
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 11

Lucien POV

I sit on a chair in front of the siblings. "So you two finally started copulating? I have to say it pains me to see you two so happy" It really hurt but I'm a big man.

"Come now Lucien don't pretend you didn't get tired of my theatrics as you called them." Aurora says with a sweet smile.

"Well, you will always have a sport somewhere in my heart. I'm just saying if you ever get tired of the stoic."

"I'll stop you right there Lucien I believe we have some ..pressing matters to discuss."

"Evade all you want de Martel. I know what you want and you know I want it too but isn't it abit too.." Lucien says looking for the right word

"Convenient? That two of three get powerful from the same man who also knows of our vow? I think not..but so what? Are we going to ignore what they did what they put us through? I think not" Tristan grunted through clenched teeth.

"I'm all for war. But we still don't know what can kill them" Aurora cautioned.

"No. But I have something better. The crazy wizard made my venom have a side effect. He called it the Dementors curse. The more miserable memories you have the more you suffer, it brings out the deepest darkness inside you are tormented by your own mind until you either snap and become a mindless beast killing anything in your path or you begg for death. The only way to get rid of it is to drink my blood and even then it only works if I willingly give it. Pretty neat right?"

Aurora is the first to look horrified at the prospect "There's no other way?"

"There is, he said the cursed person has to occupy their minds with good memories and positive feelings. If I die then the curse will intensify by a factor of 6 said he puts it there because the world is his first born." I say nonchalantly. He said the scariest part of being a shadow wolf is not the speed but this curse.

"Well, that is truly terrifying especially for Elijah he hides his true self under the facade of clean clothes and polite words..I'd know" Tristan says with a smile that is a bit scary. I swallow the boogie man is here.

"So we are going after them now?" I ask in anticipation. Tristan looks at his sister and its like they're communicating with eyes. "Well?" I ask.

"Impatient as ever."Tristan accused.

"Oh? Then you are not burning with hatred at all for what they did to your sweet sister over there? Because I remember the wrath on in your eyes when you realized just how damaged her mind had become because of them. Don't act we all know who you are" I say shouting in the end and Tristan holds be by the neck and I hold him and throw him down creating a deep crater in the earth and I houl in that direction.

I'm about to rush in the crater when a loud scream breaks me out of my anger and I'm flung meters away by the sound with my ears bleeding.

"What the actual fuck was that?" I say more than disoriented.

Aurora runs into the pit and digs out Tristan. Who is healing from every bone on his body broken and is bleeding from orifices he looks miserable indeed and this improves my mood greatly.

I shift into my wolf and disappear into the woods being a wolf has been a great experience not to mention the other perks I have, getting to my place not even even panting after running for a full night and morning I find my witch sprawled on the massive bed I she smells clean and I go take a bath and joined her in the bed as if an octopus she luches on my body moving ever so slowly enticing me. She is as naked as me and her body feels smooth and warm.

I start kissing down her neck and when I reach her perky breasts I lick suck and rub while my hand finds her pussy playing with her clit soon she reaches an orgasm and before he comes down from it I ram my cock deep into her. Something feels different about sex today. Her pussy squeeze my cock because of her orgasm and I keep playing with her clit while nibbling on her neck. After she comes down I start my assault on her wet ready pussy.

She soon screams as another orgasm reaches her but I don't stop. She reaches more organs as time goes by I know her weak points so I tough her her and squeeze her there until I am completely satisfied with my dominance and she has become delirious that's when I bite her and mark her with my seed. She is in terrible pain because for some reason it wasn't my vampire fangs but the wolf fangs that came out but it felt right.

As if this was the only was for me to truly reach release and then it happened. She started shaking in uncontrollable lust and I felt myself release again but with her at the same time. We stayed like that my fangs in her shoulder and my cock buried deep in her cunt. Both of us having very long very intense orgasm at the same time until she passed out.

After I finished coming I slowly released my fangs from her shoulder and I just knew if I started licking she might feel better so I do it and it heals the gaping wound I had made and left behind is a mark of fangs but they cast a shadow around them.

My thought was, should I give her my blood or is she heald? So I gave her my blood just to make sure then I passed out. What a wonderful session.

I woke up to something hot and wet on my cock when I open my eyes I see green eyes look into me with so much passion my cock twitched. She then set on my cock in her butt whole. "Shit" I hissed. Since when is sex so wonderful? Iv had her back side before it wasn't like this she screams and actually squirts all over my thighs.

When we were having that long climax last night she did squirt come to think of it. So she has been holding on me. But I can't think to much because this pleasure she is giving me is deep and I feel my spine tingles. She doesn't stop going until I shoot my come into her and she squeals in delight.

I pull out of her and slide into her cunt playing with her clit for good measure and take charge. I think we went on for an entire morning. When we were done I became curious.

