
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 12

Stefan POV

I have hit 900 000 soul power I refuse to think that God king wont die by my hand. My body strength is 8million ding my spiritual power is at a 12 000 000 I can walk side ways in this worl for now I'm going to check on the arrays and enlarge it. To cover the whe of Virginia will probably take me a week. There's no need to let my brother know I'm back I suppose its been years.

The materials Lucien had given me are more than enough what I lacked at the time was power ow I have enough power to crack the earth. I have noticed coven of witches but I will not notify them like I did with the vampires.

I am three weeks in my work inscribing and array using soul force into a disc I made from a precious ore. So far platinum ore is the best at storing soul power. I feel a presence behind me whose aura I recognize.

"You disappeared for 5 years into that barrier without coming out even once, I had everyone watch out for you in every corner of the world in case you teleport somewhere but nothing." I kept working on the inscriptions and array after arrays and making them disappear and teleporting them where I want them to be.

I also scatter the spiritual energy without concentrating it on the sports where the discs are planted because then it will be easy to trace their location. The guest seems to understand that I won't answer her so she opted to watch me work instead.

I was wrong it didn't take me a week but a full month and when I activated the arrays I did not link it to the old one I gave them separate life line and different beating hearts if someone wants to disassemble it they will have to have a solution to the attacking arrays that will start shooting ice arrows, wind blades, fire balls to the aggressor.

It illuminated the sky for a full night when I turned it on. I can hear dead witches being cast out if the territory and all other supernatural creatures dead or alive. Even if the king of gods comes he will die if he tries to force his way in.

"Are you able to speak now?" I turn to her and she gasps. I don't exactly look like Stefan anymore I'm too good looking my green eyes are shining like emeralds and I have this ethereal aura that makes me look other worldly. Ofcourse I'm not aware of this as I spent no time staring at the mirror.

"Qetsiya what can I do for you?" She smiles that Egyptian beauty that only she can pull off.

"I touched you that day earning your wrath I apologize" she bows. I look at her intently till she gets nervous.

"You really are beautiful. If only you weren't so crazy" I say turning to enter but she speaks.

"Can you help me kill Silis?" She says I look at her incredulously.

"He is my ancestor. You are nothing to me why would I hurt my own blood for you? Besides I thought you were waiting for him to eat the cure." I conjure a table and a few chairs then I grow a cherry blossom forest and I take a sit. She looks around then she sits infront of me.

"Its getting to 2000 years now and I'm getting a little impatient." I nod.

"Well I won't go against by blood for you." I say.

"You can and you will" she raises her hands and I wait but nothing happens I tilt my head to the side and she stands up shaking in fear of what I'll do this time. I just glance at her and then used my hand in a pushing motion and she was pushed beyond the veil of the living to the other side.

What I didn't know was that I had just created a powerful dead living witch who can now do her own dirty work from the other side. She has her body in a dimension created for the dead she can use magic in there as if she were alive. She can also travel into the tomb of Cilis and wake him up herself now that she is both dead and alive.

I on the other had have siblings to meet. I go and take a bath and shave. Afterward I walk into the living room ro find a lively scene. Mother is pregnant again, she hugs me and is very happy to see me. Father also hugs me with a happy face. Damon is a little pissed at me for living him for so long but when he tries to probe my strength he can't get an idea of how powerful I am. Then there's the green eyes black hair woman.

I look at her an I can see a wolf suppressed by the arrays in her and it's one born of mate bond...cool, I didn't know I could do that. She looks kinda sad I'm guessing Lucien failed and is imprisoned somewhere. I greet her and she nods in response there are four kids in the room all looking cute. The Male twins are a spitting image of Lucien so that answers that. They have green eyes and black hair they are very powerful young pups.

My youngest siblings are Stefanie who has green eyes and blonde hair Delen has black hair and blue eyes weird but okay. Everyone is happy here the family is richer than ever Damon had started using the land I bought is Building parks and schools.

I look at this family and I am proud that they all have spiritual energy in their bodies Damon's work I'm sure. I take my siblings and spend the day teaching them cultivation for the body I'll leave more for later when they decide what school do they want to go to. They will be strong but Stefanie has a delicate constitution I'll look into it with the library.

I get to my manor and summon Lucien to my surprise a container wet and full of water comes out it also has Aurora and Tristan I open it but they can't get out. It seems the medallion works too well, that must be why the ring I gave him to come by my side did not work, so I send my spiritual energy to try and remove the medallion but it sucks up the energy..

