
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 16

Stefan POV

At first I went to oversee the construction of the city after confirming that everything is going well. They have even made the royal gardens. and just like I had envisioned, opening my bedroom balcony allows the fragrance of the flowers from the gardens to flow into my chambers. Refreshing my senses and rejuvenating the entire palace.

The balcony has a long comfortable couch and three other couches of the same quality all surrounding a small table that seems to be made of the same material as the couches but it has a flat area on top of it showing that it is meant to be a table. After opening the wooden doors that lead to the balcony I have to open the windows surrounding the entire balcony, separating it from the harsh winds and rain should such a need arise.

I can imagine myself lazing around on that couch reading a book while the windows (all windows are heavily unscripted against any and all harm) shelter me from a heavy rain.

I sigh at the delicious grapes I'm enjoying while lazing in my large comfortable couch. All the plants and animals here are full of spiritual energy. The stuff has been taking care of my needs. They bring me breakfast and put it in the balcony or I take it in the dining hall. However since I'm by myself I don't have to go all the way to the hall for eating. I can just enjoy myself here in my comfortable balcony.

I use the round earth map and connect it with the old world earth and then use the same HP magic to find people who are suffering at this very moment. I pay special attention to brighter spots since that means they are suffering too much. The brightest obviously is Nicklaus so I ignore him and move on the the next one.

I open a screen and group the people according to their species. Witches, humans, wolves, and so on. I let my people recruit these people to either work for me or go to school here. The humans will be separated into those with magic and those without.

The humans will then be separated into spiritual force cultivators, internal force cultivators, soul force cultivators and body refinement cultivators. The facilities have been allocated. All that is missing are the students.

I call for my servant the butler who walks in with a Straight back and an impeccable suit, his look includes a pair of white gloves. I look at him weirdly.

"What's with the look Samuel?" I remember him, I wanted a personal butler so I made him.

"It's what the England Royal butler wears, the dress code and manners I learnt from what he learnt from school." I see.

"Well you don't have to do all that if you are not comfortable Sam. As long as you do your job well I don't mind how you conduct yourself." I cough in my hand to hide my amusement.

"I'm very happy with this look sire. I enjoy my job done this way." He says. I let him be.

"Anyways bring me the reports on the development of the empire. I'm told the schools are ready yes?" I ask.

"Yes sire the schools are ready. The furniture in the teaching facility, the school dorms including but not limited to the bedding, tables, the cafeteria area is also ready. The only thing missing are the students, the teachers the servants who will take care of the cleaning washing, registration of students and the cooking of food in all 5 cafeteria areas." Sam makes his report.

I stand up and look at the city below my majestic castle. The Structures were made by genius minds from all over the world. I motion for Sam to take a sit and eat the fruits in the table while I contemplate. He refuses saying its unprofessional but I insist so he make a compromise that he will sit but will not under any circumstances eat at the same table as the master.

I go back to watching my city which looks relatively empty in comparison to other cities. I look at Sam and asks him to continue.

"There are many kingdoms in the empire, namely The wolf's den, The vampire kingdom and the Witch kingdom. Three Castles for three wolf kings. Each has a territory made up of high end communities and normal apartment buildings. Each district separated by a small shopping center. Depending on the size of the territory.

There are mountains so they can use the forest on the full moon. the mountains are as big as three small forests in the old earth, it is in scripted with barrier inscriptions and rune magic to ensure that anyone in wolf form does not wonder outside the mountains. There is everything one would need to live there if they decide to camp out there for however long.

The young wolves can go to the school, all related material have been recorded on textbooks as per your request.

The vampires also have a kingdom there are three Castles for three vampire Kings. Each is to have an army of 10 000 to 20 000. Whomever is more powerful will occupy the biggest and will also have permission to have an army of hundred thousand to two hundred thousand.

Each castle has a city under its control. The Castle, various high end communities. We assumed this is where the generals and high officials of the territory will live. A shopping center similar to a Mall was built in each district depending on the size of the community for the three territories.

These kings will be responsible for enforcing rules and ensuring none of the vampires suffer from hunger or discrimination of any kind. Aslo ensuring there is no vampires feeding on others without the permission from the other party. As per your demands. Then the other sections have normal apartments separated by the number of rooms each apartment has for instance we have a bachelor's flat, two bedrooms atc.

There is a top quality sewer system for both warewolves and vampires territory, every part of those places has inscriptions of all kinds. I doubt the Gods themselves will damage it with their so called wrath. As a result even if there is a fight in their homes, the structures and windows will remain intact. They will have to buy furniture though.

Each kingdom will have to grow their own food and rearer their own cattle to feed themselves. This kind of work is left to the hands of lower class of the citizens or the kings can rent our people who are made for hard labor and do not need to eat or rest since they are sustained by the inscriptions gathering spiritual energy into their bodies. They are infused with memories of farmers from all over the world.

