
Twilight's Resurgence

After his wife is brutally murdered by a Nightstalker, Dexter's life takes a dark and twisted turn. As if that weren't enough, a narcissistic, power-hungry man named Reuben Redmond appears on the scene, completely unhinged. To resurrect his beloved from the dead, he needs Dexter's blood. After the ritual, Dexter awakens as a Nightstalker and finds himself in a world that should have already fallen to ruin 400 years ago. While on the run from a traitorous Nightstalker whose mission is to annihilate all bloodsuckers, Dexter seeks to uncover the truth about his wife's death, unwittingly awakening malevolent forces. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Horror
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"Wha...?" he began to say but never had a chance to finish the sentence. The grip propelled him forward, past the Nightstalker, slamming him into the stone wall. The air escaped his lungs with a tortured gasp. A sharp pain shot through his head. But the torment was far from over. Dexter was yanked back, dragged across the floor, and slammed into the next wall. The procedure repeated one more time, then the grip vanished suddenly. Dexter slumped to the ground, feeling completely helpless. Every bone in his body ached, and white stars danced before his eyes.

A shadow loomed before him. "Consider this a lesson," the Nightstalker hissed. "From now on, you're my property. I won't tolerate any disobedience and demand unwavering loyalty. To celebrate the day Scarlett has returned to me, I won't punish you further. You have a few hours to think it over, and after that, I expect you to behave as a slave should. From now on, you will address me as Master Reuben ." With one last intense gaze, the Nightstalker turned and offered his arm to the red-haired woman before leaving the room.

Dexter let his head fall against the wall. Tears of despair welled up, tainting his vision with red. He wiped his eyes, not surprised by the blood on his fingers.

How had all this happened? Just a few days ago, he had been leading a quiet, happy life, and now his beloved was dead. He himself had fallen into the clutches of bloodthirsty monsters, and, what was even worse, they had turned him into one of their kind.

He was a Nightstalker, one of those creatures that fed on humans and existed solely for the thrill of killing. Dexter tried to feel inside himself, to listen to his body, and heard... nothing. His heartbeat had vanished; he felt empty. Was there still humanity left in him? A soul? A conscience?

Determined, Dexter clenched his fists. He got up as quickly as his tormented limbs allowed. He would not sit here and mourn his lost humanity. He would never accept being cursed for all eternity. There had to be a way to break this curse, some herb, something. At the very least, Dexter had to try. He wouldn't submit to this fate without a fight. He strode purposefully to the door.

He took a deep breath one last time, more out of habit than necessity, and then turned the handle.

Before him stretched a vast hallway, with a crimson carpet on the floor. The walls were adorned with suits of armor and bookshelves, occasionally interrupted by a door. There was no one in sight. Dexter quietly made his way forward. Candlelight illuminated the wall sconces. He expected the Nightstalker lords to appear and foil his escape plan, but nothing of the sort happened. Over time, he grew bolder, opening a few doors and peeking inside. Most rooms were full of clutter, yet not a speck of dust could be seen. Candles burned everywhere, their wicks neatly trimmed and large enough to last a few more hours. Who took the trouble to maintain a castle of this magnitude?

Once, Dexter found a door leading to a balcony. From there, he had a view of a large courtyard. Several buildings were scattered about, along with some green areas and avenues. The castle was truly immense. How would he ever find his way out of here? At least Dexter now knew that he was on the second floor. To get out, he needed to find a staircase going down. Sighing, he returned inside the castle. If he was already a Nightstalker, why couldn't he transform into a bat like his creator? Speaking of his creator... What did that Nightstalker woman call him? Reuben ? Dexter would never serve that bastard! He'd rather die miserably out there.

Dexter followed the corridor to the end, where he found a stairwell in a corner tower. Relieved, he hurried down two flights. Now he just needed to find a gate that would take him outside.

Dexter advanced grimly. So this was how Reuben 's grand castle would be his downfall. Even a Nightstalker couldn't be everywhere. He didn't have to go far before the corridor opened into a grand reception area. There stood a double iron door. Dexter tentatively pressed down the latch, and to his surprise, the door swung open readily. His supposed new master was far too careless.

He stepped out, and cool morning air greeted him. The sun hid behind a thick veil of gray autumn fog. Beyond a long gravel path, Dexter saw a wall, and its wooden gate was wide open.

Now or never. Dexter sprinted, his boots crunching on the gravel. Reuben or this Scarlett just had to look out of a window by chance, and they would spot him. Walls surrounded a graveyard with dilapidated tombstones, and behind it stretched an abandoned stable. The entire castle was large enough for Klennar to fit inside several times over, but Dexter felt nothing aside from the throbbing pain and exhaustion. No burning muscles, no piercing sides.

He finally reached the gate. It yawed open wide, creating a gap in the drab gray castle wall. It was open, and Dexter could see freedom beyond. With furrowed brows, he scanned his surroundings. Nothing moved. Not even the wind played in the tree branches. Was this a trap or just carelessness? Were there villages nearby? Did the people know that a bloodsucking monster lurked above them? But perhaps it didn't matter to him if his lunch came to him.

Dexter focused on the path ahead. There were only a few meters left to the gate. Step by step, he advanced. It all felt terribly familiar from his nightmares. His breath was frantic, far too loud in the courtyard's silence. Habit made him gasp for air, although he didn't need to breathe when he focused on it.