
Chapter 01: The beginning of the clock

2-3-1 Nagata-chō, Tokyo

Japanese Prime Minister's Residence

"So this is how a Prime Minister celebrates the new year, Interesting."

"Well I need to behave properly or I'll lose my job but what can I do man. See this party. We have so many beautiful ladies, lots of delicious food and not to forget drinks. I am really enjoying this moment man after all the cop work the entire year I think this will be a perfect reward for my soul."

"Ray Yamamoto, Nice to meet you myself, general Yagi."

"Good evening general, how're you doing. I guess you're stocking the ladies here, like me."

"Ha ha ha Ray you're funny as always but I am here for a different reason. According to my sources, a top-secret terrorist organization is planning to attack the prime minister and we all need to be awake."

"Be assured general I am always in action for these kinds of stuff and I have already checked the entire hall and every guest invited, so rest assured general."

"If you are the head of security Ray I am assured that nothing will happen to the Prime minister. There is no doubt why you are the best officer of the department Ray."

"Attention everyone who has gathered here, Myself Yagawa Yuzu, and I am the prime minister of the country of Japan. As you all know, today we all have gathered here to celebrate the new year together. I hope we all have a great, happy, and prosperous new year."

"Let"s all countdown together and welcome the new year 2025."











"What happened, why is everything dark, what happened, General where are you, where is everybody, I can't see anything."

Suddenly a white light appears and Ray starts to move in the direction of the light coming.

"What happened to the hall and where are all, we were all counting down the numbers and suddenly everything went black."

"I need to act as fast as possible to find everybody, I don't know but I think someone attacked with some smoke bomb."

Suddenly Ray enters a plain white area where it has nothing but endless white land.

"Where the hell I am. Is this some kind of illusion or am I am teleported to some weird place."

Suddenly Ray listens someone is laughing behind him, Ray immediately turns back and what he is able is see is a black shadow laughing.

"What in the freaking world are you?"

"I am the one which all of the human race call 'Death'".

"Death, what do you mean by this. If this is some sort of prank I will not spare anyone of you."

"Ha ha ha, I like how every human who meets me and never believes that they have died."

"Died, what the hell are you talking about. I was at the prime minister's avenue and we were celebrating the new year, we were counting down and the moment we said 1 and the next moment I was here. How the hell can I die."

"Strange isn't it but I will tell you that you are dead my friend."

Ray was in utter shock. He just couldn't believe that in just a mere second he was dead. He started to death about how he died and what happened to others.

"So death I just want to ask you one question, how the hell I died?"

"I can't tell this Ray."


"As a Death god I have some regulations to follow and one rule is that I can't tell you the reason for your death but."

"But what, tell me."

"You know I am freaking tired of this shit. Every time someone dies there soul comes to me and all I have to do is to watch their soul that they can't escape but now this is not going to happen again."

"What are you talking about, I can't understand a single word."

"Ray do you loved your life."

"Yes of course but why?"

"You know as a death god I have a ton of powers and one of my power helps me to give back the soul of a dead person but."

"But what god, tell me."

"But it has a price to pay."

"What price?"

"You know Ray Yamamoto I can make you alive again but under one condition."

"What condition is that, tell me I will accept any condition to be back alive."

"Twelve Days."

"Twelve days?"

"Yes, twelve days. I can change the time and the world will be altered twelve days before everyone died. But after the twelfth day is over I will personally take back our soul from your body."

"So you will make the entire world go twelve days back before the incident happened?"

"Yes, my friend."

"But how will this benefit me, I mean after the twelfth day I will die again."

"This is not how it works Ray. You have twelve days in your hand to catch the one who killed you all and if you find him before the twelfth day, you can have some time to live. Interesting isn't it?"

"Yes, but I have a doubt."


"Why are you helping me and breaking the laws of the gods?"

"You know I been the god of death for millions of years and the thing I could freely do is capturing the dead soul but this time it's different. This time I have the soul of the best cop in Japan and I just can't waste it. This hunt will be so exciting I just cannot wait to see it."

Ray start's to think in his mind.

"So this is the reason why the death god is leaving me, but even if he is letting me live, I only have twelve days and this would be tough to find the criminal as I don't have the reason behind my death and how I was killed. this would be a million times tough than a normal case but you know I am ready to face this challenge."

"So Ray, what is your decision? Are you going to agree with my conditions or just going to die without knowing the cause."

"I am ready death god and I am accepting all your conditions to let me live 12 days so I could find my murderer."

"Oh, finally I will be getting to see some nice entertainment my boy but be aware as per the conditions you are agreeing on the moment the twelfth day is finished the next second your soul is coming back to me."

"I know death god but you know want even I am now feeling excited to live again even if it's only twelve days I will make sure that this would be the best twelve days of my life and the worst for my murderer."

"Oh my my this is really going to be fun now let's start the ritual and by the way Rey you will be feeling a little pain."

"What hey stop I am not going to take pain again."

"Sorry but now you can't take it back see you after twelve days Rey and be sure to find the reason for your death, my friend."

"This will be a hell of a ride."

The death god uses his power and reverses the time of earth by twelve days before the incident at the prime ministers avenue and hence the adventure of Rey finding his murderer and the reason for his death begins.

Twelve days ago, at Ray Yamamoto's house:

"Huh, what is this, how am I here. Is this some kind of dream again. Oh right I now remember, I was killed at the prime minister's avenue and I met the death god and he reversed the time by twelve days before that incident. Today is 20th December 2024 which means on 31st December 2024 at correct 11:59:59 pm I will be killed."

"I need to hurry cause I have only 12 days to catch my murderer before the death god takes my soul back."

"This will be the toughest case of my life but you know want I will solve it no matter what it takes cause there is a reason why I am the best cop in the Tokyo police department."

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