
Chapter 01

"One day, one day is all it takes for everything to go to shit, one person, is all it takes to completely and destroy your life, one moment is all it takes to end it all."

Atop a building located in Dubai, the Burj Khalifa, the topmost floor a man is looking out the window at the vast sight before him, the buildings around him, the flashing lights, the people moving living their lives not knowing the horror that can happen to them.

Taking one of the chairs located at the table behind him, launching it at the window in front of him, over and over until finally it gives way and shatters outward glass falling to the streets below, more than likely harming more than one person, but he just doesn't care anymore.

Alarms blaring, people pounding on his door waiting for the manager to let them in, trying to reason with him, he who has lost everything, for what..

Stepping up on the ledge amongst the crunching glass that's left over the door slams open.

"Stop, please don't do anything you'll regret, sir."

Laughing, "regret huh, you think I'll regret this, no I'll finally be free, free from the pain, humiliation, and everything else that comes along with it"

The fear that came upon them was immediate, but they just fear for the reputation of the business, nothing else, I mean the owner of this here building is the cause of all this, what he did to me, to everything I had....

Looking out over the horizon, I guess this is the end huh, letting go of the sides of the window, and tilting forward I start to fall from the topmost part of the building.

As my body raced to meet the ground below the pedestrian's completely unaware of the man falling through the air, his life flashes before his eyes, his wife, kids, parents long gone, maybe he'll see them after, the key moments of his life, marriage, birth of his son, birth of his twin daughters, building his business empire from the ground up, for it all to be taken away at the last moment.

Coming back to his senses still plummeting towards the ground about ¾ of the way now, a crowd has gathered looking on horrified at the sight of someone plummeting, some are horrified, some are dismissive, some by the looks of it are even jealous.

And then it over, instantly, no lasting pain, no nothing...well not nothing, looking around he seemed to be in a room of sorts half white blindingly so, and half black, so dark you can't see through anything, and a being of some sort sat in-between, at a desk?

(Anyone who is not MC will speak with these ~ ~/ MC will speak with "" and think with {} )

~hello, young one, you've certainly had a rough time lately haven't you, bear with me for one second, I am currently dealing with the fallout of your actions~

--- Back on Earth ----

We are at the fallout of the previous man's demise, a splattered mangled body mark on the ground with bits and pieces of his body laying here and there, the being crouching down softly apologises to the formers body, then disappears.

Appearing In front of a man, woman and three children though he is invisible, looks over them and gives of a snarl of disapproval toward the woman and man, the kids had no choice, the courts of man obviously ruled in favour of her, more so because the man beside her paid them all off, just so he could torture the poor soul who ended himself.

Placing his finger on the man he imbues a horrifying sight to be repeated over and over while he sleeps, each and every night he will experience the fall and subsequent death of the man who just took his life, feeling 100% of the pain cause by the impact on repeat for the rest of his life.

The woman will experience the same but unlike the man she will experience it through her former husband's body, what he felt she shall, what he went through so shall she.

The children will be given a link to the former husband who, when they are old enough can decided if they want to join him in his new world, though they won't know the link Is there, until the hit the age of fourteen, his first born is currently 10 and the twins are 8 years old.

Looking at the sight he leaves one last thing within the minds of the children, their fathers feeling for them and how much he actually cared for them, inherently they will know what the man and woman beside them will be lying about how the father hated them.

Disappearing again he leaves and gets back to the soul that is about to be reincarnated.

--- in the soul chamber ---

~Ok my boy, first I would like to apologise for what you went through, THAT was the work of a lower god who is currently in time out, what happened to you was not supposed to happen at all my boy, you were supposed to live a long fruitful life, Sigh. SO, I'll be reincarnating you in one of your families favourite show/movie world, alright *Click* (a roulette wheel appeared) so on this wheel we have a bunch of worlds that you can be reincarnated to, some are more lax than others, like there is the Zombieland world, resident evil world, etc, then there are your more mild show like teen wolf, twilight, underworld, etc, and finally there are the family friendly worlds, shows like Kim possible, Ben 10 etc you get the drift, Oh before I forget there is a special merged world which will be revealed if you land on it, you will also have 4 wishes and 2 spare wishes that will be used for looks and backstory, ok so let's spin the wheel~

The man walking up he grabs one of the spokes on the wheel and spins it for all he is worth, spinning, spinning, worlds passing, attack on titan, spiderman, marvel, DC, teen wolf, the vampire diaries, until It slowly begins to stop appearing that is going to stop on the world of twilight, BUT, it just manages to slip over one more to the merged world.

~Well, well my boy it seems you do in fact have some luck left after all, the merged world consists of three forms of your former worlds past media, 1st is the world of twilight, 2nd is the world of teen wolf, and 3rd is the Inheritance Cycle Universe, now before we advance I would like to ask how you're feeling about all this.~

Author note : worlds wont all appear at one time, the will gradually be introduce, starting to twilight, and eventually to other forms of media passed the three mentioned.