I decide to send my sword force and it turns to dust releasing them the water comes out and I get in and pick up Lucien and healing him of the trauma but what I'm worried about is the wolf spirit I can't sense so I send in my spiritual energy and it get sucked in so I send more until I sense a small fluctuation I get him to bed and get him warm.

I set a spiritual gathering array sending energy inside him from outside. I dried him but he still gets a fever so I call his mate to come take care of him, when she gets there she sees him lying on the bed with blankets around him and he is there she could touch him if she reaches out and she then rushes to him and a miracle happens the wolf starts devouring spiritual energy in rapid motion. Ah the wonders of a mate bond.

I go to wake up the two de Martel siblings I give them apples infused with spiritual energy and they are fine after a while of gasping and pumping salt water.

"Tristan I expected better from you now that I've cured your sister. Was it worth it? Was it for the damage done to her mind or was it petty revenge from you. After gaining your sister's love and devotion I assumed you two will rent a resort in some Island and mate like bunnies. Did you atleast hurt the other party? Did you leave a scratch or it was a complete beat down?" Tristan closes his eyes at the memory of Aya leaving him to be locked in a box.

"Did you learn something from the ordeal?" Tristan doesn't speak. I give him a ring and a necklace both have red rubies. The ring is for men the necklace is for women.

"Tell me what you learned and I'll gift you these, I made them myself. You see I saw a goddess lurking on my territory I remembered what she is good at, which is Smithing so I decide to start small. These will completely change your appearance, smell, aura and even the voice will change into what you want it to be." Hes eyes shine with luster but its soon gone.

"I learned that no matter if there's internal conflicts they will stand together. I learned that vengeance means nothing to me if I won't be with my sister. We stole the coffins, why would he leave his family in such a vulnerable state? All that power is nothing if you are just lying there waiting for your enemies to destroy you.

Also for your information, we won. Lucien came up with the idea to bite the ones we found daggered in coffins. Then we disappeared from Nicklaus's reach for a while, we used our witches to make a powerful barrier that even a syphoner can not touch because it's made of black magic. When they find a way to save them they will be in incomplete and utter chaos.

Three Originals who have been cursed and turned into violent mindless beasts they and attack each other. It was amazing seeing them pulling each others hearts and then doing it again when they wake up. Reliving all the terrible things to happen to them and those they have done. I didn't use the medallion because two were unaccounted for. Nicklaus and Finn.

If I'm not mistaken the rest are still in there clawing at each other." Tristan says with a ghost of a smile.

"Have you recovered from your ordeal Mr Tristan? If you have you can take this gift from me and leave. I believe it will be easier to live out there if the Originals can't recognize you. Go.." I feel a fluctuation on the barrier so I go to check Tristan following me but i pay him no mind.

"Lady if you persist i might..." I don't get to finish as she jumps at me and starts laughing and crying then she tries to kiss me. I just push her away.

"You don't learn do you? Not just anybody gets to touch me Qetsiya." She stands up and walks to me.

"I don't feel it anymore, the crushing terror I used to feel when ever I imagine him with Amara. I'm free, I don't love him anymore it like a veil has been lifted and I see him for what he truly is. A parasite preying on the weakness of others. I was so blind and in a rush to be with someone, anyone because of how my father treated me that I didn't see it" she cries and laughs.

I look at Tristan but he just stands there stunned I don't actually know if he is stunned or speechless because his face looks the same. I roll my eyes.

"Now what? You spent all that time and energy Building the other side just to be with him. What happens now?"

"I don't know but whatever it is I still want him to suffer so I tightened security around his tomb. Before he could be released by one of my blood, but now, fat chance." Her eyes turn cold.

"Wow, remind me never to make friends with you. You are so vindictive." I say about to leave when she stands in front of me. "Its too late for that because you are the reason I don't crave Silis anymore. Like you said you are his blood so I'm taking you to fill his place at our wedding.

You are even more powerful than he is and certainly more handsome not to mention you're ruthless." She says like it's the most natural thing in the world. I look at Tristan who looks like he wants to laugh but is holding himself.

"That crazy immortal will come for me, I'm not so bored as to fight a powerful immortal psychic, even for a drop dead gorgeous body like yours." I don't understand how she thinks.

"Ill bother you every moment of every day until you marry me. I waited for Silis for 2000 years do you think you have a choice?" I sigh

"Tristan some help here please" I say through clenched teeth. And that's when it happens he laughs out loud I look at him with my jaw dropping I've never heard such a wonderful laugh I forget about Qetsiya and walk towards him.

