
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 24

Stefan POV

Ater I was done eating my bracelet vibrate I listened and laugh I say let him in and the door opens Elijah walks right in and pose at the sight of me and Aya eating together. "Please do join us there is more than enough on the table, tell Kol he can also come in." Just as I finish speaking Kol comes in with a smirk on his face. He takes one look at Aya and goes back to taking his seat next to Elijah and start putting food on his plate.

"I have to say mate, what your food does for my stamina and overall strength is amazing so I'll eat as much as I can here if you don't mind." I smile showing him there's no problem. Elijah looks at Aya. "What winds blew you here dear Aya? I ignore them as I am enjoying my drink, it might not make me drunk for long but that won't stop me from trying. She looks at me with hesitation before she goes back to eating. I see she has chosen to ignore her sire.

"Not very popular with the lady heh brother?" Kol mocks. He gets ignored. "Are you still angry at me?" Elijah looks at her with what I can assume to be remorse. She stands up abruptly and looks at me with a forced smile she nods my direction and goes straight for the door. I shrug and watch the show as Elijah speeds her way to try and talk to her. I smile at the drama.

"Are you empowering another one of our family's enemies?" Kol asks as if he doesn't care.

"What part of us eating dinner makes you come to such a conclusion?" I say exasperated.

"Besides they don't look like enemies to me, I'd say she is one of many women your brother left unsaturated or disappointed or he let his impulsive murder happy hybrid brother kill her family. It could be anything from the bedroom to skipping town on their wedding day." I day and Cole chocks and start coughing.

Elijah comes in looking at me weirdly. "Why was her body naked under that robe?" My smile turns into a smirk.

"It seems your arrival has made me miss a wonderful opportunity." I say.

"Don't lie her whole body is littered with love bites from thighs to breasts and.." He takes a deep breath "Even the backside." Kol chokes again I laugh.

"How does one leave a hickey on a vampire?" Elijah says in what seems to be vexation.

"You were busy looking at her naked body so closely. Was she having you watch a strip tease?" I laugh they look at me with wide jaws.

"Why did she come?" Elijah asks

"Earlier today there was a...misunderstanding between us she came to make amends." I say innocently. Kol whistles.

"Looks like she worked hard. cheers mate...to making amends." Kol eats happily while enjoying his brother's discomfort.

"I thought you were woowing my brother? did you finally give up after 3 decades?" I look at him with a chilling smile. "Shut up mate, before I ban you from ever eating our food." He shuts up.

"Anyways, why are you people here?" I ask.

"We came on behalf of my brother about your appointment, he is otherwise engaged." I nod and stand up. "Hey where is Marcellus?" I ask but no one speaks so I just leave for the door.

"You may enjoy, on the house this once." I leave for my research.

Elijah looks at the back Stefan as it looks lonely. "Don't feel sorry for him." Kol says to his brother.

"I don't, I just....he has done a lot for us."

"Well he could still do more, I hear he can grant vampires abilities now?" Kol unbothered by his brother's guilt for Stefan says without concern.

"Maybe Rebekah can make him fall in love with her and when they get married I can rest assured that he won't one day decide to kill us all for not paying him for all his help. This is why you shouldn't accept strange people's kindness, it keeps one up at night."

"I thought we came to meet a lady named Jules why do you look like you are leaving now?" Kol asks his brother.

"I realize I am in no condition to make friends Kol, let's just go back home." And with that they make their way back home.


I had deactivated the time stoping magical rune as I had nothing but time it seems the project heretic is a bust for now. I'll just make sure I'm occupied by another project while deciding where to have my heavenly tribulation so I can finally get a partial transformation and not just the fangs only. I want to breath fire and petrifying someone or something by finding it using my spiritual force.

I'm a little afraid of thousand volt of electricity coming from the heavens just for me. I am also afraid ot will draw Gods here when I am not ready to face them in battle. Atleast I think I'm not, it's always good to be cautious however my heart wants them to come, if they want me for an enemy so be it.

"I'll do it tonight just to get my nascent soul and become partially immortal. The only way to kill me right now is with strength and just pamel me to death but if I get a nascent soul the only way to really kill me is to kill my nascent soul. The thing that makes me nervous about this tribulation is that if it is not successful the nascent soul will not be formed or worse it will be formed but dies because of the tribulation lightning. The fact that I am so strong means my tribulation lightning will be twice my power.

I never liked lightning even as a child now I have to face it coming to kill me for going against the heavens. If I am successful my soul power will benefit because the tribulation is an enormous soul power turning into clouds and dishing punishment. Also I'll finally get a soul space, even though it does not store normal items I have made a spirit artifact that can store normal items I got this cheat type of idea from TDG the painting that can store people. Mine is however not so overpowered it can store items incase I end up in a desolate place for a long time.

