
TWD: The walker slayer

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Movies
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

After exiting the trailer with my sword, I started my trek towards the sheriffs departement where they had a weapon cache. I ran along the street with the sword on my shoulder as I kept an eye on my surroundings. Reaching the office, I entered and made my way through the halls. I didnt encounter any walkers so the trip was quick.

I made it to a caged door with pretty hard locks which I just destroyed with my sword before entering. I located a couple of duffle bags and started to pack up all the guns I could find except the famous revolver that Rick carried through the entire show. They filled three entire bags including the ammo. I slung the bags over my shoulders, grabbed my sword and started to leave. Thankfully, I never encountered any walkers before reaching my truck again. I just entered again and put all of my loot away before exiting, this time with one of the handguns with a silencer attached. I jumped into the drivers seat and drove towards the local supermarket.

Arriving outside the supermarket, I parked the truck and entered. Immediatly after entering, I saw a group of walkers. I just grabbed my sword and split the first one down the middle. The other walkers noticed me and started to approach me as well. I just kept cleaving them in half as I made my way inside.

It took me nearly fifteen minutes to finally enter the store. I could see that I wasnt the first to raid this place, but I was damn sure that they hadnt managed to grab everything. So I started to grab all that I could find, including baby formula since I knew that I sooner or later would link up with Ricks group where I knew a baby would be born. I made sure to stock up on alcohol and cigarettes as well as snacks and candy. Never know when you might need that. I quickly got all of the stuff into the trailer before leaving for the nearby hunting and wildlife store. Here I got knives, rifles and more ammo. I also got a lot of usefull stuff like fishing poles, lines, baite and more. I just got it to my truck before finally closing the hatch and driving off again.

- Timeskip one day.

I had been driving for nearly a day. I was headed for Atlanta since I knew that was where the rest of the group would be. I didnt know if they already arrived or not, but it was worth the shot. It took me a while though considering that cars littered the roads after being abandoned. I also stopped at each store I came by to loot them. Nothing exciting there.

I could finally see Atlanta in the distance, but since I knew they would set up in a nearby quarry, I set course for it immediatly.

- Third person POV.

It had been two weeks since the shitshow began. We had been ordered to evacuate to the safe zones that had been created, but we soon saw that they had started to bomb areas where the dead had risen. It had been a big scare for many, but we still headed towards Atlanta. We soon found out though, that the safe zones had been overrun by the dead and started to flee. There were a group of us that stuck together and had found ourselves a spot in a nearby quarry where it was relatively safe to stay.

Today however seemed to be different. Dale Horvath, our scout noticed a sound that seemed to approach our location and made the rest of us aware of it. He soon called out.

"Guys, its a damn truck."

We were stunned. Not only was there another survivor nearby, but he was headed in our direction. There were many of us that started to flock together to see who this newcomer is. It didnt take long for the truck to slowly park near our camp. It was soon turned off and a tall man stepped out of the truck.

- Alex POV.

I had arrived at the quarry and saw that the group had noticed me as well so I just said.

"Well I`ll be damned. There are others as well."

This seemed to bring them out of their shock since they started to head towards me at a fast speed. They soon arrived at my position and started to speak all at once.

"Hey hey, one at a time." I spoke loudly enough so that they could hear me. This caused them to quiet down. A woman soon spoke up.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"The names Alex. Came here to hide out but found you lot instead."

A man spoke next.

"Are you alone?"

"Yup, since the beginning." They started to murmur at my words, but a man that I could recognise stepped forward.

"Well damn, Shane Walsh. You came here too?" I asked in a fake surprise, though this seemed to surprise him too.

"You know me? I dont believe we have met."

"Sure I know you. I lived next to the sheriffs office back in King."

"Well look at that. Youre that guy that bought a semi a month before this all went to shit."

"Sure am. Im also the guy that raided that damned supermarket after the place was cleared out. You guys seem to need a bit of supplies, so why dont we have a look at the stash?"

They all seemed happy at that and followed me to the back of the trailer. I started to open the hatch and let the others look inside. They seemed surprised at sheer amount of food and equipment that I had stocked up.

"Holy shi- how in the world did you manage to get so much?" Asked a young asian boy wearing a baseball cap.

"Well after my retirement I decided to buy a truck and travel a bit, but when it all went to shit I started to stock up on stuff." He nodded at that answer.

"Well there isnt any shortage on food to say the least." A Blonde woman said.

"You got that right." A younger blonde answered. However Shane seemed to have noticed something else.

"How in the world did you manage to get your hands on so many weapons?" He asked, causing the others to also notice all the weapons I had stocked.

"Well a trip at a hunting store and a certain sheriffs office helped with that." I said while sending a sly smirk at Shane.

"It also helped that I had some guns of my own before everything."

"Guns of your own? Why did you have those?"

"A habit. After the army I just couldnt lay down my guns entirely, so I got some to keep around."

This seemed to answer most of their questions as I jumped into the trailer and started to throw food at them. I didnt throw to much seeing as I was going to need it.

"What about the guns?" Shane asked.

"The guns are more of a precaution. I just got here and Im willing to share food, but weapons, no not yet at least." This didnt sit well with shane, but what could he do.

I grabbed my sword and jumed out. I could see the eyes of the others nearly pop out as they saw a sword that was nearly as bit as myself.

"Just gonna train. Gotta keep my skills sharp." I said while shutting the doors. I started to walk away and started to swing my sword.

- Timeskip a month and a half.

It has been two months since the outbreak happened and it should be about time for Rick to show up. I had spent this month getting to know the other survivors.

First was Glenn. He was the young asian guy with the cap that I met the first day. He was the go-fetch guy of the group seeing as he was the stealthiest of us.

Andrea was the older blonde. She Is the older sister of Amy, who was the younger blonde that I met.

Next was the Dixon brothers. The older brother, Merle was a racist hillbilly who cared more about shooting his gun than anything else. Then there was the younger brother, Daryl. He was equally as agressive, but much more reasonable to speak to. I also managed to form a pretty good friendship with him over time.

Then there was Dale. He was easily the oldest of us, being in his late fifties and all. He used to hunt a lot, so he knows how to handle a rifle. He mostly sit on top of his RV and keeps watch for walkers and other survivors.

We have Carol, her husband Ed and their daughter Sophia. Carol and Sophia are nice and all, but Ed is a piece of shit. I have on more than one occasion caught him abusing his wife and had to put him in his place.

Finally we had the golden trio, Lori, Carl and Shane. The three that came from King like me. Shane was the de-facto leader of the group, even though I managed to pretty much take over from him because of my charisma and food, dont forget the food. Carl was the young son of Rick Grimes and Lori. He was a nice kid and had started to call me uncle. Finally Lori. Shes a bit of a bitch, thinking that since she was a supposed widow that everything should come falling to her like she was gods gift to mankind. Though after getting to know her she is pretty okay in my books.

There were many more living in the camp, but most of them I knew were going to die soon.