I pull him to me using telekinesis and grab him he quiet down now and is looking at my eyes with those bright blue ones. He is a few inches shorter than me so I pull his chin to face me and I kiss him. Kissing might be understating it more like i devoured and consumed his whole being, enveloped him with my slightly bigger stature I press around his neck acupuncture and he moans in my mouth. We are both needy now but I will leave him like this.

"Sorry...I you were just too breath taking when you laugh." I look at his half lidded eyes. "Maybe you should hide your laughs more so that you don't come across a pervert like he." I say rubbing his hair and he purrs into my hand because I'm usually a massage technique from the library.

I stop the massage and he opens his eyes to find my pair of emerald green eyes looking at him intensely. "You took advantage of me" he says licking his lips as if to savor the aftertaste. My eyes follow him tongue and my cocks starts twitching. "Fuck" I'm horny.

His eyes trail my abdomen to my large tent where my cock is twitching. I feel small delicate hands travel under my shirt tracing my chest rubbing my nipples and I tremble a bit, I know the one who is touching me is Qetsiya but I don't stop her. My eyes are staring intently at Tristan he stands there not deciding what to do.

"I'm not asking you to choose. She'll understand. She is not a delicate flower anymore." I reach my hand for his "Take it and the three of us will belong to each other" he hesitates and in the end he steps back. I take Qetsiya's hand and disappear into her place in the otherside.

I regret not getting Tristan but I look into Qetsiya's eyes. She'll have to do for now. I put my hand on her shoulders and massage them, she opens her eyes wide at the sudden jolt of pleasure assaulting her every being. I capture her breast in my mouth using my tongue as I massage her to an early orgasm. I pay attention to her other breast.

The room is enraptured in an ambiguous atmosphere. Qetsiya's panting and groans increase my lust I took away her clothes and mine as soon as we got here. I put her on the bed and open her lower lips teasing her clit making it twitch and squirm in anticipation. I touch her tummy making sure she won't get pregnant and then rub her clit applying my pure essence taking her over the edge over and over again until I plunge inside her making he scream in surprise and pain.

"Virgin Huh? Well let's try and enjoy our first time Gorgeous." I don't move and just massage her body moving my hands from her tummy, I use the technique to increase her sensitivity and then I play with her perky breasts making her moan out loud. I use my mouth on her neck while my hands play with her nipples, she starts moving on her own feeling an up coming climax so I indulge her and start moving my waist.

I don't stop what I was already doing on her neck and her breasts. With a scream she comes and her folds squeeze me in and I clench my teeth holding on before I loose control. I decide to punish her with my massage, she does stop coming until she start drooling on both her lips. I decide it's my time to enjoy myself and I start my assault on her.

Awhile later she even started squirting and shaking saying thing I don't understand. When I finally come inside her I will my come to promote her physical strength and make her have more stamina because I wasn't done with her. I let her rest for now while I'm healing her with my fluids and spiritual energy.

"I suddenly feel like I'm full of energy" she tilts her head. "Why is that?" I smile. She has a rather curious mind.

"That's my fault, you see everything about me is full to the brim with vitality and strength. I came inside you but instead of getting you with child I used my essence to strengthen your body. Try your magic and see if there's a difference." She does and she gets happy.

"If I lay with you I'll become stronger?" She has a glint in her eyes I don't like.

"No you get powerful if I allow it. I might be in the mood for making a pair of twins next time." She deflates at that.

I grab the air and the space warfs and a shining red pill is in my hand. "This however will make your mind a fortress and you can use your voice to compel an army of vampires ware-wolf witches anything actually to do your bidding. It will increase your soul power by 10 folds. Your ex will be helpless against you. There's one catch." I say closing my hand making the pill disappear.

She looks at me in alert "What's the catch?" She still wants the pill though. No matter what I want in return I can see the resolve in her eyes.

"You have to give me up. I don't trust you not to turn bat shit crazy and burn me and my family for this reason or that." Her eyes tear up.

"I don't love you, even though I can see myself loving you. I't's just you are a bit chaotic and until you prove to me that you have truly moved on from your past, I can't be emotionally involved with you." She is crying now hugging me tightly and hitting my chest with her little fists. She fell asleep in my arms.

She gasps as she wakes from her sleep because my cock is buried deep in her cunt. I don't give her a chance to adjust I start fucking her senseless and she squeals and her pussy grips my cock tightly and she comes, but I don't even slow down as I change positions taking her from different angles. She squirts and screams Shaking the dimension.

