
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Heroes Chosen by the Gods

Reo and Rikka strolled along the winding path leading to Rikka's family cottage. The sun still hung high in the sky, casting bright rays that illuminated the tall grass fields surrounding them. The grass swayed gently in the breeze, creating a soothing rustling sound. They passed through the lively expanse of greenery bathed in sunlight.

Giant trees encircled the cottage, providing cool shade and a tranquil atmosphere. Leaves rustled, singing a harmonious natural melody. Cheerful birds chirped from the branches, adding life to the beautiful scene.

The cottage itself appeared humble yet sturdy, crafted from weathered wood. Its small windows offered views of the lush expanse and trees beyond. The walls were adorned with climbing plants, lending a natural and fresh ambiance.

Rikka smiled as she observed Reo's mesmerized expression at the beauty and serenity of the place. "We've arrived! You'll surely love this place, Reo. It's so peaceful!"

Reo nodded, feeling a sense of peace he rarely encountered. "It's chilly here. I didn't expect that, especially so close to the beach."

"Hehe, that's true. Oh, there are often wild animals here like squirrels, deer, and others. So don't be surprised if you see them right outside the cottage!"

"Wow, it feels like we're in the mountains. Haha."

Rikka stepped forward, unlocking the cottage door with the key already in her hand. "Come on in. I'll show you around!"

Reo followed Rikka into the cottage. Inside, a warm and cozy atmosphere greeted them. The main room of the cottage contained simple yet functional wooden furniture. A small fireplace sat in the corner, ready to provide warmth at night. A wooden table with a few chairs filled the center of the room, while bookshelves and some natural decorations adorned the walls.

"This place is so cozy," Reo remarked.

"I'm glad you like it! Your bedroom is on the left, and there's a small kitchen at the back. If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know!" Rikka continued explaining enthusiastically.

As they walked around each room in the cottage, the gentle breeze flowing in through the open windows carried the scent of grass and trees, adding to the serene and natural atmosphere surrounding them.

"Oh yes, there are plenty of places in Elenmoor you can visit if you need anything! First, there's the clinic where Dr. Tiffany works. Next to the clinic, there's a flower shop where we met Lucas before. Not far from there, there's Elen Resto where Ming and Lian work. The food at Elen Resto is very delicious. We should have a meal there together later!" Rikka explained as they sat together in the living room.

"While at the clinic earlier, I met a mother and daughter named Maria and Kayla," Reo added, recalling his encounter at the clinic earlier that morning.

"Oh! Maria owns the shop in the southern part of Elenmoor! Instead of just explaining it in words, how about we tour around the town?" Rikka suggested enthusiastically.

Reo appeared to ponder for a moment, considering Rikka's invitation. He glanced around the cozy cottage and felt the tranquility it offered. However, his curiosity about Elenmoor grew stronger. Eventually, he nodded with a small smile.

"Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to see more of this town," Reo replied.

Rikka cheered softly, delighted to hear Reo's response. "Yay! In that case, I'll start by showing you my favorite spots, and maybe we can sample some local food!"

They both stepped out of the cottage, walking along the winding path surrounded by trees and tall grass. The gentle breeze carried the fresh scent from the fields, adding to the pleasant atmosphere. Rikka walked ahead with light steps, while Reo followed behind her.

Their journey began, and Rikka eagerly pointed out various interesting places along the way. They traversed winding streets lined with rows of brightly colored houses and small shops selling all sorts of goods. The laughter of children playing and the bustling sounds of the busy market echoed in the distance, adding to the liveliness of the city.

Every time they stopped at a place, Rikka happily explained the history and stories behind it. Reo felt increasingly connected to the city, captivated by its charm and the friendliness of its inhabitants.

After some time, they arrived at a grand building with classical architecture made of red bricks and large windows. Above the main door was a plaque that read "Elenmoor Town Library."

Rikka turned to Reo with a wide smile. "Here it is, our town library. This place is filled with rare books and the history of the city. Come on, let's go inside!"

They stepped into the library, greeted by a respectful silence. The room was large and tall, with bookshelves towering up to the ceiling. Sunlight streamed in through the large windows, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

In the center of the room, a girl with a striking appearance sat behind the reception desk. Her hair was long and braided into two, a beautiful turquoise hue contrasting against her pale skin. She wore large round glasses that covered most of her face, giving her an intellectual and reserved aura. Her eyes were a deep red, sharp yet filled with calmness.

Rikka approached the girl with a warm smile. "Hello, Yaan. I'd like to introduce my friend, Reo. He's new to town."

The girl, named Yaan, raised her gaze from the book she was reading. When Reo saw her dark red eyes, he was momentarily taken aback. Dark red eyes were a characteristic of the demon race, and he had never met a demon before. There was something both frightening and captivating in Yaan's gaze.

Yaan nodded slowly. "Welcome to the Elenmoor Town Library, Reo. My name is Yaan. I hope you find what you're looking for here."

