

  TITLE: War Is Coming

  Sitting up on the mat, I stared down at the clothes, wondering what could be inside. Giving in to my curiosity, I started searching the clothes one after the door, and soon, a small book fell from the clothes, and glowed on my face.

  With a trembling hand, I picked the book, and opened to the first page, but it was blank. I gulped down nothing nervously, as I felt my curiosity, eating me up, pushing me to open to the next page, and as I did, I realized it was all blank. Letting out a deep sigh, I kept the book back in the place, and stood up, before walking out of the room.

  Walking straight to my room, I sat on my mat, and cuddled myself on it, as I let my thoughts take over me. So many questions kept rushing through my mind, which were all left unanswered. Just what is going on here? Why is everything blank? I know there's something written in the book, I know there's a secret behind it, but just what is the secret?