
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
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56 Chs

Chapter 1.41

Freya and Rebekah had quickly become close friends. Although Rebekah had initially been a bit standoffish and temperamental, Freya could handle her attitude gracefully. With Caroline and Rebekah's assistance, Bonnie and Freya found the perfect dresses as the ball approached. Orion couldn't help but feel surprised at the newfound friendship between Caroline and Rebekah, given their hostility as portrayed in the show. Yet, thanks to Bonnie, they had developed a genuine liking for each other. 

Orion noticed Freya's nervousness and walked over to her. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder and spoke softly, "Freya, I know this is a big moment for you, but remember, They're your family at the end of the day. Mikalesons stick together, and you'll fit right in with them." 

 A few hours before the Ball, Orion went to the witches' house after offering comfort to Freya. As he entered, Emily appeared before him. He inquired, "How close are we to having Esther's connection to our bloodline severed? I have a witch from her bloodline with me."

Emily regarded Orion thoughtfully and responded, "We're very close. Esther has attempted to seek our assistance, but we've rejected her advances and not granted access to our magic."

Orion momentarily contemplated the situation and said, "Send some magic to make her believe she still has a connection. But after tonight, that connection will be severed. When the moon reaches its apex, we will perform the ritual to sever her from our bloodline."

Orion turned to Emily, concern etched on his face, and inquired, "Moreover, my mother has returned, claiming she's had visions of Bonnie and me meeting our demise. What is the validity of her visions?" 

Emily regarded Orion with a thoughtful expression, understanding the weight of his question. She replied, "Visions can be enigmatic, Orion. Sometimes they hold truth, and other times they may be influenced by fear or anxiety. It's essential to take them seriously, but not let them consume us. We'll need to evaluate the situation carefully and be vigilant." 

"I will reach out to the other witches and my contacts on the other side," Emily replied, her determination evident. "I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer. In the meantime, I suggest making your way to the Everwood Coven. They excel in divination, and I once aided one of their ancestors when Katherine threatened them. The coven owes me a favor, so visit them when you can." 

Orion nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Emily's guidance. "Thank you, Emily. I'll go to the Everwood Coven and see if they can provide any insights or assistance. In the meantime, let me know when you have any updates from the other witches or your connections on the other side." 

After leaving the witch's house, Orion wasted no time. He dialed Slater's number and spoke, "I need you to gather every piece of information you can on the Everwood Coven. I want to know everything, and I need it by tomorrow night, ASAP." 


Fifteen minutes remained before the ball, and the preparations were in full swing. Freya, Caroline, Bonnie, and Enzo gathered in their respective chambers, getting ready for the grand event. Orion took a moment to remind each of them about their crucial roles in the upcoming plan.

"Remember your parts," he emphasized. Enzo was tasked with diverting attention away from Damon, while Caroline was to engage Klaus. Bonnie's role was to interact with Elena, and Freya was instructed to wait, as Orion had something special in store for her.

The five of them made their grand entrance into the opulent Mikaelson mansion, presenting their invitations to the vigilant concierge. As they stepped inside, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward them. It was impossible not to stare; each one of them exuded an aura of beauty and charm.

Bonnie had chosen to wear a stunning silver ball gown that shimmered under the chandeliers' light. Caroline, in her elegant blue dress provided by Niklaus, turned heads as she moved with grace and poise. Freya graced the occasion in a captivating crimson ball gown, her dress emphasizing her striking figure.

Enzo and Bonnie confidently approached Damon and the others, while Caroline smoothly made her way to Klaus, engaging him in conversation. Meanwhile, Freya walked over to Rebekah, who was already gushing about her dress, and they shared excited chatter about the evening's events. 

Orion trailed Bonnie and Enzo as they approached Damon, Stefan, and Elena. Elena couldn't help but tease, her tone carrying a hint of playfulness as she cast an admiring glance at Bonnie, who looked stunning in her ball attire.

"I thought you weren't planning to grace us with your presence at the ball," Elena remarked , unable to resist a smirk as she admired Bonnie's appearance.

Bonnie, with a playful attitude, met Elena's comment with a raised eyebrow and a touch of sarcasm in her response, "Well, Elena, I didn't want to disappoint you by missing out on all this fabulousness."

Damon, overhearing Bonnie's retort turned around , couldn't help but chime in. "Easy on the attitude, Elena was just complimenting your dress and asking why your here," he noted with a wry smile, trying to defuse the situation.

Before the conversation could escalate, Enzo, who had been silently listening, unexpectedly interrupted. Damon was taken aback, given their history. "Funny, Damon," Enzo began, his tone laced with a touch of irony, "you're telling Bonnie to watch her attitude? That's rich, considering you left me for dead."

As the tension hung in the air following Enzo's unexpected revelation, Damon was left momentarily stunned by his reappearance. Before he could react, Orion smoothly intervened, stepping in with a sly smile.

"Hello, Damon," Orion greeted him casually, "Are you enjoy my little surprise? I rescued Enzo from Augustine and their gruesome experiments. When I found him, he was on the brink of death, but just look at him now. Did you miss him? Because I have a feeling he missed you."