They are the same people who are doing construction work at the moment but some can be rented out. We don't have to worry about them being abused or used in anyways their bodies do not accommodate any of degenerate preferences. They are made for maximum hard labor only and they don't have blood for vampire to feed on.

There are bars where they make specialized drinks imbued with spiritual energy and blood crystals and ofcourse, human blood. We also made grocery shopping centers inside each city because everything has spiritual energy so the vampires will enjoy it as much as the wolves who are basically humans." I open a screen with the two places Sam just reported to me. and these two places are very far away from my castle as well as my city. they look like kingdoms of their own.

"What about the witches?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Sam looks through the report.

"Ah yes the witches." He takes a deep breath.

"We realized that its better to focus on your city and the two other kingdoms before looking into witches since they mostly practice ancestral magic and this is a new world with no ghosts. We can build them a city when they learn HP and the other form of magic." Sam says with unease in his tone.

"You realize that you just put them way behind the other factions?" I ask in amusement.

"You made us sire, it is your thoughts on witchcraft that's influencing our judgment." He says nervously.

"Oh? That's interesting. There is a place available for the witches territory right?" I ask intrigued.

"Yes there is a place and the construction has started." He operates the screen and shows me the halfway done construction of the Witches territory, the castles are completed though. Even their royal gardens are complete.

The high end communities are only halfway done the normal apartments for all three territories are not done. I understand that all this work was completed fast and the fact that my city is complete all that's missing are the items in the shops and the people in the buildings.

"Put forth a new project. The construction of human matial arts oriented schools find places and put spiritual vains in these place before building the schools. I want four major martial art schools. Find good locations that can be clocked and hidden from normal communities. These four schools will be where my real power will be.

They must all know that they work for me, in fact I want them inscribed with loyalty inscriptions and brainwashed as much as possible just dont alter their personalities, Do you understand?" I ask Sam who is now sweating. He answers with a 'Yes sire'. I nod in satisfaction.

" The candidates will be tested if they either possess talent in internal force, soul force cultivation, spiritual force cultivation or just the body refinement cultivation.

Each of these cultivation will have a school of their own but everyone will have basic body enhancement skills to ensure no one is physically weak.

The next Is for shadow guards with talent on spying, infiltration, shadows manipulation talent and information gathering talents. This school doesn't have a requirement for gender as long as they qualify and have interest in the things I have mentioned. This school will have cultivation manuals from all the schools for the students to choose from.

I'll ofcourse provide the cultivation manuals in jade slips that can only be accessed by designated people. The existing IA can help. But first I want the schools built and I'll personally inspect if they meet my requirements. The location should be secured as soon as possible before more powerful people come and trouble starts." I say and Sam agrees and writes all my instructions down.

"Now can you report on my place?" I say eating the delicious grapes on the table.

"Yes. The castle has been ready for a while to be occupied. the kitchen is stocked and all the food in the storerooms has been preserved with arrays and inscriptions to preserve freshness with spiritual energy still intact. That is where your meals have been prepared from.

"All the food has been imbued with inscriptions to ensure it doesn't get damaged or old. There is staff members to take care of the cleaning and cooking also changing the royal chamber bedding and curtains." I raise my hand.

"Not that I do not appreciate my hard working castle staff. I was talking about the city." I point to the outside.

"The city has several districts as you may have seen. The castle, the schools, we decided to make Three massive schools with low level learning for all, middle school and lastly high school. In these schools we also provide schools for the three supernatural factions.

Infact the normal human teachings are so they are not clueless about the world when they go that side. We pay special attention to the mathematics, science as well as the technological knowledge. We made sure to copy it from those countries considered advance in these subjects. We will continue to copy this knowledge and find away to put magic in there to develop our own world.

It was decided that students can join the other earth for college if they decide or pick a school of thought here and get an instructor." Sam points on the map where the schools are allocated far from each other.

"There is a large play ground and a park near the primary and middle schools. The equipment was copied from the advance countries fun parks for children.

There is a massive library whose books are still being filed from the AIs You made last time and now they work with the city to record knowledge from the other earth schools and printing it and putting it in the library. There are also places for games which we copied from big human settlements on earth. We also made all sort of bars around this area including coffee shops, tea shops and other fun areas that young people like hanging around." I nod.

Right after i finished listening to the report, the first batch of recruits is brought in I go and greet my first humans. I put on casual clothes and let my hair hang messy. My clothes are of high quality I ofcourse paid for them with money my brother Damon has made while I cultivate in seclusion.

The first people look miserable from those that look to be homeless, to those with empty and hopelessness in their eyes. I begin my welcome speech.

"Welcome, you may have already realised that you are long way from your home. There is no need to fear this is a new place that is in need of residents. It is entirely up to you whether your stay is temporary or permanent. You were chosen because your life is not good on the other side and you were suffering." I let that sink in. I look at my audience and realize some still have dazed expectations while others are looking confused. I decide to cut my speech short.