Reo tried to conceal his surprise and nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Yaan. This library is amazing."

Yaan gave a small smile before returning to her book. Despite her reserved demeanor, there was a warmth implied in her demeanor that made Reo feel accepted. Rikka glanced at Reo and gestured for him to follow her.

"Come on, I'll show you my favorite section!" Rikka whispered enthusiastically.

They walked amidst the bookshelves filled with various titles and volumes. Rikka carefully pointed out some books she found interesting, telling a little about each one. Reo was impressed by the rich and diverse collection of books, but his mind still lingered on Yaan's red eyes.

"Rikka," Reo whispered as they stopped in a quieter corner of the library, "I have a question."

Rikka turned with curiosity. "Yes?"

Reo hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Earlier, when we met Yaan, I noticed her eyes. They were red. Does that mean she's from the demon race?"

Rikka smiled faintly, understanding why Reo was surprised. "That's right. Yaan is a demon. But don't worry, in Elenmoor, various races live together peacefully. Demons, elves, humans, and others! We all strive to maintain harmony in this town. Oh, besides Yaan, there are other demons living in Elenmoor, although not as many as elves and humans..."

"Oh really?"

"The owner of the town inn, Mrs. Fumiko. She's also a demon, and you know what's even more special?" Rikka winked to make Reo even more curious.


"Fumiko is a descendant of Zagameth, the holder of water magic!" Rikka explained enthusiastically.

Upon hearing this, Reo became even more convinced that there must be more descendants of other heroes living in Elenmoor.

"What about the descendants of others? Do they also live in Elenmoor?"

"That's right! Kayla, whom you mentioned earlier, is one of them. She's the daughter of Olgar, the holder of wind magic."

Kayla. The shy elven girl he met at the clinic earlier. Knowing this, Reo tried to connect the newly acquired information into a cohesive whole.

"Wait, so if Kayla is Olgar's daughter, that means Maria is..."

"Olgar's wife," Rikka interjected.

"B-b-but, Kayla still looks very young! Isn't it strange if she's Olgar's daughter who passed away 50 years ago?" Reo clarified, puzzled.

Rikka paused for a moment before responding. "You know? The lifespan of elves is much longer than that of humans! How old do you think I am?"

"Well, 23 or 24...?"

"Wrong~ I'm actually 44 years old!"

Suddenly, an awkward silence enveloped between them. Reo was still trying to digest the information that the girl in front of him had been alive for 44 years.

"44 years old?! But... you look so young!"

Rikka chuckled softly. "You must be very confused, huh? But, for elves, 44 years old is still considered young!"

Reo wondered silently, astonished by the drastic difference in lifespan among races living in the same world. Elves were known to live up to 350 years, while humans could live up to 120 years, and demons up to 80 years.

"Next, there's a blacksmith in this town named Elberd who is a demon, also a descendant of Barnath, the wielder of lightning element. His swordsmanship skills are truly remarkable!" Rikka continued. "Lastly, Lucas whom we met earlier. He's a descendant of Terados, the wielder of earth magic. Quite fitting for his job as a florist!"

From Rikka's explanations about the remarkable individuals she mentioned, these five people were regarded as 'the respected figures' or even 'the chosen heroes of the gods,' symbolizing peace in the world.

Rikka smiled. "Did my explanation help?"

With his mind filled with new knowledge, Reo nodded. "Yes, it was very helpful."

Rikka walked over to the bookshelf containing historical collections beside them. She pulled out a book and handed it to Reo enthusiastically.



"This is one of my favorite history books! I'm sure you'll enjoy it," Rikka said with a friendly smile.

Reo accepted the book. "Thank you, I'll definitely read it."

After Reo borrowed the book, Rikka invited him out of the library to continue their tour. However, as they explored the city further, they didn't realize that the day was beginning to fade into dusk. The sunlight cast a soft golden hue in the sky, signaling that nightfall was approaching.

Rikka gazed towards the beautiful sunset sky. "Wow, it's already getting late. There's still so much I want to show you, Reo."

The town streets were beginning to glow with flickering street lamps. Golden-yellow lights illuminated the sidewalks, creating a warm atmosphere even as the sun dipped below the horizon. Though the day was growing late, the town remained bustling with activity, with people hurrying home from work or gathering in cafes and restaurants.

The enticing aroma of food began to waft through the air, stirring their hungry stomachs. The distinct scent of freshly brewed coffee, the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, and the spices from the city's signature dishes all melded into an irresistible blend in the evening air.

Reo felt his mouth water as they passed by a bustling café. The fragrant smell of fresh coffee and the sweet aroma of freshly baked cakes only intensified his hunger. He turned to Rikka with a sheepish smile.

"Rikka, would you like to have dinner at Ming's restaurant?"

Rikka nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, yes! Let's go!"

Thanks for reading!

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