
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Mysterious Voice

Ming's Restaurant buzzed with laughter and warm conversations. The tantalizing aroma, a blend of various delectable dishes served, wafted through the air.

Reo, Rikka, and Mike sat at a table near the window, enjoying their dinner. Mike, always cheerful, was enthusiastically recounting his adventures. On their table lay an array of dishes, from grilled meats to stir-fried vegetables, to fragrant seafood soup.

Mike took a sip of his beer before continuing his story. "Actually, my reason for coming to Elenmoor is both personal and work-related. I'm here to work on a major project assigned by my company. It's a big opportunity, right? Don't you agree??" 

Reo chuckled softly.

"BUT! Accepting the job also means I have to leave my little sister who is still young in Hydale all alone!" Mike continued, wiping away tears dramatically.

"Your sister...?"

"YES!" Mike nodded, his once lively brown eyes turning momentarily somber. "My sister... she's the only family I have. I've always tried to look out for her ever since our parents passed away. But this job, it's a huge opportunity that could secure our future. I have to make a tough decision."

Reo set down his spoon, gazing at Mike with understanding. "You must... miss her."

Mike forced a bitter smile. "I promised her I'd come home often to visit. But with my busy schedule, I haven't been able to. I just hope she understands and forgives me for having to leave. But no matter what, I'm still the brother who couldn't keep his promises."

Rikka smiled softly, offering her support. "That's not true, Mike. You're doing your best for her. I'm sure she knows that and is proud of you. Someday, when you return, your sister will surely welcome you with open arms!"

Upon hearing Rikka's words, tears streamed down Mike's cheeks like a waterfall. The commotion he caused drew the attention of those around the restaurant, who watched as Mike cried with a mixture of frustration and overwhelming emotion.


"Haha! Come on now, you're all grown up. Don't cry like this."

After listening to Mike's life story, Reo fell silent for a moment. Nostalgia and regret flooded his mind as he remembered his own family. He sighed deeply and resumed his dinner, trying not to dwell on the sad memories that resurfaced.

As the night grew late, Reo and Rikka walked back to the mansion. The night sky, adorned with stars, looked beautiful, while the cool sea breeze blew gently, carrying a soothing salty scent. They walked side by side in comfortable silence, enjoying the tranquil night atmosphere of Elenmoor.

When they arrived in front of the mansion, Reo stopped and looked at Rikka. "Thank you for today."

Rikka smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "Likewise! And when you get back to the cottage, don't forget to clean your wounds before treating them!"

Reo smiled faintly and nodded. "I know, thanks."

Reo turned around and began walking back towards his cottage. Rikka watched him for a moment before heading inside. Amidst the silence of the night, Reo's footsteps echoed clearly on the rocky road, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. The star-studded night sky seemed so serene, yet the silence of the night suddenly felt heavy and mysterious.

In the night's silence, strange sounds began to fill his ears. Faint whispers, like the wind rustling through the leaves of the trees, but something was unsettling about the sound, something that made his hair stand on end.

"Noa?" Reo asked in a slightly hushed voice. However, there was no answer, only the increasingly intense and disturbing whispers.

He halted his steps. He felt as though something was calling out to him, something lurking in the frightening darkness ahead.

As if? Or was there something calling him?

With caution, he approached the source of the sound, though his heart was filled with uncertainty and fear. Amidst the menacing shadows of the trees, he glimpsed something peculiar, a stone staircase hidden behind dense bushes.

The staircase didn't resemble anything he had encountered in Elenmoor. There was nothing clear about why it was there or where it led. However, the whispers grew louder, as if calling out to him to descend the stairs.

He decided to follow the sound, though his heart was filled with doubt and confusion. He carefully descended the stone staircase, his steps trembling on the slippery stones dampened by the night's dew.

Below, the voices became clearer. Reo felt his heart pounding in the oppressive darkness. Yet, he couldn't stop now. Something awaited him down there.

Something he had to find.

As he reached the bottom of the stone steps, a sudden black mist enveloped him. The air thickened, making it difficult to breathe, and the moonlight that had previously illuminated his path suddenly dimmed under the onslaught of darkness.

Reo struggled to remain calm amidst the oppressive darkness, but the black mist made him feel choked. He attempted to retreat, but his steps were halted by something unseen.

As he tried to dispel the black mist, suddenly the world seemed to spin, and everything became blurred. His voice sounded distant, as if in a different realm. And then, everything went dark.

As his consciousness faded, all he heard was the whisper of the night wind sweeping through the trees, as if conveying a mysterious message from the unknown universe.

I am close.

And with that, Reo plunged into the depths of profound darkness, awaiting whatever might happen next.