
TVirus System

My name is Aleck Yin. I have a system. with this system, I have the power to grow nonstop. the system that I have is extremely amazing. I have the ability to infect living things with a virus. this allows me to control anyone that I see fit. I will be rewriting this story in another book. it does not let me update it for some reason. I will be changing a lot of things to the original story. I have taken your comment into consideration. thank you for your time. there will be a lot of changes from the original book. I hope that everyone loves it as much.

BellaEstrellaLiNa · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- T virus System

My name is Aleck Yeng. I am currently 19 years old. I have long blonde curly hair. My looks are average this is what many people say. I am not a handsome guy, nor am I ugly. I am just a weak average guy. From a big family. With a big dream of making it big in the future. My family's name is Yeng. This family name has a long history of 10,000 years. My family is one of the top ten families on the Stars Empire that I have decided to leave.

The cultivation rank in this world is divided into 6 Classes. Its class has 9 levels. The first class is known as the Spiritual Realm. In these classes, people train to make their bodies, blood cells, and bones Stronger. After that class, the other that follows is Original Martial Artist. The other classes are Profound Realm, Heaven, Emperor, Angel, and finally god realm.

I am on the lower of the lower in my family. For this reason, I consider thrash. Not many would want to speak with me. I do not have any friends. I am like mold in my family's eyes. My cultivation rank is Spirituals Realm level one. For this reason along I am considered worthless. Today is the day where I become an adult. Due to the fact that I cannot cultivate, I will be kicked out of my family town.

Today is the day where I will not have a place to call home. I have decided to leave this town on my own. I do not want people to seem me walk the walk of shame. I have decided that I will leave before anyone wakes up. It has been decided. I am the first person to ever been kicked out of the Lee family house.

I made my way towards the entrance of Lee Family town. The entrance has a big wall that protects the family from disaster. This war been around for 9,000, and it is still standing, I will not be a member of the Lee Family anymore. My name from now on will be just Aleck. I do not want to be part of this family anymore. I do not blame them for kicking me out. It is understandable. I just wish to have the change to become truly evil in this world. I do not care about being a good girl. If I ever got the chance to be evil, I would decently take it.

Leaving the town that I grew up on, a tear falls down my face making its way toward the ground. I continue to make my way still I see a road. I do not know where this road will take me nor did I care. To be honest I just want to leave the Yeng family as soon as possible. I do not care about anything else. Why would I care? Everything in my life has become shit since I was born. This is one of the reasons I want to change my fate. While walking I saw a small pond full of water. I do not if this water was safe to drink from it or not?

I have decided to jump inside this pond and drink from it. The reason why is because I was extremely thirsty. I have not to drink anything since last night before I went to sleep. I also will take a bath at the same time.it is a win-win situation. This is the best way to no be thirsty any more. With a splash, I am inside the pond. My body feels weird. It feels like 10,000 little things are attacking my skin. The pain starts to increase little by little. I decide to take a big sip of the green fluid thinking that I will die faster with less pain. What I did not know was that the water was contaminated with a deadly virus. The funny part is that I did not know that I would become the virus.

I start to faint after drinking the weird fluid. I am thinking to my self today is the day that I will die. If it is, the only regret that I have is that I did not become a beautiful evil demon. This made me fight to stay alive. I want the whole world to know who the demon is. The weird fluid seem like it has a life of its own. I could not stop drinking it. This made my inside feels like it was being destroyed. It was a horrible feeling.

I feel my body in pain I cannot move my body at all. I am laying on the ground feeling helpless. A weird voice pop in my head.

[Do you wish to become stronger? Do you wish to cause mayhem throughout the world?]

[Yes or no?]

"Yes I do"

[Downloading 1% 10% 50% 100%.]

[System installing into the host body]

[System Install Complete]

[Hello host. I am your personalize system. My name is T Virus System.]