
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
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56 Chs

Chapter 2.1

"Why isn't he awake yet?" Freya screamed, frustration evident as she hurled a glass across the room. It had been a few weeks, and Orion hadn't woken up yet. "I don't know why, and we can't access his grimoire to see what he cast," Bonnie replied, her concern mirroring Freya's. "And don't think I don't care about my brother. He's been in this 'dead' state for a a while now. Any spell I try to perform just gets bounced back or absorbed by his body."

The atmosphere in the room was tense as the group gathered around Orion's inert form. Rebekah, her expression a mix of worry and impatience, added, "We need to figure this out. Whatever he did must have consequences, and we can't afford to be in the dark while he's stuck in... whatever state this is."

Freya, now more determined than exasperated, paced back and forth. "There has to be a way to break through. We can't let him linger like this."

"And what the hell are those runes appearing on his body?" Klaus exclaimed.

Runes began to illuminate Orion's body, and three distinct symbols emerged. "Immortality, magic, and his name," Kol explained, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and recognition. The runes pulsed, appearing and disappearing from his body intermittently. 

"When vampires are in transition, they typically awaken in a few hours," Elijah stated.

"But he's not just a vampire; he's THE tribrid. We don't know the protocol for his species. All we can do is wait it out," Bonnie remarked, her tone filled with desperation. " 

Bonnie approached her brother, a plea in her eyes. "Please wake up, Ri. I need you. Mom went missing after you died. Grams is coming soon, and I feel so alone." 

Bonnie and the others exited the room, but Freya opted to remain. "When are you going to wake up, Rian?" Freya chuckled. "Can't call you that anymore, but please wake up. Bonnie needs you, and so do I." 


"Ugh, how long am I going to be stuck here? I need to get back to my body," Orion voiced, pacing through the darkness.

"Well, you're back in the void. Your body is still adjusting to the power it has gained. I sent you to this world to enact change, and change it you did. But here you are again, lifeless and in need of my help," a mysterious voice echoed.

Orion turned around, confronting striking green eyes. "And you are?" he inquired.

"I forgot, your memories got scrambled," she explained. With a wave of her hand, the memories before Orion unfolded in this space.

"Gaia," Orion uttered, turning around to meet her gaze, his eyes locked onto her vibrant green eyes.

"Finally, you remember, my child," she chuckles.

As the memories settled into place, Orion's recognition of Gaia deepened. He found himself standing in the presence of the Earth Mother, the primordial goddess of the Earth. Her laughter carried a warmth that resonated in the void around them.

"Why am I here again?" Orion asked, a mix of curiosity and frustration in his tone.

Gaia's expression softened, and she gestured towards the cosmic expanse around them. "You are in the space between realms, my child. Your body is transforming, integrating the immense power you harnessed in the world you sought to change."

Orion frowned, a hint of impatience surfacing. "But I need to return; there are people who need me; my sister, Bonnie, she needs me." 

Gaia's eyes glowed with understanding. "Your concern for your sister is commendable, Orion. However, the changes you set in motion require time and balance. You must trust in the process and allow your body to harmonize with the newfound Immortality and magic boost."

Wait, so I didn't lose my magic?" Orion inquired with curiosity.

"Darling, no. The blessing I gave you not only protects your magic but elevates it to new levels. That's why you could gain power so rapidly and dabble in dark magic with minimal consequences. It's why you didn't lose your magic when you triggered your curse. Any other mortal attempting to become a hybrid met their demise. Niklaus survived due to my loopholes and the natural birth of the tribrid, your niece Hope," she explained. 

"The reason I didn't turn on you as soon as you performed that immortality spell is the same reason nature, or, in fact, matter of fact, didn't betray you," she said, walking towards Orion, her gaze assessing him. "Nothing is truly immortal. Just because you have my blessing doesn't mean you can defy my rules like that. You're quite intelligent. If you had attempted to make yourself truly immortal, I would have claimed your life as soon as you snapped your neck."

"Your mortality is a tether, a balance in the grand design," Gaia continued, her voice carrying the weight of eons. "Even with my blessing, there are limits. Immortality is a delicate dance with existence, and you, my child, have chosen a path that respects the natural order."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before speaking again. "You possess a rare blend of wisdom and audacity. But remember, every action has consequences, and even blessed immortality demands respect for the intricate web of life."

Orion nodded, absorbing the gravity of Gaia's words. 

"As you return to your world, embrace the gifts you've been bestowed and use them wisely," Gaia advised, her eyes holding a maternal warmth. "The threads of destiny continue to weave, and your role is far from over. Continue what you are doing, and know that you are one of two tribirds worldwide. There will be those who see you as an abomination. Your mother is currently communicating with some witches, informing them about what you have done. Word has already spread, and there are others in search of you. Be careful, my blessed one."

Gaia gently went up to Orion and kissed him on the forehead. A bright light enveloped him, and with a sense of purpose, he felt himself being sent back,

As the bright light enveloped Orion, transporting him back to the mortal realm, Gaia whispered to herself, her voice a soft echo in the cosmic void, "May the balance of nature guide and protect you, my blessed child. The destiny you carry is intertwined with the delicate harmony of existence."

With that, Gaia watched the radiant energy fade, leaving her alone in the vast cosmic expanse, her gaze lingering on the threads of fate that continued to weave and intertwine. "The tribirds, the anomalies in the tapestry of fate," she mused, a knowing smile on her lips. "Their journey has only just begun, and the echoes of their existence resonate. The challenges they face will shape the very fabric of the universe." 


Orion awoke with a gasp, his eyes darting around frantically as he realized he was lying on a bed. Beside him, a Freya raised an eyebrow. "What the bloody hell am I doing here? 

"You're awake, Rian! I missed you; how are you feeling" Freya exclaimed, pulling Orion into a tight embrace. 

"Starved," Orion uttered, the veins under his eyes pulsating as fangs elongated from his mouth. His eyes glowed with a sickly green hue. 


1300 words


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