
Twilight's Resurgence

After his wife is brutally murdered by a Nightstalker, Dexter's life takes a dark and twisted turn. As if that weren't enough, a narcissistic, power-hungry man named Reuben Redmond appears on the scene, completely unhinged. To resurrect his beloved from the dead, he needs Dexter's blood. After the ritual, Dexter awakens as a Nightstalker and finds himself in a world that should have already fallen to ruin 400 years ago. While on the run from a traitorous Nightstalker whose mission is to annihilate all bloodsuckers, Dexter seeks to uncover the truth about his wife's death, unwittingly awakening malevolent forces. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Horror
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


The creaking of a coffin lid being torn open jolted Dexter from his slumber. Before he could fully grasp his surroundings, a hand grabbed him by the collar and hurled him from his makeshift resting place. Instinctively, he reached out, attempting to break his fall, rolled onto his feet, and rose as he'd learned during his soldier training.

Reuben stood before him, his face contorted with anger, teeth bared. "How could you allow my beautiful Scarlett to get hurt?" he bellowed at Dexter, his voice so loud it made Dexter contemplate covering his ears. "How dare you vanish with her without my permission?"

"Reuben !" Scarlett appeared in the doorway and rushed between them before the situation escalated. "You're berating the wrong person! It's not Dexter who hurt me; it's this Dreadwind!"

Reuben growled but turned away. "We're flying to that mountain immediately. I'll tear that bastard to pieces!" He stomped out of the room.

"You told him?" Dexter looked at Scarlett in disbelief. He hadn't brought it up, but he'd assumed it was something they'd keep between them. She hadn't mentioned it during the initial days, but she'd been noticeably reserved. Now it seemed the truth had exploded out of her.

"There's a Nightstalker lurking nearby, a powerful one at that. Of course, I told him," Scarlett retorted, giving him a challenging look and gathering her skirts. "Come on now!"

Resigned, Dexter followed her. He hoped they wouldn't crash into the mountain again. His body still ached from the last ordeal, but Reuben didn't grant any mercy. After they each had a sip of blood, they set out.

Throughout the night, they scoured the mountain near Limm, but they found neither their crash site nor an entrance. Three hours before dawn, Reuben finally released them from their futile search, cursing under his breath. It had started to rain, and Dexter could barely place one foot in front of the other after climbing steep slopes.

"If he intends to kill us, he'll reveal himself sooner or later," Reuben growled, transforming into a bat. They pushed through the whipping wind and falling raindrops on their way back to the castle. To Dexter's surprise, Reuben descended near the gate rather than flying to the central tower, as was his usual habit. Caution prompted Dexter to follow suit. A familiar scent overwhelmed him, making his stomach growl.


As he was transforming back to human form, Reuben charged through the gate. The gate was barely more than scattered wooden fragments. "What's going on here?" Scarlett asked as she landed beside him. They exchanged a glance. They wouldn't find out what had happened until they were inside. Together, they followed Reuben into the entrance hall. There, Reuben 's loyal bull, Bartholomew, was frantically pacing. The floor was littered with corpses and drenched in blood. The stench almost overwhelmed Dexter, but the underlying menace in the air kept him composed. The human within him was horrified by the massacre that had occurred here. So many dead... They all wore armor, but Dexter could tell at a glance that they weren't mere city guards.

"What's happening here?" Reuben snarled at the bull, bringing the agitated creature to a halt.

"Master, master, master!" His voice was anxious and desperate. "Please forgive me, sire. There were so many; I did my best, but I couldn't stop them all. What are we supposed to do now?" Bartholomew tossed his head, as if still searching for enemies he could skewer with his mighty horns.

"Of course, we'll kill them! What else?" Reuben 's eyes burned, as if he were on the verge of blowing the entire castle to smithereens. His fangs were fully extended.

"Reuben ! These are humans!" Dexter tried to calm him desperately. Must more lives be lost? Couldn't they let them be and acquire the blood of these children of the apocalypse in peace? It wasn't much better, but at least it would put the humans' blood to some use and spare the carpets from being soaked in vain.

"Yes, humans! In my castle! These vile cockroaches will regret the day they were born!" Reuben stormed past Bartholomew to the door leading further inside. "Master, I'll hold the line here and make sure no one gets in!" Bartholomew called after him.

"No." The Nightstalker paused and slowly turned toward them, a look on his face that Dexter thoroughly disliked. "You'll make sure no one gets out." With those words, he disappeared through the door frame.

"Come on, let's follow him!" Scarlett ran off.

"Wait! Is it necessary?" Dexter followed her halfheartedly. Everything in him revolted against it, and his emotions raged internally. The human in him didn't want this. He didn't want to rob more innocent lives, but his inner beast reveled in the sweet smell of blood and made his mouth water. What kind of monster was he?

"Yes, damn it!" Scarlett called back over her shoulder. "We have to defend our castle! What else do you suggest? Invite them in for tea?"

"What about the skeletons? Why haven't they taken the castle..." he started to ask as they ran through the halls behind Reuben 's fluttering cloak. He nearly stumbled over a pile of bones, and the answer was provided.

"They're only good for cleaning, if even that," Scarlett snorted.

Reuben headed straight downstairs. They didn't encounter anyone on their way. Slowly, it dawned on Dexter where he was leading them: to the magic chamber. Could humans wield magic? If they could, then the spell books in their hands would certainly mean no good.

In the deepest vault, they encountered their first intruders. Two soldiers stood before the door to the magic chamber. If Dexter's heart had still been beating, it would have stopped cold at the sight.

They wore the king's insignia on their armor. These weren't just any knights; they were elite soldiers from Tranak Castle, where their island kingdom was ruled.

The two didn't seem particularly surprised when they spotted the three Nightstalkers approaching. Well, after fighting their way through a castle full of living skeletons, nothing about its owners likely fazed them anymore.