
TVD/The Originals: The Cultivator

Daniel Himura Lowe, an Asian-American that surpassed all his peers in everything he did. Praised as a genius, he had a bright future that was unfortunately cut short by an overweight angel that thought he was a snack.

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Three Wishes

Standing in front of the council of the Gods, Daniel remains focused on the knowledge given to him.

He has died due to a mistake by the God of Greed, there is no way for him to return to his old life but he will be given a new one.

Odin, the judge of the council will spin a wheel that will choose the world he will reincarnate into and he will be granted three wishes.

This was a win-win situation for him, while he enjoyed being treated like a genius in his previous life, he always felt bored.

Raising his eyes to meet Odin, he nods, "I'm ready, please spin the wheel"

Odin takes out what looks like a small pinwheel, as he touches it, the device spins rapidly before stopping.

Odin looks back to the young man, "Your rebirth will be in the alternate earth based on the tv shows The Vampire Diaries and The Originals"

A loud slap is heard throughout the room as Daniel facepalm himself, 'Great, a world I know nothing about"

"For my first wish, I want to have extreme fanboy level knowledge of this world and the tv show"

Odin nods at his wish, "that is perfectly fine, the memories will merge with your own once you are reborn"

"Thank you", Daniel respectfully says to the old god, "I was always fascinated with system and cultivation stories in my old life, I want a cultivation system, one that is smart, can answer questions, give me good advice, and have all the traits of a normal system such as an inventory, missions, etc"

Zhen Wu, the God of Martial Arts, lets out a soft chuckle, "Finally, we have an interesting reincarnator, not another weeb that asks for anime eyes, or a bigger penis"

This brings a smile to Daniels's face as he bows respectfully to the old master, "It's a pleasure to be in your presence , my lord"

Zhen Wu motions for him to rise, "While your life was short, you devoted your life to me, not many people remember this old man, thank you for your prayers"

"While we don't do it normally, it isn't against the rules to give a reincarnator a blessing, i shall give you mine"

Daniel gives another deep bow, "it would be a great honor, my lord"

Odin coughs, interrupting their delightful conversation, "You will receive his blessing at the age of eighteen in your next life, a God's blessing isn't something to be taken lightly, if your body is too weak, it can kill you instantly"

"However, you have one more wish, please choose it quickly"

Daniel cocks his head to the side, "I already have everything i could ever want, then, i wish to reincarnate as my sixteen-year-old self, i want a powerful and wealthy background but i don't want a family, basically, i want to be the Bruce Wayne of that world"

The gods all stand as Odin sends a blast of energy at him, knocking him through a door made of a light so bright that it forces him to shut his eyes.

--- New York, 2006 ---

As his body de-aged and was sent to his new world, a plethora of new memories merge with his own.

He was now, Daniel Himura, Heir to Himura Enterprises, the largest technology company in the world with a net worth of three hundred and five billion.

After his parents died of an incurable illness when he was ten, he inherited the company from the, thankfully, he owns one hundred percent of the company and there aren't pesky shareholders to deal with.

His butler, Alistair, served his parents for many years and is now his caretaker until he comes of age.

Daniel's new life was much like his last, he shined as a genius from a young age, Over these years, he focused on bettering himself in both body and mind.

Once he turned thirteen, he started picking up homeless people, especially kids, and having people train them to work for him in various ways, such as informants, bodyguards, assassins, thieves.

Finally opening his eyes as the merge of his memories finalize, he smiles as he looks around at the large, spacious mansion.

Sitting in a bedroom the size of a small house, he breathes a sigh of relief that he's alone, "system"

[Yes, Master?]

"I have no memories of using you these past years, tell me of your functions"

[This system has the functions Inventory, Quests, Character Sheet, and Store]

[Please note, the Store is limited to cultivation items and nothing else]

"That's fine, open my character sheet"

[Right away, master]


Titles: None

Name: Daniel Himura Lowe

Bloodline: Locked

Cultivation Realm: Qi Condensing

Cultivation Stage: 1/5

Store Merits: 0








'Interesting, i like that i don't have stats and i need to increase my body through cultivation'

"System, do the plants, medicines, and pills, in this world have any good cultivation effect like in a murim one?"

[To everyone else, the answer is no but to you, the answer is yes]

[The medicine and pills won't help you cultivate but old, rare plants will]

"Sweet, what kind of questions can you answer?"

[I can answer all questions given to me, whether my advice will bear fruit or cause disaster is another thing entirely, i am not omnipotent, i can only give you my thoughts]

"Are there any quests available?"

[Mind & Body: Complete the Qi Condensing Realm]

"Hmm, what is the Qi Condensing Realm, what does it do exactly?"

[The Qi Condensing Realm expands your Qi Sea and helps your body Merge with Qi itself, making it more susceptible to change, such as increasing your strength, speed, intelligence, etc]

[If you tried to learn a technique without completing this realm, your limbs would break within a second]

"Makes sense, guess I better get meditating"

As he crosses his legs and shuts his eyes, he begins cultivating for the first time.

--- Three Months Later ---

During these three months, he took care of a lot of business.

He focused on three main things, firstly, he increased his cultivation stage by two, with each stage, he received a burst of power that increased his Qi.

Secondly, he started purchasing every house, building, and business in both Mystic Falls and New Orleans... of course, he did this using various alias' and middlemen.

Lastly, he bought the world's oldest and rarest herbs, plants, and seeds.

His butler, Alistair, despite being in his late fifties, the war veteran followed his duties with perfection, often giving solid advice on exercises and martial arts.

He never wavered or wasted any time, his main goal was to complete his quest within the year, he had just under three years before the main plot from Vampire Diaries started, he needed power, personal power.

[Tell me what you think! Comments are more important than anything else]