
Twenty Ninety

Jax, a 23-year-old man, finds himself in a strange and chaotic future in the year 2090. Along with thousands of other people, he wakes up in a massive arena without any knowledge of how or why they were brought there. The atmosphere is tense as everyone is confused and frightened by the situation. Jax, however, is determined to find a way back to the past and begins his quest for answers. As he explores the futuristic world around him, he encounters strange new technologies and discovers that the world has undergone significant changes since his time. He meets other survivors who share his goal of returning home, and together they begin to unravel the mystery behind their displacement. As Jax delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a sinister plot by a group of scientists who have been experimenting with time travel. He realizes that they are responsible for bringing him and the others to this future as part of their twisted experiment. However, their experiments have gone awry, and Jax and his fellow survivors are now trapped in this time period. The conflict rises as Jax and his team must navigate through various obstacles to uncover the truth about the experiment and find a way back to their own time. They face numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, hostile factions, and the ever-present threat of being captured by the scientists. The stakes are high as Jax and his team race against time to find a way back home. They experience many setbacks along the way, but their determination never wavers. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they discover the key to their escape: a secret portal that leads back to their own time. In a climactic scene, Jax and his team confront the scientists responsible for their predicament and succeed in shutting down their operation. With the portal now open, Jax and the others make their way back to their own time, leaving behind the strange and terrifying world of 2090. In the end, Jax returns home a changed man, having learned valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, and the power of friendship. He realizes that even in the face of impossible odds, anything is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Nirv · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


As the group ventured further into the desolate landscape, the sun cast long shadows over the crumbling ruins of a once-great city. The silence was unnerving, broken only by the distant howl of the wind and the occasional skittering of unseen creatures in the rubble. Jax looked around, his eyes scanning for any signs of danger.

"According to Ariel's intel, there are two major factions in this wasteland: the Raiders and the Technocrats," Lyla said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to be extremely cautious."

"Raiders, huh?" Kaiden mused, twirling a knife between his fingers. "Sounds like my kind of people."

"Focus, Kaiden," Jax reprimanded, his gaze never leaving their surroundings. "Our priority is finding that time travel device and getting back to our own time. We don't have time to make friends."

"Or enemies," Ariel added somberly, her dark eyes reflecting the weight of her knowledge.

As they picked their way through the ruins, Seraphina suddenly froze, raising a hand to signal for quiet. "I hear something," she murmured, her ears straining to catch the faintest sound.

"Where?" Jax asked, tensing up.

"Up ahead. Voices."

"Technocrats or Raiders?" Ariel questioned, her hand instinctively going to her sidearm.

"Can't say yet," Seraphina replied.

"Let's approach cautiously," Jax instructed. "If we can avoid conflict, we should."

The group crept closer, taking cover behind pieces of debris. As they approached the voices, they saw a group of heavily armed individuals clad in makeshift armor, adorned with a motley assortment of spikes and chains - clearly Raiders.

"Hey!" one of them shouted, spotting the group. "Who are you?"

"Easy now," Kaiden said, stepping forward with his hands raised. "We're just passing through. We don't want any trouble."

"Trouble?" the Raider sneered. "You wandered into the wrong territory for that, friend."

"Listen," Jax interjected, his mind racing to come up with a solution as he joined Kaiden. "We have no interest in your battle with the Technocrats. We're searching for something, and we'll be out of your way as soon as we find it."

The Raider leader narrowed his eyes, assessing Jax's sincerity. "And what exactly is it you're looking for?"

"An artifact," Ariel replied cautiously. "It has the power to send us back to our own time."

"Time travel?" another Raider scoffed. "Sounds like Technocrat nonsense to me."

"Look," Lyla reasoned, her voice calm and measured. "We don't have anything against either faction. If you let us pass, we promise not to interfere with your activities."

"Or maybe," Seraphina added, her voice dripping with honeyed venom, "we could even help you in your fight against the Technocrats."

"Seraphina, no," Jax hissed, shooting her a warning look.

"Interesting," the Raider leader mused, stroking his unshaven chin. "Perhaps we can work something out."

"Fine," Jax conceded, inwardly cursing their lack of options. "But we need to find the device first. The sooner we complete our mission, the sooner we can assist you."

"Very well," the Raider agreed, but his eyes held a cold, calculating glint. "But cross us, and you'll regret it."

"Understood," Jax replied, his voice firm but cautious.

"Let's move," Lyla urged, casting a wary glance at the Raiders as the group proceeded deeper into the wasteland.

"Trust no one," Jax thought, his heart heavy with the burden of keeping his friends safe in this unforgiving world. "Especially not ourselves."

The group trudged on, their worn boots sinking into the gritty sands of the wasteland. Ariel's eyes scanned the horizon, squinting against the harsh sunlight that glared off the crumbling buildings in the distance. The air was thick with tension, each member of the team acutely aware of their uncertain alliance with the Raiders.

"Watch out!" Kaiden shouted, lunging for Jax and yanking him back just as a metal spike shot out from the ground where he had been about to step.

"Thanks," Jax muttered, his pulse racing as he stared down at the trap. "We need to be more careful. This place is littered with obstacles like these."

"Keep an eye on Seraphina," Ariel whispered to him, her voice barely audible over the howl of the wind. "I don't trust her."

"Neither do I," Jax admitted, his gaze flicking to the sly smile that played upon Seraphina's lips as she spoke quietly with one of the Raiders.

"Is it this way?" Lyla asked, pointing ahead towards a twisted mass of metal and debris blocking their path.

"Let me check," Kaiden replied, kneeling to examine a dusty map drawn on parchment. "Yes, we should be close now."

"Good," Jax said, clenching his fists. "The sooner we find this artifact, the sooner we can get out of here."

As they picked their way through the treacherous terrain, a sudden cry of pain echoed through the air. Spinning around, Jax saw Ariel crumpled on the ground, clutching her leg, a wickedly barbed arrow protruding from her calf.

"An ambush!" Lyla shouted, unsheathing her sword as shadowy figures emerged from the rubble, weapons raised.

"Seraphina, help me!" Jax called out, but as he looked around, he saw that she had vanished.

"Where did she go?" Ariel gasped, her eyes wide with pain and betrayal.

"Traitor!" Kaiden snarled, unleashing a torrent of fire at the approaching Raiders. "She's been working with them all along!"

As Jax fought to protect his friends, his heart seethed with anger. It was Seraphina's treachery that had led them into this ambush, and now Ariel was injured because of it. He swore to himself that if they survived this, he would find Seraphina and make her pay for her deception.

"Focus!" Lyla urged, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. "We can't let them win!"

"Right," Jax agreed, gritting his teeth as he unleashed a flurry of attacks against their enemies. "We'll get out of this alive, and then we'll deal with Seraphina."