
Twilight's Resurgence

After his wife is brutally murdered by a Nightstalker, Dexter's life takes a dark and twisted turn. As if that weren't enough, a narcissistic, power-hungry man named Reuben Redmond appears on the scene, completely unhinged. To resurrect his beloved from the dead, he needs Dexter's blood. After the ritual, Dexter awakens as a Nightstalker and finds himself in a world that should have already fallen to ruin 400 years ago. While on the run from a traitorous Nightstalker whose mission is to annihilate all bloodsuckers, Dexter seeks to uncover the truth about his wife's death, unwittingly awakening malevolent forces. Discord: https://discord.gg/xDeXg3jB

Nachtregen · Horror
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


No, not a corpse. It couldn't be. Someone had taken her. It was just so much blood. So much blood.

The trail led out of the village. Dexter panted, a sharp pain coursing through his side as if someone were repeatedly thrusting a knife between his ribs. Only his determination to find Tabitha kept him going. He couldn't give up. She had to be somewhere nearby.

In the past few days, he hadn't noticed anyone suspicious, and no strangers had entered Klennar. He would have noticed in such a small village.

He followed the path through the fields to an apple orchard. He kept losing the trail, only to find more blood spatters shortly after.

When Dexter reached the gnarled apple trees, stretching their bare branches into the wind, he allowed himself a brief pause. It couldn't be real! The trail of blood extended further and there was no one in sight. Had he slept for so long after the scream before he finally woke up? How could the kidnapper have such a lead despite the burden they carried? And then there was all that blood… far too much blood. He struggled to suppress the rising panic. How could a single person lose so much blood?

He could contemplate that later. For now, he had to hurry. He ran again, darting through the apple trees until he reached the plain below the cliffs, at the foot of which Klennar nestled. The blood trail actually led to the rock looming over the valley. The steep ascent led to Limm, the nearest village.

Disbelievingly, he gazed up the steep steps, carved into the stone generations ago. Had the kidnapper carried Tabitha up this climb? Dexter wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for the distinct blood markings. Dexter hailed from Limm and knew every one of its residents—why would the kidnapper, along with Tabitha, take the arduous ascent to reach this secluded village?

He swallowed hard and tightened his grip on his sword. This bastard, whoever they were, had to possess extraordinary strength. But that wouldn't deter Dexter.

Clamping his teeth together, he began the ascent, taking two steps at a time. Several times, he slipped and almost plummeted down the stairs, which would have meant certain death given the height. To his right, the abyss grew deeper as he ascended. Tabitha was his everything, he had to find her. She had to be alive. It mustn't, no, it couldn't be any other way!

It felt like an eternity later when he finally reached the top of the stone stairs. The footpath continued straight to Limm, but the trail of blood took a different route. With furrowed brows, he gazed along the narrow ridge. He was now wedged between the cliff ledge and the towering boulder perched on top. Vaguely, Dexter recalled that his parents had warned him as a child never to set foot on it—not that he had intended to. The ledge was much too narrow to cross carelessly. But the blood drops led right along it.

With a trembling hand, Dexter reached for the rock face. His fingers clung to the cold stone while he carefully placed his first foot on the ridge. Although his other hand would have been helpful for this climb, he dared not sheathe his sword. The weight of the weapon in his hand gave him a sense of security.

He sidled sideways, wary not to look down.

Dexter glanced up at the sky, letting the raindrops splash onto his face. It took an eternity until he finally reached the end of the ridge. There was a ledge, but it was empty. With his heart pounding, he looked around, confirming that there was nothing and no one here but him and a few meager blades of grass. Apart from the path he had come, there was only one other way from the ledge—downward. Dexter swallowed hard. It couldn't be. It mustn't be! What purpose would it serve to drag Tabitha up here only to plunge down with her?

Dexter's feverish gaze wandered to the dark spots on the ground. They didn't lead to the edge of the cliff, but… He spun around and stared at the sheer rock face in front of him. Climbing up there would be impossible, even for one person. Dexter let himself fall to his knees, ignoring the hard ground that painfully pressed against his skin. On all fours, he followed the blood drops one by one until something grazed his head. He jerked in surprise when he realized he was standing right in front of a well-hidden cave entrance. It lay directly in the shadow of the rocks, hardly discernible unless you knew it was there.

Dexter hesitated but then squeezed himself through the narrow entrance. He kept his sword firmly in hand, his heart racing. How he hated caves! It was almost as if he could feel the icy gust of wind on his neck, just like in his dream. But it was only a dream. Those monsters didn't exist anymore, not for a long time.

Dexter caught a glimpse of a faint light in the cave's darkness. His breathing quickened, but he tried to calm himself. He was on the right track. Above all, there was no all-consuming darkness here, accompanied by its bloodthirsty creatures.

Perhaps a gang of criminals had taken refuge here. No, he corrected himself mentally. He'd rather deal with a single criminal. The thought of what they could do to his beloved Tabitha fueled the fire of his anger. Even if there were indeed several bandits, he would take them all on without hesitation to save her.

He withdrew from the passage and hid behind a small rock overhang. Dexter took three deep breaths, then he was ready. With a shout, he leaped into the illuminated cave.

A man with hair as black as night turned toward him. He held Tabitha's body apathetically, as if she were mere livestock. He was dressed in a magnificent black robe, resembling a nobleman from a bygone century.