
Chapter 1

I tried to open my eyes but they remained sealed shut. Hmm maybe I can move the rest of my body I tried once more with new found determination but no such luck everywhere acked as I groaned on frustration I heared a yelp from the side of the... bed I guess.

"Who is there" I said in a surprising croaky voice completely different from the powerful, intimidating voice I was hoping to achieve.

"Dam boy! You really need some water and you might not want to stress your voice 10 yrs is and incredibly long time not to use your voice for" the unknown person said.

"10 years! You know for someone who slept for 10 years I feel terrible" . I groaned

"If you feel terrible now just wait till I am done with you I slowly but surely torture you till you die" it snarled.

The way it stalked towards me was like a predator would to a prey I couldn't see but I could sense it ever since I had woken up I had felt a dark ominous presence looming around the shadows. I wouldn't die like this no matter what. There was probably someone out there who loved me before I lost my memories and I would find that person along with memories, no matter what and no one would get in my way not even this creep. Anger powered me and I was finally able to move my body. Anger raging as an illminious light filled the room growing brighter and hotter withy rage. What kind of voodoo rubbish was this..