

  TITLE: Moon goddess, Save me

  Octavia POV

  Raising my gaze, I was met with the back view of a man, standing elegantly, just a few paces away from me.

  I stared at the man, standing with his back, facing me. He was dressed in all black, his thick black shiny hair, clinging to his head, his strong and intimidating aura, was one of a hell. Even if he wasn't looking at me, I know his face must be one of those scary faces the characters do take in wolf series. I've read so many books, that's what keeps me company back at home, I read mostly about werewolves. If you're wondering who taught me how to read, then mother Lia comes in. She's my tutor, she taught me almost everything I need to know, she taught me how to read, how to control my powers, and every other things, which I need to know as a werewolf.

  My heart came thumping heavily against my chest, like it'll pop out anytime soon, as I couldn't help, but drool over the demi god, standing before me. If his back view is this perfect, only heaven knows, what his front view will look like, but one thing I was convinced about, is that he wouldn't be as handsome as the weird guy back in the woods. I don't think I'll ever see someone as handsome as he is.

  I was jolted back to reality, by the sound of footsteps, and that was when it dawned on me, that I needed to hide myself, I'm sure he wouldn't spare me, if he lay his eyes on me, his aura is too strong for him to be a merciful man, he looked dangerous, and can harm me. Crawling my way behind the flower, I hid myself there, praying silently that he don't lay eyes on me, just a tilt of his head, will unite me with my doom.

  I peeked out of the flower, to see the side of his face, he had a curious look on, I guess he suspected that someone is here.

  In as much as I wanted to see his face, and see what he looks like, I didn't wanna risk my life, doing that, no! I don't wanna get killed.

  I heard footsteps, drawing closer to where I was hiding, and a strong wave of fear gripped me, as I clutched my chest, breathing heavily, and trying to calm myself, from screaming and submitting myself, before he caught me. I kept praying silently, making all sort of promises inside of me. Moon goddess, please save me, I promise to listen to my mom next time, if you save me from this situation, I don't want to die.

  "Your highness." I heard a female voice from the background, and the footsteps stopped abruptly.

  I gasped at the mention of that, my hutch was right, he isn't just an ordinary werewolf, he's our very own Alpha, the most dangerous creature that ever walked on the phase of planet earth, the man, said to be the most heartless man, that kills for fun. I've heard so much about him, and all of the things I heard, were all bad, nothing is good about him, just his handsome face.

  Mother said that he's the most handsome werewolf, amongst others, even in the other packs, but I doubt that, I don't think any werewolf, can be as handsome as the one I saw back in the woods.

  Now that I thought about everything mom told me about this man, fear gripped me, coz I know he would never spare me, if I eventually got caught, he kills brutally, and doesn't even feel bad about it, I guess it's what he does everyday.

  "Speak!" His cold voice came on, with a dark and intimidating aura, surrounding it. His voice was one of the sweetest I've ever heard, yet, the most dangerous one, which my ears ever get a glimpse of. The handwriting was very obvious in his voice, he's a dangerous man.

  "Alpha Jake is here." The feminine voice said, with a quivering voice. He must really be someone dangerous, to make her voice quiver.

  An awkward silence filled the atmosphere, that even the sound of a pin drop could be heard.

  In as much as I wanted to peek out, and check what was going on, I didn't wanna make my death wish just yet, I know looking out of the place, will be like going on a suicide mission, the devil is still around, I didn't need anyone to tell me, because his scent and aura still filled the entire place.

  I heard retreating footsteps, and soon, the aura and scent disappeared slowly, making me heave a sigh of relief, letting out the breath, which I've been holding back unknowingly.

  "That was close." I whispered. I crawled out, and checked if anyone was around, and when I saw no one, I crawled my way out of the garden, through the route I took in, not after plucking from the beautiful flower.

  I stride through the woods, taking the route I took to the garden, and soon, I was at the outskirt of the pack, where our house was located. I looked around carefully, to be sure nobody was watching, before I finally walked inside our house, and locked the door behind me.

  Since mother and father were already sleeping, I went straight to my small old room, and laid on my mat tiredly, as I felt my wolf relieved, that it was finally going to get a rest. Soon, nature came knocking at the door, asking to be given its right, which I've deprived it of for hours, and without objecting, I gave in to it, as I let nature take me to wherever it wishes, soon, I was already in deep slumber, finding myself in dreamland...

  Alpha's POV

  My mind kept drifting to the incident back in the garden, as I walked through the hallway, going to the dinning room. I know it wasn't just my illusions, I felt a presence, I smelt the scent of a wolf, but why didn't I see anything? Could it be that someone dared to sneak into my garden?

  "Cmon stop thinking about this already Khalid, you know no one dares to do that, knowing what you're capable of doing, it must be your illusions. You've been angry since daylight, maybe that's the cause of it." My subconscious mind, tried convincing me, and I sighed softly.

  The guards and maids kept bowing to me, as I strode pass them, maintaining a straight face, till I got to the large door to the dinning room. The guards, guarding the dinning, bowed to me, before opening the door, after which I stepped in elegantly.

  I walked over to the dinning and sat together with Jake and others, who were eating.

  "Long time friend." Jake smiled at me, as he took a sip from the wine he was served.

  "Yeah." I said simply, not giving him a glance. I hate talking alot.

  One of the maids came rushing to serve me, but tripped over nothing, and fell flat on the floor, spilling the wine she was holding, all over my body.
