
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · TV
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56 Chs

Chapter 1.24

(Bonnies POV)

Ever since Orion's departure, our town has been plunged into chaos. The once peaceful streets of Mystic Falls have become battlegrounds, with vampire attacks becoming alarmingly frequent. Bodies of innocent victims were found, their lives brutally taken, and the evidence carefully manipulated to appear as mere animal attacks. However, I knew the truth, and so did Grams.

Oh, man, the Salvatore brothers sure know how to complicate things. Stefan's all swooning over Elena while Damon keeps flirting with her, and it's like they're in some crazy love triangle. Meanwhile, Damon's being a real pain in the neck, constantly badgering me and grams about opening this tomb.

Oh, that Damon Salvatore has a one-track mind regarding Katherine, huh? It's like he's obsessed with freeing her from that tomb. But let me tell you; it's more complicated.

Grams and I have been trying to reason with him and explain the risks of opening that tomb, but he just won't listen. His feelings for Katherine blind him, and he will do anything to free her.

I get it, love can make people do crazy things, but we can't ignore the potential consequences. Who knows what's lurking in that tomb? It could be something dangerous that could put the entire town at risk.

But Damon, he needs to think things through. He's impulsive and reckless, driving me and Grams crazy. We're doing our best to stand our ground and not give in to his constant badgering, but it's not easy.

Let me tell you, dealing with Damon Salvatore is no walk in the park. He's impulsive, reckless, and it frustrates me to no end. I've had my fair share of encounters with him, and I can confidently say that he's not someone to be taken lightly.

That time he was fixated on that tomb was one of the most intense moments I've experienced. He demanded that I open it for him, and I knew it was a bad idea. But Damon, well, he's not one to listen to reason.

Before I knew it, he lunged at me, sinking his fangs into my neck like a predator on the hunt. It was painful, and it filled me with a mix of fear and anger. I couldn't let him get away with it, though. I used my magic to turn my blood into acid, and the look of shock on his face was something I wouldn't forget.

As if dealing with Damon's relentless harassment wasn't enough, I also had to contend with Anna's malevolence, adding another layer of danger to my already precarious situation. Their combined presence made my life a living nightmare, and I felt trapped in a web of supernatural threats.

In a moment of desperation, I decided to play a dangerous game. I offered to open the tomb for them, hoping it would be enough to get them off my back. But deep down, I knew it was a bluff. The tomb's magic was ancient and powerful, beyond anything Grams and I could handle.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Orion's number. I had seen him handle powerful magic before, and maybe, just maybe, he could help us with this dire situation.

As I waited for him to pick up, my heart raced with anticipation. I knew I was taking a risk, involving someone from my past in the dangerous world of Mystic Falls. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Orion, it's me," I said as soon as he answered. "I need your help. I'm in serious trouble, and I don't know who else to turn to."


(Orion Pov)

With urgency coursing through my veins, I swiftly packed my belongings, making sure to grab my grimoire - a vital source of power in times of need. I knew I couldn't leave without informing Hayley and Oliver, my trusted allies in New Orleans.

Drawing on my magic, I crafted a note, infusing it with a touch of enchantment to ensure it reached them quickly. In it, I explained that a family emergency had arisen, and I had to leave Mystic Falls to help my sister. I reassured them that I would return as soon as I could, though I couldn't provide an exact timeframe.

As I sealed the note with a flick of my wrist, Freya approached me, her concerned expression mirrored my own inner turmoil. "What happened?" she asked softly, her eyes searching for answers.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal to Freya. But I trusted her, and she deserved to know. "Something unexpected came up," I confessed, my voice tinged with concern. "I need to go back home to Mystic Falls."

Freya looked at me with a mix of understanding and worry. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her concern evident.

I nodded, trying to reassure her. "I hope so. There's a family emergency, and I need to be there. It's just something I can't ignore."

She nodded in response, her expression serious. "I understand. Family comes first."

Without hesitation, Orion loaded his own belongings into the car, and he set off on his journey back home, the wheels of the vehicle carrying him swiftly toward his destination. The drive was filled with a comfortable silence, a sense of companionship enveloping him as he traveled alone.