"This is your new home. if you want to go back just talk to ne of the staff members. They are easy to find they wear similar uniforms sometimes." A hand goes up belonging to a middle aged woman with dirty face and old clothes. it's easy to see that she used to be homeless.

"Is it possible to visit where we come from? I'd like to check in on my children once in a while." I nod.

"Yes just as I said there are people specifically responsible for your welfare. all you have to do is ask. There is a home affairs office where your information will be recorded just take a bath first, you don't want to regret your picture years from now." Some show response to that but its mild.

"They will ask you questions about your previous job and what is it you are interested in pursuing while living here. All the information about all the options available to you will be discussed personally with you so don't worry about not having something to do. However I have to stress that all children will be going to school. Don't worry school is free, atleast basic education is free." A teenage looking young man raises his hand I point at him.

"Who are you?" He seems shy.

"I am Stefan Salvatore. I am the one who created this alternative earth using power and magic. So I own this place but I am not so bored as to personally run the place that is why we have the people in uniforms working and running things. Any more questions?" He raises his hand again.

"You said you made this place and that this is another earth, which you made using power and magic? can you elaborate on that?" I look at him

"No. That kind of knowledge will be available for you in the library where everyone can enter. The home affairs people will also share with you available departments for all of you to join and learn from. Happy decision making. There is a whole building just for temporary housing new recruitssuch as yourselves before you are allocated a residence and a means of making a living, this building has all that you need there's even an entertainment place with music and carioky." I walk out before I'm forced to explain string theory.

"Sam, remind me not to do that again."

"I'm afraid not just yet a new batch of vampires werewolves and witches has come through it seems they are not getting along." I sigh and walk to the next place.

Well butter me with sugar and call me a doughnut. Valery? Where is the rest of the heretics? I look for them but I come up empty. I see, did she suffer because of sneaking out and this time she got caught and beaten up. she feels like a vampire to me. Did she drown herself already?

"Welcome this is your new home it is up to you whether it is temporary or permanent. Fortunately we already have a territory for vampires and werewolves, unfortunately the place for witches is still under construction. However for now since I haven't found those in charge of these places I'll let you live in the city and as I find the people to run these territories you will be moved in there according to your station." I take a glass of water and take a sip.

This group is not in rags or dirty. Only a few seems under the weather but most are looking at me with sharp eyes assessing me.

"You were each selected because life for you on the other side of this place is not good and you were suffering. Here you can have a new beginning, a striving career, a blooming love live Hey you can even start a family here with no one to bother you. You are under my protection while you live here and it's up to you for how long." I feel like I'm repeating myself. Someone has a question and its Valery.

"What happens if you are bot vampire and witch?." I smile and her chicks turn red, do vampires blush? cool. I see witches sneering at her and vampires looking at her in confusion.

"Well you can decide if you want to live with any of them or you can rent an apartment in my city or come work for me in one of the schools as a teacher, you get free accommodation that way or you can work somewhere in the castle. The choice is really yours."

I say and more people starts asking questions without raising their hands so I release my soul power freezing them a little. The room becomes silent and I cough to ease the tension and point to a vampire gentleman who had his hand up.

"If I may ask where is this place?"

"Think of it as the other side only bigger and better. It's a dimension created from earth as a base. It's a new world." Everyone gasps at the information.

"Did they not explain when they recruited you?" I frown. Sam walks to me and bows explaining that at the time most of the candidates were going through difficult situations they might have not paid attention. I nod and point at a witch who was sneering at Valery.

"You said there are territories for all factions? Can I move there immediately so as to not be forced to mingle with vampires. I'm really not a vampire fan." She has a thick accent. Sam walls to me again he tells me that this lady was being held against her will to perform spells by a group of vampires. She had been stolen from her coven for years now.

"My apologies miss the witches territory is not even halfway finished The city has apartments where only witches live. we will put you there until everything is sorted. You don't have to worry about foul play inside the city all aggressive behavior is terminated on sight. Which brings me to my next point." I take a sip of water.

"All the territories have rune magic recording and reporting videos in real time. Only inside the houses do we not have a live video recording. all the data is stored in the council chambers. So in a word, you are being watched."

"We have a police unit which is being led by a special agent android with access to all live videos of that area. If you commit crimes you will be stopped. I am proud to say that my police officers are armed with elemental magic, if you hear freeze, you are probably being turned into a frozen sculpture." I smile and there is laughter from the crowd.

"Temporary you will be allocated apartments where you will move out of when you have decided what career to follow. The home affairs department will let you know of your available choices. Good luck. Those of you who are hybrids of two or more species you can come to Sam here he will have a perfect place just for you and I guarantee maximum satisfaction." I say leaving but stopped by a young boy.

"Mister you didn't say who you are."

"My apologies I'm just came from another group. I am Stefan Salvatore the one who created this new world. You can call me Stefan." I smile as I leave them dumbfounded.