Our intertwined bodies finally separate when she loses consciousness again. I look at her with eyes full of lust. I'm unsaturated so I just leave the pill and teleport to my house with my cock rock hard. I go to take a cold bath when I come back in a towel, I find Tristan pacing in my room. I watch him pace for a while in curiosity.

"What could possibly bring you to my private cotters lord de Martel?" I remove the towel and stand there in all my naked glory. I see his eyes darken at the sight of my perfectly sculpted body. He licks his lips and I can feel the lust radiating from him, it overwhelming to someone who just came unsaturated from a supposed meal.

I walk to my dresser and start putting on my clothes I start with my briefs and pants then I take a shirt putting it on for some reason Tristan gets more aroused the more clothes I put on. I look at him curious.

"Your brother came by" He says, he is in front of me now looking at my eyes intently.

"You are oozing sex vibes. Did your sister not wake yet?" He looks at me.

"Shes awake" he says with a strained smile. "Oh? Then why are you here watching me get dressed? when are the two of you leaving?" I say nonchalantly.

"We would like to stay here a while longer ....with you by your side if you'd allow." He closes his eyes. Why does it seems like that was painful for him to say?

"What's this really about?" I'm a little confused.

"I like you and I'd like to know where ..."

"I'll have to stop you right there. If you like me so much then why did you reject me before?" I raise an eyebrow he looks down.

"I've spent almost a millennia loving my sister I wont loose her in a moment of weakness." I nod.

"I see. I like you too but for me its really more of an attraction to your blue eyes and your body. So we can wait for her to decide. In the meantime why don't you tell me how you ended up prisoner of your own toy."

He smiles a self deprecating smile "When we were done with the siblings we decided to let Nicklaus wallow in grief. We had been running and hiding all along to so one knew of our location, no one but Aya.

I trusted her to bring news of the siblings and Nicklaus's movements I never thought she drugged us with something she could only get from witches. When we woke up we were locked up and she said one hybrid is enough, now there's another our people are worried. I asked her do you think Stefan will do nothing as you imprison his creation? She said well cross that bridge.

She just wanted power and to be the sole ruler of our coven she's just using this as an excuse. She said she needed to get rid of my sister as well, and knowing me and what length I'd go for her, she locked me up as well"

I nod at that "She better pray that my child the wolf is not damaged in any way or so help me devil. I'm not very good at making threats but you get the point?" He nods.

"Don't sulk friend it comes from where you least expect it, that is why it is called betrayal. What now? Are you going to pay her back or just let her be?" He closes his eyes.

"The only reason I gave that group a second glance was because I needed more people to look after my sister. She wants to be the boss? She can go right ahead. I have everything I need." He says.

"We should go check on Lucien. Wolves are very sensitive creatures I need to make sure there is no lingering effect from his trip down the ocean. I don't understand why throw you into the ocean? You were already locked up if she didn't have any grudge why have you go through such a horrible ordeal?"

"I may or may not have had a hand in one of her lovers being drowned. I had felt she was distracted and let my sister escape from one of the places I had committed her." I nod

"So this is her revenge." he nods.

I knock on the door but no one answers so I decide to turn tale and leave. Tristan is confused but I tell him. "I brought his woman in there they are not answering so maybe they are busy. The kind of busy that I do not want to be part of." I say and he nods.

"I'm going to check on my family why don't you go check on yours?" We separate.

I find Damon practicing his fist technique and I join him we fight like that all afternoon until one of the children comes to call us for dinner. "So am I invited to your Victorian humble abbot?" He laughs.

"Anytime brother. So I heard you got laid.." he plays with his eyebrows.

"Yeah. You remember the wicked witch of the Bennetts? The originator of immortality elixir. The one and only creator of the other side." I say and he looks at me horrified.

"What happened to 'don't stick your dick into crazy'?" He says with worry in his eyes.

I pat him on the shoulder. "It's done now. There's no turning back. Well just have to whether the storm when it comes...besides she seduced me I'm just a virgin here she is the villain... well actually she was also a virgin.." I wrinkle my eyebrows.

"What? She must have loved Silas" Damon says whistling.

"So did you attain immortality yet?" I say wiggling my eyebrows he laughs.

"I finished all the levels I'm still tackling the soul cultivation though." He says with a frown.

"Don't be too hard on yourself you have too much on your plate." He looks at me and asks.

"Why?" Huh? I look at him in confusion.