After three long hours on the road, Orion finally arrived back home. He stepped out of the car and retrieved his luggage. With a mix of nervousness and anticipation, he approached the front door and knocked gently. Bonnie, with a look of stress evident on her face, opened the door. Her eyes were filled with tears, but a glimmer of relief appeared as she saw her brother. Without hesitation, she embraced Orion in a tight hug.

The siblings held each other tightly, a rush of emotions washing over them. Orion had returned to be by Bonnie's side during this difficult time, and his presence brought a sense of comfort and reassurance.

"I'm here, Bonnie. I'm here," Orion whispered, his voice filled with love and support.

Bonnie pulled back slightly, looking into her brother's eyes, and nodded. "Thank you for coming back," she said, her gratitude evident.

Orion smiled gently. "Of course. You're my sister, and I'll always be here for you," he said,

Siitting on the couch was Grams with tea in her hands looking at me with a knowing gaze..

( Third POV)

Bonnie told Orion that tonight since he was here they where gonna open the tomb to which he agreed, Grams was already prepared since Bonnie told her what happened.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the Bennett Coven gathered at the entrance of church. But surprise, surprise! The Salvatore brothers, Anna, and Elena were already there, like unexpected guests crashing the party.

Damon looked smug, holding Emily's Grimoire like it was a golden ticket to all the magic in the world. Stefan seemed torn, stuck between his brother's schemes and doing the right thing.

Tension filled the air as the two groups faced off, each side with their own agenda and stakes in the game. The Amulet that used to keep the tomb's magic in check was history, destroyed by Emily herself. So, it was like a magical tug-of-war, with everyone trying to claim the upper hand.

The air crackled with tension as everyone held their breath, the intensity of the moment palpable. Bonnie and Grams stood by Orion's side, united in their stand against Damon's arrogance.

As Orion's voice cut through the tense air, his eyes blazed with an unwavering determination. "Enough with the games, Damon," he declared firmly, his tone commanding respect. "I heard what you did to my sister," Orion continued, his gaze piercing, a dark look in his eyes as he smirked, unafraid to confront the vampire.

Damon, ever the master of wit and snark, raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed by Orion's display of power. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Bonnie's protective big brother," he retorted with a hint of amusement.

But Orion wasn't here to engage in banter. He raised his hand, and with a swift and precise movement, he began to chant a spell, his voice carrying the weight of ancient magic. "Nnoli nocere de sanguine et morte," he intoned, the words echoing with an undeniable authority.

The air seemed to hum with energy as the spell took effect, a surge of power enveloping the space between them. Orion's eyes locked with Damon's, the message clear - he was not to harm any of the Bennetts, for there would be dire consequences.

With a steely gaze, Orion spoke with a voice that brooked no argument, "If you hurt, or even have the intention of hurting any of the Bennetts or their bloodline, you will suffer a painful death, and nothing can stop it once the spell has been enacted."

Damon's demeanor shifted, a rare moment of seriousness washing over him. Though he was accustomed to being the one with the upper hand, he recognized the gravity of the situation. He knew better than to underestimate the power of the bennett witches.

"Lets do this" Orion said


"Air. Earth. Fire." Orion chanted, his voice carrying a reverent tone.

"And Water," he added,

Taking a water bottle and letting its contents spill on the ground, completing the elemental ritual.

Elena couldn't help but express her surprise, "That's it, just water from the tap?"

Orion looked at her, his expression puzzled, "As opposed to what?"

Elena explained, "I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something."

"Whats that" Stefan said, amking everyone look at Damon

Damon, holding a blood bag, chimed in, "It's for Katherine. Gotta have something to get her going. Unless your girl's offering a vein to tap," he said, pointing at Elena with a smirk. "Admit it - you can't wait to get rid of me."

Stefan didn't hesitate to agree, "I can't wait to get rid of you."

Damon's response was a simple, "Hmm."

With Bonnie's question, the focus shifted back to the task at hand, "You ready?"

Orion nodded, his confidence unwavering, "Yes, let's do this."

As the Bennett witches and Orion clasped hands, their voices resonated with ancient power as they chanted the incantation:

"Aperi quod clausum est, liberum quod ine."