Inside I have stored millions of spirit stones and hundreds of thousands of beast cores and blood cores. I then placed a recording telling myself who I am because according to the Library a cultivator is never as vulnerable as when forming a nascent soul. If the nascent soul runs out away and doesn't get inside the body it will take all the memories on the current body with it.

My cultivation technique requires me to form a nascent soul and then a God head when I get enlightenment on laws. A God head is that space in my subconscious unlike the soul space it can store normal items and it is where the manifestation of my laws will be, I can pull in a person into this space and use my laws inside to kill them or cure them depending on my laws.

When I finally have God space with law cultivation I can form heavenly fate souls in the soul space. If someone kills me one of these guys is sacrificed.

The cultivation that is a mixture like mine has never happened before so I might not make it back since if I was the heavens I'd definitely look to obliterate this potential to be overpowered person. Anyways back to my 'care package' I have made a copy of all my memories including those of Liam and all I'll have to do is assimilate them and I'll be myself again.

I pack all the arrays made in advance for this purpose and make my way to an un inhabited larg place which happens to be thousands of miles away from my current position. I sent a message to my workers that I might take very long to come back Nick will have to wait and the restaurant and bar should be run as usual get stock from new world I had tasked Sam with stocking for me. I am about to face the biggest challenge in this world.


This is supposed to be a dead island and now I am bringing a storm to it, I hope it survives. I hope I survive. I send a small prayer to the multiverse to please don't kill this baby with thunder and lightning. I arrange the arrays separated into three parts. The first is the recieving one to welcome the wrath of the heavens then the second arrays will store the soul power and the lightning from the tribulation and the last one is realy like an empty battery that will such the stored electricity inside.

I made sure the capacity is as large and a power station large enough to power the whole country if the heavens send more power than that, then I'm afraid I wasn't meant to last in this world but I'm hoping that is not the case and I'm a lucky baby.

I sit in a meditative position in the heart of the three arrays and release my cultivation. As if summoned the sky darkens and purple white coloured lightning flashes without the dramatic waiting period the novels will have one think. My dragon got angry at the fact we get the purple white lightning which means 99/99 heavenly blue fire.

The heavens are this mad at me? that can't be all I did was chase away a few supernatural creatures who were part of a plot to make the chosen daughter of this world suffer....wait is that the will of this world? to make my father die at my hands? kill thousands of humans in my home just so a teenage girl can discover how horrible her boyfriend is? "Well fuck you very much. It ain't gonna happen on my watch so you might as well take me bitch."

And the bitch got angry. Long story short the heavens 1 Stefan 1/2 for keeping my life if you can call it that.


The sun is yellow the air is cool life is slow and easy I live on this island with a drop dead brunette who definitely has the hots for me she calls me Stefan not that I am in a position to dispute her seeing as how l don't have any memories whatsoever.

When she starts going on about witches and vampires I just nod and smile. It started when I woke up in the middle of an ocean because there was nothing but water and it tasted salty so Ithought I am going to die not knowing who I am or where I am or most importantly how i got there. My instincts told me whenever a large animal was approaching my small lump of dirt keeping me afloat.

The lady told me there used to be a dead island somewhere close to where I was found but it disappeared overnight some time ago she said maybe I destroyed it forgetting myself in the process. The interesting thing is that all the large animals approaching would just turn inside the water and swim away from me as fast as possible. I ask myself if they think I am hungry and I'll eat them. While I was still wondering a beautiful olive skin woman came out of nowhere bringing a small boat with her.

I was very grateful and I thanked her profusely untill she laughed calling me Stefan Salvatore from a small town called mystic falls she said I knew her and that we have a history. She took me to the hospital where they said I am fine I'm probably in shock from whatever happened to me. When she insisted that something is wrong I got up and left. I asked her where we are and she said I am lucky to have ended up in a place where they can understand English.

France is a place where people are enjoying freedom of religion, art, music and life I general. Tessa got us ID documents we then rented a nace place where we pretended to be a couple so people don't ask questions. Tessa said it's not unusual for young unmarried people to live together here.

I got a job as a painter it seems my hands are just that good. I can paint and bring a picture that seems lifelike but I can never make an Original art piece with deep emotional sentiments like most of my colleagues so they call me the recorder. I can take a moment and put it in a painting without missing a single item. So I became the famous portrait artist for the rich and nobles making fast money for my household.

I use my income to try and seduce my roommate but so far I have no luck. She also disappears for months on end it seems I live alone. In any case she said she had only met me a few times so I couldn't get too much information about myself from her so I stopped asking when it seemed she was getting annoyed.

Life is good here though there is a dangerous side to the streets full of passion and music, I found creatures that come out at night to feed on the blood of the living. Instead of fear I felt oddly bored as if this is not something I don't know but something I'm used to. Anyone I ignore them and they ignore me.
