. The energy drained from his journey across the ocean had brought him to his lowest point. His heavy eyes slowly closed, enveloping him in the dark silence, devoid of answers.





"Good heavens!"

A young girl's cry echoed not far from where he lay.

The man slowly opened his eyes again to discern the identity of the newcomer. His vision remained blurred, prompting him to blink repeatedly to make out the face of the girl standing above him.

As his sight gradually improved, the figure of the girl began to take shape.

Amidst the enchanting starlit sky, where the gentle melody of waves danced with whispers of the wind, stood a beautiful elven maiden. Her long, rich mahogany-hued hair cascaded like a silk waterfall down her slender form, framing features as delicate as spring blossoms. Yet, her soft pink eyes, the gentlest hue, captured the essence of a tender soul.

The man struggled to rise, each movement a testament to his weakened state. With a heart full of compassion, the elven maiden hurriedly reached out her slender hand, offering support.

The man lifted his head, his eyes still blurred by pain and uncertainty. "I... I need water" he admitted, his voice barely audible amidst the roar of the waves.

"Water? I'll get it for you! Can you stand? Or-"

Midway through their conversation, the man felt a worsening dizziness, and the colors around him began to fade. With each step, the weakness in his body became more pronounced, until finally, without warning, the world around him began to spin.

"Are you okay?! Oh no! Anyone, please help us!"

As the waves of his consciousness began to fade, the only thing still shining in darkness was the voice of the elven maiden, guiding him into a comforting embrace before ultimately succumbing to exhaustion, drowning in the sea of unconsciousness.

Thanks for reading!

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