As the Bennett witches and Orion clasped hands, their voices resonated with ancient power as they chanted the incantation:

"Aperi quod clausum est, liberum quod ine."

The moment their unified voices uttered the words, the very elements responded to their call. The wind, once gentle, began to pick up, swirling around them with an intensified force. Leaves and debris danced in the air, a testament to the raw magic at play.

Damon's curiosity piqued, and he interrupted, "What is that? It sounds like Latin."

Stefan listened intently and agreed, "Yes, it does."

Elena, who wasn't familiar with the language, chimed in, "I don't think it's Latin."

But Orion, unwavering in his confidence, paused the chanting momentarily to address their curiosity. "Yes, it is Latin," he affirmed, a hint of mockery in his voice. With a subtle smile, he returned to the incantation, urging them to continue their collective endeavor.


3rd POV

After several tense moments, the rhythmic chanting of the witches intensified, and the torches that surrounded them suddenly flared up. Feeling a surge of anxiety, Elena instinctively reached for Stefan's arm, seeking comfort and reassurance amidst the unfolding events.

With the incantation complete, the ancient door to the tomb began to creak open, revealing the possibility of a successful outcome. Sheila, Bonnie and Orion ceased their chanting, their gazes fixed on the slowly opening entrance.

As the torches flared up and the door to the tomb creaked open, he could feel the surge of ancient magic enveloping them all. Elena's grip on Stefan's arm tightened as she looked around, seeking answers.

"What's happening?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of trepidation.

Bonnie and Grams exchanged a knowing glance, their chanting coming to a pause as they looked up, confirming the success of their spell. Bonnie's excitement was evident as she exclaimed, "It worked!"

Grams, ever composed, replied, "Of course it worked."

Damon, always the skeptic, wasted no time in planning their next move. "We have some fires to build," he said to Stefan, prompting him to go get gasoline.

Stefan reassured Elena with a gentle touch on her shoulder before ascending the stairs out of the tomb to retrieve the gasoline. Left alone with Damon, Bonnie, and Grams, Elena found herself caught in the crossfire of their tension.

"You ready?" Damon asked her, his tone challenging.

Elena was taken aback by the question. "What?" she replied, unsure of what he meant.

Damon, ever mistrustful, turned his attention to Bonnie and Grams, suspecting their intentions. "You think I'm gonna go in there by myself so you can seal me in?" he accused.

In the midst of the conflict, Grams offered a solution. "Don't take her in. Or I'll bring the walls down," she told him.

Damon remained defiant, questioning Grams' trustworthiness. "You'll bring the walls down if I don't. You think I trust you?" he retorted.

Elena, feeling the weight of the situation, intervened, trying to find common ground. "Enough. Both of you," she implored. "Look, he needs leverage. He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door when he gets inside. I get it. I'll go."

With a sense of determination, Elena offered herself as a bargaining chip, hoping to defuse the tension and keep the situation under control. Orion continued to observe silently, ready to support his family in whatever decision they made.

[Stefan runs over to the gasoline and starts to gather the cans up. Suddenly, someone speaks to him.]

The tension in the tomb was palpable as Stefan faced Anna, who was determined to get her mother back. Anna's words were filled with a mix of desperation and defiance as she challenged Stefan's authority.

"Hey, hero hair," Anna called out to Stefan, catching his attention. "I'm going down there to get my mother."

Stefan hesitated, knowing the dangers that awaited Anna in the tomb. "I can't let you do that," he replied firmly, torn between his duty to protect and the situation's urgency.

Anna's tone turned urgent as she revealed the imminent threat to Elena's little brother. "Well, Ben's about to make a main course out of Elena's little brother. So, you can stop me or him. Your choice."

With no time to spare, Anna vamp-ran into the tomb, leaving Stefan with a difficult decision to make. Meanwhile, Damon and Elena were inside the tomb, their search for Katherine accompanied by eerie whispers that filled the air.

"What is that?!" Elena exclaimed, unnerved by the unsettling sounds surrounding them.

Ever focused on their mission, Damon responded, "They can sense you. Now, where is she?" He walked away, leaving Elena momentarily behind.

"Damon!" Elena called after him, concerned for their safety.

As Anna descended the stairs into the tomb, Bonnie stood in her way, attempting to prevent her from going further.