"Why do I have so much on my plate brother?" He narrows his eyes.

"You are the older brother if not you then who?" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh? Because I heard father talking with mother one time I was trying to see how much distance i can cover with my soul force. He said that I was to go to war but now that I have so much to do if I left who would take care of all these businesses." I keep quiet.

"You knew didn't you? You knew that he wanted me to go to war and that I was going to kill a civilian there." I look at him.

"We are brothers we look after each other. What I did was to dump all the work on you because i care" I say and he hits me on the back i laugh and run away from him.

"The ingredients you got for me were great. Can you hire some people to look for more?" He nods.

We go home and finish up lunch and I say my farewells and off to my next task.

I enter my study and learn all I could on space magic and time magic. The great thing about the library is that all the knowledge of HP magic is there not just the books in the library. I get to understand how they made Diagon alley and the school I get to improve on it for starters no muggles even if they are relatives.

After absorbing all the knowledge I begin improving on it I am going to make a super dimension. Take what Qetsiya did and times it by 13.

I meditate on the Idea and finally I go through the prison worlds magic I find a way to make a stronger earth it's a copy but stronger it can survive bombs without dying and crops dying. It will take a few days at most it a nuclear went off to dissipate into the atmosphere and the place is good to live again. This copy doesn't need an anchor if earth got destroyed my dimension will survive.

It will take a shitload of magic, true essence and soul power but it'll be worth it. I speed to a point where the origin energy comes from and I cast the spell using my newly acquired power of HP and Origina energy. The entire earth shakes for about a minute and then a door opens up. I'm about to go in when Damon shows up.

"What in the actual hell are you up to brother and where does the door lead to?" I look at him with a tired smile and then I passed out he got to me before I hit the floor and curried me home.

I woke up to people arguing I feel like I have a huge hang over so I zap them with lightning and then it became quite. "Get out. Brother stay" after a while I stand up and move the door to the other dimension into my room.

"What's this about? where does that door lead to? Brother some answers would be nice." Damon says in frustration.

"Its space magic, but I did use time magic to ensure there are no buildings and factories and nuclear facilities its another earth but stronger and all around better. It's a haven for supernatural creatures since they can't behave themselves humans will find out sooner or later and the great hunt will begin. This is and entire planet where I am the ruler. Ofcourse I'm not so bored as to actually rule over it but you get the point?"


"Damon this is the part where you say things like so powerful my brother is and I flex a little"


I drop my head "what do you mean stronger earth?" Damon asks.

"When the humans find out they will nuke us I made it so it can dissipate into the atmosphere and not affect the environment." I say proudly.

"What if I didn't come and you are passed out in the middle of nowhere with a strange door hovering over you? The American government is already surrounding the place." Damon is worried.

"Don't worry they won't get the readings of that signal from here. My arrays are not just for show." I say.

"Brother can you not do such irresponsible things again I was worried sick" Damon says. "you worry too much brother in any case I just created A Whole New World don't you wanna come and check it out with me?"

"no we are worried about you what if you walk into that door and you end up in a black hole somewhere and you are lost forever? I only have one little brother"

"Wrong you have plenty of siblings but I do understand and I do get your point brother so I will rest since I'm a bit tired after resting though I'm going there myself this is a world I built myself brother and I'm going to use this time to improve it." Damon accept that he can't win with me and he leaves.

Tristan approaches me and takes a look at me for a long time without changing his face so I probe his feelings and I'm a bit surprised to find that he is actually worried sick. I smile and give him a hug. He stiffens at first and then he hugs me back.

Aurora chips in and hugs us both and I'm just enjoying this new feeling of being embraced. "Were you guys worried about me? You can admit it I won't tell." I wink. And they both scoff.

"Fine I'll tell you this now that place I made for the supernatural to be and not have to hide what they are. Think about that young supernatural beings they will have schools to go to and all that stuff." I say.

"Why did you go through all that for supernatural creatures you are not part of? Your brother told us that you are monks. Like the ones in the books, powerful and aloof but righteous" I look at Aurora bored.

"Aloof? Me? Please. I'm not aloof I have achieved some of my goals such as gaining some emotions but they don't still for too long I think I need a bigger play ground. And I wont worry about participants" I conjure the earth ball map and send inscriptions to sense individuals who are suffering horrible pain right now and the globe lights up.

"Vwallla" I say

"Every light you see is a person in unimaginable pain right this instant and the brighter the light, the more pain the person is in." I say. Tristan and Aurora look at me in puzzlement.