
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Paintings

Reo and Rikka walked along the winding path leading to Rikka's family mansion. As they drew closer, Reo could see the grandeur of the building they were heading to. The mansion stood magnificently atop a small hill, surrounded by a beautiful, well-tended flower garden.

The garden was full of various flowers in vibrant colors, creating a breathtaking scene. The sweet fragrance of the blossoms hung in the air, offering a calming and refreshing atmosphere. In the center of the garden, there was a lovely marble fountain, with water flowing gently, creating a soothing sound of splashing water.

The path to the mansion was made of polished white marble, reflecting the sunlight and giving an elegant impression. Along the way, small statues adorned the sides of the path, each with intricate and artistic details.

As they arrived at the mansion's entrance, Reo was captivated by the building's opulence. The large oak doors, adorned with intricate carvings, stood tall, and the big windows with golden frames reflected the late afternoon sun. The mansion's walls, clad in natural stone, gave it a sturdy yet elegant appearance.

"Welcome to my home!" Rikka said with a proud smile. "This is my family's mansion, and the cottage you'll be staying in is across the river."

Reo paused for a moment, admiring the surrounding beauty. "This place is incredible!"

Rikka smiled warmly. "I'm glad you like it. Come on, let's go inside! I'll introduce you to my father."

They walked through the flower garden, heading towards the mansion's entrance. Inside, a spacious room with marble floors and luxurious furnishings greeted them. The walls were adorned with large paintings, and crystal chandeliers sparkled from the high ceilings. The atmosphere inside the mansion felt warm and welcoming, despite the surrounding opulence.

As they walked through the hallway, Rikka invited Reo to take a closer look at the paintings.

"These are some of the paintings that have been in our family for generations," Rikka said, pointing to a large painting depicting a beautiful landscape from the top of a hill overlooking the sea.

Reo was impressed by the painting's detail and color. "Amazing, each painting looks so alive!" he commented.

They stopped in front of a painting that caught Reo's attention. The painting depicted a lighthouse standing tall atop a cliff, with massive waves crashing against the rocks below. The lighthouse looked majestic and sturdy, emitting a light that pierced through the darkness of the night, while the sky around it was adorned with stars.

Rikka smiled, noticing Reo's fascination with the painting. "That is the lighthouse perched on the cliff near the southern coast of Elenmoor. It was built to honor the five elemental heroes who sacrificed themselves in the war fifty years ago. Since then, it has become a symbol of peace in the world."

Reo fell silent upon hearing Rikka's explanation about the grand tower. "The war fifty years ago? This is the first I've heard of it."

"Oh really? Well, we weren't born when it happened. I only heard about it from my grandfather!"

"Your grandfather...?"

Rikka continued her stride until she halted precisely in front of a painting larger than the previous lighthouse depiction. This painting portrayed a family photograph, each member appearing harmonious with one another. Rikka's figure in the photo remained notably petite, standing beside a long-bearded old elven man. His presence exuded authority, even captured within the confines of a photograph.

The family photo captured more than just faces. It seemed to encapsulate a moment frozen in time, radiating warmth. The background revealed a sprawling garden, adorned with vibrant flowers akin to those in the mansion's surroundings. Behind the family, a glimpse of the mansion's facade peeked through the foliage, adding to the sense of familial pride and heritage.

"Alfred. He was my grandfather. One of the heroes bestowed with elemental magic by the Dragon God," Rikka paused briefly before resuming her narrative. "About seventy years ago, the three races of elves, humans, and demons lived side by side on Earth under the protection of their respective Dragon Gods. However, the Gods had a rule they couldn't violate: they were forbidden from interfering in earthly affairs. They were the creators of their people, providing them with a home on Earth, but thereafter, the Dragon Gods were not to intervene.

Yet, the human Dragon God, Hominus, broke that rule one day and favored a particular human named Vargaloz. Under Hominus's supervision, Vargaloz grew into an extraordinary figure, particularly in the realm of magic.

However, due to humanity's inherent arrogance, Var, now an adult, couldn't contain his pride. He spread the word that he had met a god and been adopted as his disciple. Var showcased his extraordinary magical prowess in healing others, causing people to become divided. Some worshipped him, some envied him, and some remained indifferent but began to believe in the gods.

News of this spread far and wide, causing uproar throughout the land. The Dragon Gods Maldea and Dalis were furious with Hominus for his actions. Hominus, filled with remorse, ultimately cast out Vargaloz. However, this only fueled Vargaloz's thirst for revenge, and he vowed to kill the Dragon Gods and ascend to Godhood himself.