"Hey, you're not going in there!" Bonnie protested, her worry evident.

Anna, undeterred, posed a challenging question to Bonnie. "You think you can stop me?"

Grams, aware of the gravity of the situation, intervened, addressing Bonnie gently. "Bonnie..."

Bonnie reluctantly stepped aside, understanding the urgency and the danger they all faced. Anna grabbed a flashlight from the ground and ran into the tomb, disappearing into the darkness.

Frustration and anger welled up within Bonnie as she turned to her grandmother. "Why did you let her go in?" she asked, seeking an explanation.

Grams' response was solemn, revealing the grim reality of the tomb's magic. "Because she isn't coming out, baby. None of them are." The gravity of Grams' words hung heavy in the air, hinting at the perilous fate that awaited those who ventured into the tomb.

In the tense moment, Stefan rushed towards the tomb's entrance, but Sheila swiftly grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Stefan! If you go in there, you won't come out," Grams warned him solemnly.

Stefan's eyes narrowed with realization, and he turned to Grams with a mix of anger and desperation. "What did you do?" he demanded.

Grams explained the truth behind the seal, revealing that opening the door hadn't broken the spell; it only allowed entry, not escape. She clarified, "Some seals keep vampires from entering. This one keeps them from coming out."

Stefan's concern deepened as he realized the implications for his friends trapped inside. "Elena's human. She can leave. Anna and Katherine can't. Damon can't. You were never planning on breaking the spell, were you?"

Grams' resolve remained steadfast as she replied, "I told you. I will protect my own. Elena can get out. That's all that matters."

Time passed, and Stefan heard Elena's screams echo through the tomb. Without hesitation, he dashed inside, with Bonnie closely following behind.

"Stefan!" Bonnie called out, trying to follow him, but Orion blocked her path, determined to protect her from herself.

"You can't just leave him in there, Grams!" Bonnie pleaded with determination.

Grams remained firm, but Bonnie refused to give up. She picked up the grimoire, her eyes filled with desperation. "Just show me what to do. I'll do it."

Grams explained the harsh reality—they were not strong enough to bring the seal down, and even if they could, there was no guarantee they could restore it afterward.

"Grams, you don't understand. Elena is stuck in there with Damon and a horde of hungry vampires who wouldn't mind making a meal out of her," Bonnie exclaimed with urgency.

As hope seemed to dim, Bonnie cast a desperate glance at Orion, her eyes pleading for his assistance. At that moment, Orion could see the weight of the situation and the potential consequences of his decision. He knew that if he didn't help, Grams would step forward, risking her own life to accomplish what needed to be done. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his grandmother and refused to let that happen.

With a heavy sigh, Orion relented his determination to protect his family, overriding his reluctance. He looked back at Bonnie, his love for his sister evident, and nodded firmly. "Alright, Bonnie, I'll help," he said

(Orion POV)

Bonnie and I stood side by side, clasping each other's hands in a powerful unity. Our magic was no joke, but we could feel the strain, like running on fumes, but we pulled it through I couldn't let Grams help us.

Minutes felt like hours as we poured our strength into breaking the seal. And then, finally, it happened – the seal was lifted, if only temporarily. A sense of accomplishment washed over us, but we knew there was no time to rest. We had to act quickly before the seal closed again.

Anna rushed out with her mother, gratitude, and relief evident in their expressions as they thanked us. Stefan emerged with a distraught-looking Elena, his protective instincts in full force, comforting her in his arms as he vamp sped with her back to her home.

But Damon's heartbreak was palpable as he stepped out of the tomb, realizing that Katherine wasn't there. He turned his anger towards Anna, accusing her of lying about Katherine's whereabouts just to use him for her agenda. His emotions ran high, and he was on the verge of attacking her in his rage.

Before Damon could move, Anna seized the opportunity and swiftly ran off with her mother. It was evident that all Anna had wanted was to reunite with her long-lost mother, and in the process, she had deceived Damon.

So, as Damon was dealing with his emotions, I took matters into my own hands and stepped inside the tomb. I was determined and focused, so I conjured up some magic and cast the "Ignis" spell. Boom! The whole place went up in flames in no time. Those desiccated vampires didn't stand a chance, let me tell you.

