
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chapter 1.5

Two months had passed since Orion began his magical apprenticeship with Abby and Sheila. During this time, he learned about the rich history of the Bennett bloodline, tracing his ancestry to some of the most powerful witches and warlocks.

He also learned about the properties of various magical herbs and crystals. He was fascinated by the mystical properties of vervain, which could protect against the influence of vampires, and the calming effects of chamomile, which could soothe the mind and promote restful sleep. Additionally, he learned about the purifying power of sage, which could cleanse spaces and ward off negative energy.

As they walked through the garden, Orion asked Sheila, "Grandma, what's the most important thing to remember when working with herbs and crystals in magic?"

Sheila paused for a moment, thinking carefully before answering. "The most important thing, Orion, is to always approach magic with respect and reverence. These tools hold immense power and should be used with great care."

Orion nodded, understanding the gravity of the responsibility that came with practicing magic. "And how do I know which herb or crystal to use for a specific spell?"

"Research and intuition are key," Sheila replied. "Take the time to learn about the properties of each herb and crystal, but also trust your gut. Sometimes a tool may call to you in unexpected ways, and it's important to listen to that inner voice."

As Orion continued to learn from his grandmother, he became fascinated by the mystical properties of different herbs and crystals. He discovered that vervain could protect against the influence of vampires, chamomile could calm the mind and promote restful sleep, and sage could cleanse spaces and ward off negative energy.

As Orion continued to learn and experiment with different herbs and crystals in his magic, he remained mindful of the responsibility that came with wielding such powerful tools.

As he learned about the different types of crystals and their meanings, he discovered that some of them could amplify magical energy. He was particularly drawn to amethyst, which was said to promote spiritual growth and inner peace, and quartz, which could amplify one's magical abilities.

As Sheila began to teach Orion the basics of magic, she did so with patience and understanding, knowing that her grandson had much to learn. She started with simple spells and exercises, gradually building his knowledge and skill.

Despite his young age, Orion showed a remarkable aptitude for magic. He was fascinated by the intricacies of spellcasting and was eager to learn everything he could about the arcane arts. Sheila was proud of her grandson and encouraged him every step of the way, confident that he had a bright future ahead of him.

In addition to teaching Orion about crystals and Latin, which surprisingly, Orion picked up quickly, Sheila showed him how to focus his mind and harness his inner power. She taught him meditation and visualization techniques, helping him tap into the deep well of magic within him.

Orion devoted himself to practicing and mastering his magic, and he began to develop a deep understanding of the ebb and flow of his energy. He would sit in quiet meditation, feeling the gentle hum of magic coursing through his veins, and he learned to focus his willpower and intention to harness and direct that power.

As he gained more control over his magic, he noticed how different emotions affected his energy flow. He had learned that his feelings directly impacted his ability to control his magic. His magic would flow smoothly and steadily when calm and centered, responding to his command efficiently. The air around him would hum with tranquility, and his movements would be fluid.

However, it was a different story when he felt angry or upset. His magic would surge and twist like a violent storm, threatening to overwhelm him with its raw power. The air around him would crackle with energy, and his movements would be jagged and unpredictable. His heartbeat would quicken, and his breathing would become shallow as he struggled to maintain control.

It was a struggle that he had to constantly be mindful of, for the consequences of losing control could be catastrophic. He had seen the destruction that unchecked magic could bring, and he knew that he had to master his emotions to become a skilled mage.

And so he practiced daily, meditating and using calming techniques to maintain his center. He learned to recognize the warning signs of an impending emotional surge and take steps to quell it before it could take hold. It was a constant effort, but one that he was determined to master.

With Sheila's guidance, Orion learned to channel his emotions and control his magic, even in moments of stress or fear. He discovered that by taking deep breaths and focusing on his intention, he could calm his magic and direct it in a more controlled and precise manner.

Orion realized that his magic was not something to be forced but rather to be trusted and allowed to guide him. As he became more attuned to the subtle shifts in energy around him, he could sense the presence of other magical beings and detect the traces of magic left behind by spells and rituals. It was as if a sixth sense had awakened within him, allowing him to perceive the hidden currents of magic that flowed around him.

During his training, Sheila would often perform spells and rituals for him to observe, and Orion would be filled with a sense of awe and wonder as he felt the thrum of magic in the air. He could sense the energy as it built and swirled around them, and he longed to reach out and touch it, to siphon it into himself and feel its power coursing through his veins.

Unlike regular witches, he could feel the subtle pulses of magic in the air and had the urge to siphon it whenever he sensed it. But he was also hesitant to share this ability with anyone, for he suspected that it might be due to his status as a siphon. He feared that revealing this ability might lead others to see him as a threat or, worse, a freak.

And so he kept his ability to sense magic to himself, allowing it to guide him secretly as he continued his training. He learned to trust his intuition and follow the currents of magic, allowing them to lead him where he needed to go. It was a thrilling and terrifying experience that he was determined to master.


As Orion stepped closer to his mother, Abby, he saw her holding a small bundle wrapped in a cozy blanket. As he approached, his heart began to race with anticipation, and when he saw the tiny face of his new baby sister, Bonnie, he was struck with awe.

She looked so small and delicate, with little hairs poking out of her head, and she let out a soft yawn as if she was already exhausted from the world she had just entered. As he gazed down at her, a fierce protectiveness stirred within him, and he knew he would do everything he could to keep her safe and loved.

Abby beckoned him forward, and she gently placed Bonnie into his arms as he approached. The weight of her tiny body filled him with a sense of responsibility that he had never felt before. He looked down at her, taking in every feature, every detail, and felt his heart swell with love.

As Orion held Bonnie, he made a silent promise to himself that he would be the best brother he could be and always be there for her and support her in everything she did. He knew she was their family's future, and he was determined to do everything he could to help her grow into a powerful and confident witch and not let anyone step over her as they had once done.

With his arms wrapped tightly around her, Orion felt a deep sense of contentment and happiness, knowing he had a new purpose in life. Looking down at Bonnie, he couldn't wait to embark on this new journey with her, side by side, as siblings and partners in the world of magic. The witch world would never be the same again, for the Bennett siblings were destined for greatness. They would leave their mark upon the world of magic, and their legacy would endure long after they were gone.


Dun Dun Duh, Bonnie is born, and there will be a time skip

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