Upon learning of this, the three Dragon Gods promptly bestowed their elemental magic, reserved only for themselves, upon their chosen five. And thus, the five elemental heroes were born. Alfred, wielder of fire magic. Olgar, master of wind magic. Zagameth, bearer of water magic. Barnath, conductor of lightning magic. And Terados, guardian of earth magic.

The five heroes stopped Vargaloz, and the Dragon God cast him into the depths of hell." Rikka explained, her eyes shimmering as she recounted the story behind the painting.

Listening intently, Reo fell silent, trying to digest the information he had just received.

"So, earlier you mentioned that you're a descendant of Alfred, the wielder of fire element?" Reo inquired.


"Then... do you possess the fire element magic from your grandfather?"

"No! The power system is passed down through generations based on Alfred's bloodline, but only those deemed worthy among the descendants will inherit that power," Rikka explained.

"Oh, but I believe you're more than deserving of wielding that firepower, Rikka," Reo said, attempting to console Rikka, who appeared saddened.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed closer. A tall and imposing elf man emerged at the end of the hallway. His jet-black hair was adorned with streaks of white, a testament to wisdom and age. His sharp yet warm eyes swept the room before settling on Rikka and Reo.

"Rikka? Since when did you return?" he greeted with a deep and gentle voice. "And who might our guest be?"

Rikka turned around, her smile widening. "Father! This is Reo. He's the one I found washed ashore a few days ago. Reo, this is my father, Robert."

Reo promptly stood up straight and bowed respectfully. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir. Thank you for your kindness in allowing me to stay in this town."

Robert nodded cordially, his keen eyes assessing Reo briefly before extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Reo. Rikka has spoken highly of you. Welcome to Elenmoor."

Reo shook Robert's hand with reverence. "Thank you, Sir."

Robert smiled and lightly patted Reo's shoulder. "Hoho, you are indeed as polite as my daughter has repeatedly told me!"

Upon hearing her father's words, Rikka spontaneously interrupted the conversation between Reo and her father. Her once snow-white complexion now bore a faint pink hue, with the deepest blush adorning her cheeks.

"F-Father! That's enough! How about we continue our conversation in the living room?"

The three of them strolled through the expansive hallway, passing more paintings and decorations exuding the opulence and history of Elenmoor. They arrived at the spacious living room, adorned with antique furnishings and comfortable sofas. A large fireplace flickered warmly, casting a cozy atmosphere throughout the room.

Robert seated himself on one of the sofas, gesturing for Reo and Rikka to take seats opposite him. He cast a spirited smile towards his daughter, hinting at another purpose by instructing her to sit next to Reo.

"Father, really…?" Rikka murmured, her voice barely audible.

"Reo, tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be stranded on our shores," Robert continued, this time with a more serious expression.

Reo took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words. "I came from Hydale. While journeying at sea, my ship was caught in a fierce storm. I was tossed about for several days before eventually washing ashore in Elenmoor. I was lucky that Rikka found me and brought me to the clinic."

Robert listened attentively, occasionally nodding. "You must have endured an awful experience, Reo. We're glad you survived and are here now. But…"

The pause Robert provided heightened Reo's tension, awaiting the continuation of Robert's words.

"I heard you sailed here in search of someone important. Could you tell us a little about that?" Robert's piercing gaze caused Reo to momentarily avert his eyes before he composed himself once more. Reo himself couldn't understand why he felt intimidated by the man's stare, but he suspected it might have something to do with facing someone of lineage traced back to a chosen hero of the gods.

"To be honest, the reason for my journey to Elenmoor is still somewhat hazy in my memory. But I feel that there's something important I need to do here."

Rikka looked at Reo with empathy. "I'm sure your memories will soon return, Reo. I hope I can help you somehow."

Reo smiled. "Thank you, Rikka."

Robert observed the connection between his beloved daughter and the young man before him. He had never seen Rikka show such concern for anyone else, although deep down he knew his daughter had a compassionate nature. Finally, Robert let out a long sigh and continued the conversation.

"You should have heard it from my daughter. I let you use the cottage across this garden for as long as you need."

"Ah, yes. I'm truly grateful for your kindness, Sir. I promise to uphold the trust you've placed in me," Reo replied, bowing deeply, demonstrating his profound gratitude for the kindness he had received.

"Rikka, you'll escort Reo to the cottage. I have other matters to attend to."

"Of course, Father!"

Robert smiled warmly. "Reo, now, rest and regain your strength. Elenmoor is your home as well."

Thanks for reading!

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