With the tomb now engulfed in fiery chaos, I returned outside. It was intense, like, seriously intense. But when I reunited with Grams and Bonnie, there was this feeling of closure and finality.

The place was toast, literally. You could hear those muffled voices fading away, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders. It was an easy choice; after all, it would be a pain in the ass to have to kill those vampires individually.

As we walked through the forest getting back to my car, far enough from the tomb, I turned my head to Bonnie.

I glared at Bonnie with a mix of anger and frustration bubbling inside me. "Seriously, Bonnie? Why did you try to save Elena? She chose to enter the tomb with Damon," I exclaimed, my voice tinged with irritation. "You need to think before you act; stop trying to sacrifice yourself for her. She doesn't even care!"

I could see the hurt in Bonnie's eyes, but my frustration couldn't be contained. "Did she ask you how you were or if you were doing fine? No! She just left with Stefan, and you're the one putting yourself in danger for her," I continued, my tone a mix of casual yet filled with anger.

"Do you even realize what would have happened if I didn't step in to help you lift the seal?" I said, frustration evident in my voice. "Grams would have done it herself, and she wouldn't have survived. She would have died trying to save Damon, Stefan, and Elena, who couldn't care less about her well-being or yours."

Bonnie looked at me with surprise, and tears welled up in her eyes. She turned to Grams, seeking some backup and confirmation for what I had just said. Grams looked at her with sadness in her eyes and agreed with my words causing tears to come out of Bonnie's eyes.

"I know it's hard to accept, Bonnie," I continued, my tone trying to be gentle despite my frustration. "But you must understand that you can't keep sacrificing yourself for people who don't appreciate it. Neither Grams nor want you to risk your life for people who wouldn't do the same for you."

Bonnie sniffled, wiping away her tears. "I just thought I could help them, you know? They needed someone, and I wanted to be there for them," she said, her voice breaking.

"I get it, Bonnie," I replied, trying to show understanding. "But you can't save everyone, especially if they don't want to be saved. You need to prioritize your safety and well-being."

Grams then Turned to me with that look in her eyes,

"Yeah, I know I could've been gentler," I admitted to Grams with a sigh. "But Bonnie needs a wake-up call. She's always putting others before herself, and it's just not sustainable."

Grams gave me a knowing look, her eyes filled with wisdom. "You're right, Orion. It's a tough lesson but an important one. She needs to learn that there are consequences to her actions, and she can't always be the hero."

I nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And sometimes, she needs to put herself above others. It's not selfish; it's self-preservation."

Grams placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

After the tense encounter with Bonnie, I nodded in agreement with Grams' comforting hand on my shoulder. "Exactly. And sometimes, she needs to put herself above others. It's not selfish; it's self-preservation."

With everything settled, we made our way back home. I knew what needed to be done as we entered the familiar surroundings. I grabbed my phone, headed to my room, and dialed Slater.

"Hey, Slater," I said as he picked up. "I need you to do something for me. It's urgent. I need your help buying a house in Athens, fully furnished."

Without hesitation, Slater, always ready to lend a hand, responded, "Of course, consider it done. It might take a few days, but I'll get everything sorted, and the keys will be on their way to you."

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for his swift and willing assistance. Having a safe place for Grams in Athens was a top priority, and I knew I could count on Slater to make it happen. With his help, I felt more at ease, knowing that Grams would soon be away from the dangers of Mystic Falls and in a new, secure home. With that done


3567 words

Yes, I added more than needed, but we will use the TVD script and stuff since we're in Mystica Falls. Let me know your thoughts; I will use the script to help push things further.

Freya didn't come with Orion because she isn't needed in the plot but dont worry, she'll come to mystic falls.

Grams will leave in a couple of chapters because Orion wants to keep her safe, and she has no other use for now, so he'll have her hidden away, and what better than Athens, where the Bennett coven's Original home or at least previous home to Qetsiyah.

Overall how was this chapter?

Would you choose to become the deity of life or death?

- I find an undeniable allure in the domain of death. It holds the essence of ultimate truth because No matter who tries to avoid death boney fingers, it comes for everybody.

What about you all. ?