"Well, to be honest at first, I was really kind of I wouldn't say scared, but anxious? On what was going to happen and now that I know what is happening, I'm more than excited, to gain a new life, it's honestly the best option for me, I think, though honestly, I am kind of curious to how thing would pan out with my kids now that I am not there for them anymore. Are you able to tell me what they're life will be like?"

~hmm, I suppose I can give you a slight peace of mind, you first born son will Excel in everything he does, until the age of 14, where like his twin sisters they will have a choice to make, I'll explain that shortly, your twin daughters on the other hand will rise to newfound stardom and become Idol's in their own right, With no influence from anyone, now for the surprise part, each of your children at age 14 have a choice to make, I have placed a link within them, that at age 14 will biologically link with your new self, they will then have to make the choice whether to transfer over to your new world or not and leave everything else behind, until this point you will not know anything regarding their lives, if the decide to transfer you will get a vision of what they have had happen during the years you were gone, so what do you think?~

"Honestly, I'm surprised, I guess is the word I'd say, I thought this would be more, what's the word, chilling given the way I left the world, but I must thank you for giving my children the choice to join me eventually even if they decide not to I won't hold it over them.

Ok so if I recall its 4 wishes I can use for myself and 2 for backstory/appearance, yes?"

*The being in front of me nods*

"OK, so for my first and second wish, I would like to ask for two specific powers from a tv series I watched called heroes,

it would be Micah sanders power Technopathy, - the power to control and manipulate any and all technological machines that are powered by electricity. Initially, his power required physical contact with the device that he intended to influence, but after years of practice and training, his power seems to have grown to the point where he can now manipulate electronics through sheer concentration.

Space/time manipulation - the power to control the space-time continuum, giving him the power to manipulate the flow of time, travel through time, and teleport to any location at will, the ability to teleport both himself and others in physical contact with himself, both through space and time.

The third would be, Life-Force Manipulation - can create, shape and manipulate any and all forms of life forces at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the forces of life in the multiverse and everything connected to them (physical, spiritual, mental, metaphysical, etc). Users of this can achieve anything involving all of the forces of absolute life, that allows all forms of life to grow and flourish throughout all of existence especially with their personal and absolute life-force that dwells within them which they can use and controllable for their own desires.

And finally, the fourth, would be an ability from a creature in a show my son used to watch - Mental Reality Warping - is able to warp reality with ease and at any level he wishes. Even his thoughts can become real. In short, can do anything

For my appearance I would like it to be a man of course and eventually look like this, silverish, white hair with red accents, lean but muscular one eye blood red, the other royal blue. (the cover photo)

Backstory wise, I would like to be born at the beginning of time, the first vampire born from literally darkness, truly immortal, but also a hybrid, werewolf gene within my body, then 'unlocks' when I get my first kill, regardless of circumstance, and also having the inherent ability to sire my own hybrid race, who are able to procreate, naturally.

~well, my boy those are some interesting choices that you've chosen, and while I'd like to rework them since they are quite Overpowered, I know for a fact you will eventually be travelling to different worlds, as such I shall leave them be in exchange for a favour, once you get to a specific world I will be asking to track and deal with someone, and yes he is another reincarnated individual who went rouge, and deal with him in any way you see fit, if this is aggregable with you I shall send you on your way, one more thing until 2—years before canon, you will live on autonomously, though you will retain any memories gained you will have wealth and prosperity as you traverse through time until you awaken, Now let's get you one your way, if you agree that is~

"Well, I can't really pass up getting those abilities now can I so yes, I accept this mission you will have for me, and before you ask no I don't want a system like in all those novels..."

~well I had no intentions on giving you one they are highly overused now anyway, now shall we start this and get you going, no? ~.

The being in front of me lifted his arms as I started to lift of the floor of the area, I'm in, starting to spin, my former body starts to disintegrate in its place is a small gaseous ball, continuing spinning, my new body starts to form, a lean body pack with muscle that will never lose form, long silverish hair begins to grow from my head, my facial features start to come in, and as such a body is born, with it vampiric features inherently there. ( the cover is what he basically looks like minus the long hair at the start of canon)

Dropping to the ground, I look over my new form and nod approvingly, "thank you for this, I'll make sure to live my life to the fullest this time, I guess it's time for my slumber until I awaken again."

~yes, young one now off you go~ *Waves me off*

Hello all, So my aim with this series is to upload twice a week to start off with, i'll hopefully update the amount i Release within time now, i plan for this to be a fairly long series, which will eventually include some world travelling, with him and some others

(his pack and mate, possibly mates, only Alice is currently confirmed, i haven't decided yet on if this will be a harem yet, and even if it is it will only be 3 other at maximum, and they wont all come at once they would all have thier time to shine.)

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