Stefan, puzzled by Enzo's sudden reappearance, couldn't help but ask, "Who is he?"

Orion casually gestured towards Damon and quipped, "Why don't you inquire with your own brother? After all, he was the one who made the decision to leave Enzo behind when he needed help the most. That's the very reason Damon flipped his humanity switch."

Damon lowered his head, and Elena and Stefan exchanged shocked and somewhat disgusted looks. Orion continued with a sly, feigned innocence, "Oops, perhaps I've said a bit too much. I'll let your brother provide an explanation." His tone, however, carried a hint of sickly sweetness, leaving an air of tension as he walked away.


Elijah's voice cut through the hum of conversation, capturing the collective attention of the guests. With the Originals standing regally on the grand staircase and Esther descending gracefully from the upper floor, the scene held casual elegance and formal tradition.

Elijah's voice resonated with poise and warmth as he spoke, "We extend our warm welcome and gratitude to all of you for joining us tonight. When our mother orchestrates such gatherings, we must commence the evening with a traditional dance."

The room buzzed with anticipation as the distinguished attendees awaited the next part of the evening. "The waltz we've chosen for this evening," Elijah continued, "has been cherished for centuries. So, if you kindly find yourselves a partner, we invite you to join us in the ballroom for this special dance."

Orion's gaze traveled through the crowd, and his eyes locked onto Freya's vivid blue ones. He extended his hand in a silent invitation, and Freya accepted, her fingers slipping into his palm. Orion's other hand found its place on the small of her back, his touch warm and confident as he took the lead. 

As they waltzed in the center of the grand ballroom, the guests couldn't help but watch. All eyes fell upon the enchanting couple, observing the way they moved in harmony. Freya, however, still seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the attention, her gaze cast downward.

Orion, his steps fluid and his expression gentle, encouraged her with a whisper. "Raise your head, Freya," he urged, his voice tender, "and look confident. After all, this is your night. You deserve to be the center of attention."

Freya listened to his words and slowly raised her head, her eyes meeting his with a newfound determination. Her posture straightened, and she began to exude a quiet confidence that captivated the room.

Their dance continued, and Orion couldn't resist a bit of playful banter. "You know," he remarked with a teasing glint in his eye, "dancing with you in the spotlight is quite the privilege. I can't help but wonder how you've managed to hide your charm for so long."

Freya's confidence grew as she met Orion's playful energy. She shot him a sly, flirtatious smile. "Oh, it's all part of the Mikaelson mystique," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. "We Mikaelsons have a way of keeping our secrets close, just like a good dance partner."

Orion chuckled, their steps in perfect sync as they continued to glide across the floor. "Well, I must say, it's a charming mystique. And here I was, thinking that the most interesting Mikaelson was hidden away."

Freya's laughter, light and contagious, filled the air. "You're not too bad yourself, Orion. It seems you have a talent for unearthing hidden treasures."

Their dance carried on, the flirtatious banter between Orion and Freya adding a touch of enchantment to the evening. As they twirled and glided across the dance floor, their playful conversation continued.

Orion leaned in a bit closer, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "You know," he murmured with a playful glint in his eye, "I have a feeling that if I dig deep enough, I might uncover even more of those hidden treasures."

Freya met his gaze, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, really? And what might you find if you keep digging?" Her tone was filled with curiosity and anticipation,

Orion's eyes locked onto Freya's, and he smiled, a mischievous twinkle in his own gaze. "Ah, Freya," he replied, his voice taking on a more seductive tone, "if you keep asking questions like that, I might just have to find out sooner than we both expected. But I promise you, it'll be an adventure neither of us will forget.". 

Freya's laughter danced through the air like a melodious tune. "You're a charming mystery Orion," she whispered, 


Hand in hand Both Orion and Freya walked up the stairs drawing attention from some of the guests. 

Orion stood at the top of the grand staircase, a champagne glass in his hand, and with an unmistakable, resonant clink, he silenced the bustling ballroom. The abrupt sound of the clinking glass reverberated through the room, drawing the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned to Orion and Freya, their expressions a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Orion paused the clinking and, with confidence, began to address the gathered assembly, "I apologize for interrupting this splendid ball, but there's something important I'd like to share with all of you. As you know, the Mikaelsons have graciously hosted this event, but one Mikaelson has been overlooked. Allow me to introduce you to Freya Mikaelson, the eldest daughter of Esther and Mikael Mikaelson."

As Orion uttered those words, a sudden hush descended over the gathering. The crowd's collective gasp of surprise was almost audible, resonating through the grand ballroom. The revelation of another Mikaelson had caught everyone off guard.

Damon, Stefan, and Elena exchanged shocked glances, their expressions betraying their disbelief at this unexpected development. The room was filled with astonishment; even the Mikaelson family, including Esther, appeared taken aback. Orion couldn't help but notice the gloom that crept over Esther's face and the shared look of disbelief among the Mikaelsons, all of whom had been kept in the dark about Freya's presence. 


 1950 words 

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Wow, what do you all think of Orion and Freya!?!?! 

To figure out how to reverse the spell the Travellers put on the Mystic Falls border, who drops out of college?