
Twelve Immortal Paths

When destiny dealt a cruel hand to Yang Kai, causing his demise by slipping on a treacherous banana peel during a crucial martial arts competition. Even the celestial forces were stirred by his unfortunate demise, leading to his transmigration to Earth, a realm reminiscent of his previous world, where the pursuit of mighty cultivation reigned supreme. In this new world, he was notorious as a worthless individual, wedded to the breathtakingly beautiful and exceptionally talented daughter of the esteemed Mu Clan. It was an inauspicious beginning, as destiny toyed with him once more as he was discovered in his mother-in-law's bed on the night of his wedding...

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7 Chs

Dragon Heart Scripture

As Yang Kai sprinted closer, an unforeseen misstep caused him to lose his footing, hurtling him toward the figure standing before him.

Desperately attempting to regain his balance, he instinctively reached out, his hand inadvertently landing on something soft and full.

Despite his efforts, the fall was unavoidable, and both he and the figure tumbled into Yang Kai's room, their bodies entangled in an unexpected embrace.

Driven by instinct, Yang Kai couldn't resist squeezing his hands once more, only to be met with a resounding slap.

"Yang Kai, you pervert!" The figure exclaimed, her palm connecting with his cheek.

The impact sent Yang Kai hurtling through the air, crashing against the room's interior. He coughed, his breath ragged, as he looked up in astonishment.

"Xuanxuan!?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.

Her face flushed crimson, Mu Xuanxuan quickly covered her chest with her arm, and a mixture of embarrassment and anger appeared on her face.

Without uttering a word, she turned and hastily fled from the room.

Stunned by the unexpected turn of events, Yang Kai slowly picked himself up from the floor, wincing at the pain throbbing in his cheek.

'Must be my lucky day,' he thought wryly, a tinge of frustration evident in his inner monologue. He couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment and self-deprecation at his clumsiness.

It seemed that his ability to stumble into awkward situations was becoming a defining characteristic.

Brushing off the dust from his clothes, Yang Kai let out a sigh of exasperation. "Falling over... not exactly my best talent."

He made a mental note to be more cautious and mindful of his surroundings in the future. The last thing he needed was a reputation as a perpetual klutz.

Yang Kai decided to ignore the incident between him and Mu Xuanxuan as he wouldn't even know what to say.

As exhaustion settled over him, Yang Kai surrendered to the weariness that had accumulated throughout the day.

He found solace in the comfort of his bed, closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift into a deep slumber.

When he finally opened his eyes, the room was dimly lit, indicating that several hours had passed.

Glancing at the clock, he realized that it was still early, with plenty of time before dinner. A desire to escape the confines of the estate and clear his mind prompted Yang Kai to make a decision.

He decided to go for a stroll outside of the Mu Estate.

As he left the Mu Estate, Yang Kai pondered the path that lay ahead in his current existence.

One question weighed heavily on his mind—the whereabouts of the Immortal Scriptures. It remained an enigma, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled.

"Argh!" Yang Kai grew frustrated over the fact that the system didn't leave any clues about the Immortal Scriptures.

Lost in his vexation, he was abruptly jolted by a firm grip on his shoulder. Startled, he turned to find a figure dressed in black, their arm drenched in blood.

Before Yang Kai could utter a word, the mysterious individual retrieved a book, its pages stained with their own blood. Urgently, they spoke, "Take this and guard it with your life. Bring it to the Shi family in the capital, and you will be generously rewarded!"

With those words, the mysterious man swiftly vanished, leaving Yang Kai stunned and clutching the blood-stained book.

As Yang Kai's mind raced with questions and curiosity, an inner voice cautioned him against hastily delving into the contents of the blood-stained book.

However, a strange intuition urged him to exercise caution and resist the temptation until he returned to the safety of the Mu Estate.

Yang Kai carefully concealed the book in his clothes and hastily returned to the Mu Estate

Unbeknownst to him, a group of shadowy figures in black gathered in the area he was at minutes after he left, their conversation carrying a sense of urgency.

"How did you let him slip away?!"

"Locate him before the Mu family becomes aware of our activities within their domain! If the scripture falls into the Mu family all will be lost!"


Upon reaching his room at the Mu Estate, Yang Kai hurriedly closed the door behind him, eager to examine the mysterious book he had obtained.

Pulling out the blood-stained book, he attempted to open it, only to discover that it was tightly sealed shut as if bound by an invisible force.

Perplexed, Yang Kai carefully inspected the title of the book, even though the words were partially obscured by the dried blood. It read, "Dragon Heart Scripture."

A realization dawned upon him, prompting an idea. "System, scan this book,"


A response echoed in his mind, indicating that the book had been recognized by the system. The message that followed brought both excitement and curiosity.

"You have discovered the first Immortal Scripture and activated the Hatred system. Additional features of the system have been unlocked."

"As a noble Peel Master, your task is to incite others to fall deeper into hatred. The more furious they become, the more Hatred points you will acquire."

"Hatred points can be utilized for gambling, purchasing items, techniques, and more! Good luck, Peel Master!"

The Dragon Heart Scripture vanished from his hands as the voice from the system finished.

Yang Kai couldn't contain his astonishment. "Holy sh*t!" he exclaimed, overwhelmed by the realization that he had stumbled upon the first scripture during his leisurely stroll.

Although the mysterious person had instructed him to deliver the scripture to the Shi family for rewards, Yang Kai's instincts told him otherwise.

He could easily guess that the Immortal Scriptures held immense value, and the Shi family would undoubtedly resort to extreme measures to silence anyone in possession of such a precious scripture.

Lost in his contemplation, Yang Kai's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a gentle knock on his door.

Startled, he turned his attention to the maid standing outside, who informed him that dinner was ready.

Following the maid's lead, Yang Kai made his way to the dining area. As he entered the room, he was met with the presence of his in-laws and his wife, Mu Mengyan.

"Yang Kai, you're here. Come, take a seat," Mu Zhangwei greeted him.

Lin Yingmi, on the other hand, couldn't hide her contemptuous expression. The air seemed to crackle with tension in her presence.

Suddenly, a message from the system appeared in Yang Kai's mind.

"You have incited hatred in Lin Yingmi for +225... +225... +225... Hatred points!"

Caught off guard by the unexpected notification, Yang Kai stumbled slightly, his mind racing to comprehend the system's functioning.

A realization dawned upon him – the system was tallying the Hatred points he accumulated from provoking others.

'So it works like this?' Yang Kai laughed inwardly, 'She can't stand the sight of me...?'

Taking a seat, Yang Kai glamoured at all the luxurious food in front of him.

Another message from the system flashed in his mind.

"You have incited hatred in Mu Xuanxuan for +600... +600... +600... Hatred points!"

Surprised by another intense surge of Hatred points, Yang Kai glanced across the table.

His gaze met Mu Xuanxuan's furious glare, her eyes seemingly ablaze with animosity. If looks could kill, he would have met a thousand deaths.

Lin Yingmi noticed her youngest daughter's unusual behavior and inquired, "Xuanxuan, is there something wrong?"

Mu Xuanxuan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she quickly responded, "No..."

Yang Kai, momentarily preoccupied with thoughts of the Dragon's Heart Scripture, was reminded of the incident that had ignited Mu Xuanxuan's anger.