


Shocked Jackson asks alden," How do you know my MoM?" Alden replies," We go way back, your mom was like a sister to me. Your father didn't had the guts to tell you the truth about your mother's death." What do you mean by the truth? Are you saying my father who doesn't even care to check if his son is home or not. He is hiding the TRUTH about my mother." says Jackson while getting up on his feet.

Alden says,"Your mother, she didn't die gvng birth to you. She died saving you." Jackson slowly turns around in utter shock and slowly starts stummering and goes blank by his head. Alden then notices the wound behind Jackson's neck when he turns. Jackson was bit by a wearwolf. Gavin runs to Jackson and Helps him to a room. Jackson closes his eyes and gets asleep instantly.

Alden who doesn't know what to do anymore. Alden who promised Jackson's mother that he will keep Jackson safe till his lifetime; Alden has two choices in front of his eyes.

1) Let Jackson be and leave him here and let him be a wearwolf.


2) Turn him into a Vampire.

Gavin returns and asks," Did you notice...." " The bite..., Yes I noticed " pointed out Alden. Gavin afraid," What will you do now, turn him into a Vampire like us, so that he can have a fate like us. Living by the grace of The Originals." said by Gavin.

"They were ' my mentors ' , ' my supporters ' and most importantly my friends. They ran away from ' The Destroyer ' who invaded their home and killed all their vampires. I fought him, he was so powerfull but I gave him a fight atleast " said Alden. " A fight which you lost; MISERABLY, didn't you? " Alden walkes towards Gavin angrily he tried to calm himself and said ," Think about what to do with Jackson, not me." "Yaa whatever." said Gavin. Alden angrily throwed the dining table out of the window only with his 1 hand and then grabbed one of the glass shrads and stabbed Gavin; everything happened in fraction of seconds.

" Are you forcing me to show who your Maker is? Answer me GAvin. " Shouted Alden. Gavin shuddering down and shouted ,"sorry , sorry Boss , forgive me. " After that Gavin got up and sat on the sofa. Alden and Gavin thought all night about what to do with Jackson. They can't let him turn into a Wearwolf nor can they turn him into Vampire. Atlast in the morning Alden kept feeding Jackson his blood so that he doesn't turn into Wearwolf and Alden will make sure Jackson is safe as well.

Alden send Gavin to bring some food for themselves and jackson. In the Morning when Alden was thinking for solutions, he thought about The Originals. He was thinking if Elijah was here what would he do in this situation. Even though Alden left Elijah whenever in hard situations he would think about what Elijah would do. In that instinct someone got clicked in Alden's memories and he said , " The Cure...." Jackson woke up and asked ," What cure ? " Alden said ," The Wearwolf Bite Cure. " He remembered that there's a cure to a wearwolf bite.

Alden said , " The Originals didn't get affected by Wearwolf bites but other Vampires did so klaus created something with Eljah To cure Wearwolf bites. " But less did Alden knew Klaus didn't created The Cure. Klaus just sad that he did because if vampires knew klaus's blood was The Almighty Cure. The Vampires would be all over him trying to make him bleed. By saying he created The Cure he got more power.

As Alden was the member of ' The Strix ' he knew some people where he could start asking for The Cure. Conveniently just Tommorrow was the ' The Masked Theme Party ' in North Carolina. Masked Theme Party is something ' The Strix ' keeps every once in a while to Recruite more talented Vampires for their group. Alden was invited but if he had to go there then he had to take care of Jackson for now.

Gavin returns . Alden tells him what he is about to do but he says." Gavin You have to send Jackson to Mystic Falls again and tell them he met and accident ; stay there till I come back. keep giving him blood and protect him." "Ok boss, as you say" replied Gavin .

(After that Gavin drops Jackson to Mystic Falls at his home in The Black Sedan )

" Everything went according to plan boss. I am in Jackson's room with him I will be sleeping on the couch." said Gavin to Alden on Phone call. Alden takes a flight to Chicago for the party.

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