
Twilight's Resurgence

After his wife is brutally murdered by a Nightstalker, Dexter's life takes a dark and twisted turn. As if that weren't enough, a narcissistic, power-hungry man named Reuben Redmond appears on the scene, completely unhinged. To resurrect his beloved from the dead, he needs Dexter's blood. After the ritual, Dexter awakens as a Nightstalker and finds himself in a world that should have already fallen to ruin 400 years ago. While on the run from a traitorous Nightstalker whose mission is to annihilate all bloodsuckers, Dexter seeks to uncover the truth about his wife's death, unwittingly awakening malevolent forces. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Horror
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


He almost expected something to paralyze him, to grab him from behind. But he reached the gate without incident, glaring at the arrow slits along the battlements. Maybe Reuben simply wanted to let him die for his escape attempt? But why the hesitation then? Even as he pondered this, Dexter was sure that Reuben wouldn't just kill him. Death itself was better than a cursed life as a Nightstalker. This bastard likely had more creative ways to punish him for his escape. Summoning his courage, Dexter moved forward. Nothing happened. His steps echoed off the walls, and soon he had left the passage behind. Incredulously, he glanced over his shoulder before turning his attention ahead. He hadn't expected to come this far, but he wasn't safe yet.

Before him, a winding path led down the mountain from the castle's high plateau. The treeline was far below, and he'd remain quite visible from the castle until he reached it. The Nightstalkers wouldn't hear him from here. It would be better if he ran to the trees to quickly vanish from sight.

Determined, he set out. Occasionally, the rocks underfoot threatened to crumble, but he didn't slip. He reached the treeline, stumbling from exhaustion. He leaned on his thighs, waiting for the burning cold to subside in his limbs. Strands of hair fell across his face. Dexter started in shock. Gray. They were... gray. He hadn't cut his hair in a while. Tabitha had liked it a bit longer. She loved running her fingers through it. Now, it was gray, just like Reuben 's. Dexter gritted his teeth. He'd cut it later.

He continued with determination. As the landscape flattened, he left the path and pushed through the underbrush. Reuben and Scarlett would take forever to find him in this dense forest.

He had done it! He had escaped, just like that. His knees trembled, threatening to give way, but Dexter held himself together. Now, he had to put as many miles as possible between him and the castle. When would his pursuers notice he was gone? He didn't want to find out.

Dexter pushed on relentlessly. At some point, it became easier to navigate through the underbrush because someone had cleared a path through it. After brief hesitation, Dexter decided to follow it. Perhaps this would help mask his scent, too, covering up the smell left by whatever creature had come through here earlier. Plus, he was tired of tearing his clothes and getting scratches from thorny vines.

After a while, a wolf's howl echoed through the forest. Dexter looked around. It wasn't too far away. What kind of pathetic slave have I become, a voice suddenly whispered. Dexter started and whirled around. This couldn't be happening. How had Reuben found him so quickly without him noticing?

Silence. There was no rustling in the bushes, no twig snapping to indicate someone approaching. Distant wisps of fog made Dexter feel like he had landed in the middle of nowhere.

Running away like a coward instead of facing your destiny... "Where are you?" Dexter cursed himself for the panic that had raised his voice several octaves. He glanced around frantically, but still, nothing stirred. "Leave me alone! You've got everything you wanted! Just go and leave me in peace!" Tsk, tsk, tsk. So impolite. I will teach you some manners. But for now, you're a good slave, coming back to me. "Never!" Dexter shouted into the woods. He turned around and ran, paying no mind to branches striking his face or underbrush pulling at his clothes. He just wanted to get away from this lunatic.

You're testing my patience, Dexter. Reuben 's voice remained as loud as before. Dexter looked up. Not even a bat was visible between the branches. Was he invisibly following him? Dexter didn't like that thought. He tightened his muscles and ran even faster. For the first time, he was glad he didn't have to breathe.

Dexter once again ducked under a branch, jutting out from the gnarled trunk of an oak tree. The tree seemed strangely familiar. But that couldn't be. He wasn't running in circles, was he? As a test, he turned left, taking different routes, yet ended up back at the oak tree.

If you continue like this, I'll have to set my wolves on you. "Wolves?" Dexter grunted in frustration. "What kind of Nightstalker am I? I'm not afraid of wolves!" A Nightstalker, yes... you still have much to learn. "Oh, really?" Dexter slowed down. Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. "Where are your wolves then? I don't see any!" He had to shout it out, suppressing his growing despair. If you were a bit smarter, you'd use more than just your eyes. Can't you feel them? Dexter hesitated. Angrily, he clenched his fists, scolding himself. He couldn't let Reuben intimidate him. We'll see each other tomorrow. Enjoy yourself! Puzzled, Dexter raised an eyebrow. Was that all? The whole pitiful attempt to stop him? He almost burst into laughter. That bloodsucking scoundrel was even dumber than he'd thought. Disgusted, Dexter spat and prepared to keep moving. Out of nowhere, a wolf appeared before him, blocking his path. Dexter stared at the bared teeth right in front of his eyes, even though the beast's head was menacingly lowered. This creature was considerably larger than he was. The smell of rotten flesh reached his nose. With wide eyes, Dexter stepped back. Behind him, another growl sounded. A glance over his shoulder revealed that he was surrounded. He couldn't stand up to wolves of this caliber. Robbed of all hope, Dexter slumped his shoulders. But what was he pretending for? Tabitha was probably dead. He himself was a monster. Death would probably be a mercy. So this is how he would meet his end. The wolves fell upon him in silence.