"Your stamina can match mine now?" She shrugs but she doesn't talk. She goes to bath and I follow in her foot steps we wash each other and continue where we left off. She has become stronger all of a sudden. And I'm more attracted to her most importantly I am affectionate...

She is also less distant and more into kissing which for some reason I don't mind. She is becoming a weakness I admit but the thought of pushing her away makes me grawl in anger. I think it's the wolf. It's fine as long as she doesn't become a problem.

She got hungry and I showed off my culinary skills and we spent the day together in comfortable silence. She doesn't talk much her family casted her aside and mistreated her because she was different. I found her in a basement they were going to sell her to a vampire for wealth aka me. She hated me at first but I didn't do anything to her just made her do magic for me when required and then we lived like that.

She tried to run once and I let her. I went on to find myself another witch when I got her again. This time she was beaten and rapped repeatedly so when she saw me she begged me to take her but I refused and asked if no one wanted to work for me but witches hate vampires.

So I turned and left. When I saw her again she was living in a shelter infested by vampires who feed on the people there since no one will miss them. I ignored her but she just followed me and I finally took her in after along begging and promising to be good. The world is cruel to the weak.

Now I think I love her I saw this morning all her scary scars are gone. I think it's my mark. Her body is very smooth now...I hope she can move on from that dreadful past.

"Your scars are gone."

"I noticed"

"Do you know why?"

"I assumed it has something to do with the mark"

"Are you not upset about that?"


"Why not?"

"It's already done and it removed my scars"

What else can I say? I continue to lay on her breasts and rub her stomach while she plays with my hair. That is how I spent the following week Clare and I became insecure when we are too far apart. I had picked up painting when I was living as Nicklaus it kind of stuck so I have a studio full of my art and I couldn't focus because I kept feeling incomplete so I gave up and found her sitting I the whole way looking dejected so I took her to bed and made her feel better.

We were coming down to eat when I realize there are people a few meters away from my home waiting and soon there is knock on the door. I already know who it is so I eat my food with Clare while we feed each other. When we are done she says she wants to rest so I let her. While I go open the door and let the de Martel siblings in.

"I smell witch how can she keep up with up so naturally with a witches body?" Aurora lets her curiosity known.

"After coming back from your place a lot of things happened and now she's different and so am I so just go with it." I drink and invite them for a drink too and we fall into silence.

"So who are the other two?" Aurora asks and I'm confused.

"Yes it wasn't clear when we were outside but now I hear it too but it weird it's like..." Tristan says as if thinking of an answer

"Children heartbeats. Very fast, sounds as if coming from afar if I'm not mistaken they are a few days old

"Lucien Castle did you bring someone else here to participate in your ...how did you call it?...coupling?" Aurora laughs but I get angry and pin her on the wall with lightning speed and not gentle my hand on her throat and roar never.

Tristan come to her aid and I realize what just happened and I get away from looking at my hand and groan. Tristan makes his way over and I raise my hands in mock surrender "That wasn't me I swear I think it's my wolf being possessive over Clare. Hey don't come over I don't know what I'll do." He hilts on his step and looks at me intensely.

"I have been very clingy on her lately and if I get away from her for a day we both become miserable its getting weird and now with what your sister was suggesting all I could think of was another man's hand on her I'm telling you it's the wolf."

Aurora let out a sigh "Are you saying that no one else has touched her in a month?"

"I can assure you I would have smell it of her even if its been three months. I only been me" I say running my hand on my hair.

"You can make women pregnant now? We're vampires, vampires can't procreate though we love trying" Aurora says with envy in her voice.

"That besides the point where are you going to hide her for we are going to war with the most powerful of our kind and also the most ruthless and that's coming from me." Tristan adds with s sour face.

I'm worried now. Aurora speaks "Perhaps we can wait for the kids to be born first what if you die and there are reparations on the well being of the mother therefore jeopardizing the fetuses." I start punching the wall in frustration. She is right.

I have to go for a run I shift and run out sprinting for the woods. When I get back I'm naked so I speed to the bedroom and get washed Clare is sleeping soundly I get close trying to listen and there are two more heartbeats in the lower area of her stomach. I want to spoon her so I do and we both fall asleep like that. My heart is warm and I'm happy just holding her like this my wolf feels content as well.

In the morning I hear people in my kitchen "You have no one here to feed on how do you survive?" Aurora asks looking hungry.

"I actually haven't felt human blood craving since I became a wolf. I have supernatural speed I go hunt and I don't kill at all near my home I heal them and compell them to forget. So don't make a mess near my home please."

"It seems you got a lot out of your deal with Stefan. You are faster, deadlier, that shadow curse in your bite. You were turned into the deadliest creature known to us. And to top it off you can sire children and create your own pack and family." Tristan says with his usual bland tone.

"I paid for it but I get what you mean he did say that wolves are social creatures in his words. "A lone wolf is a sad sight, I'll take you to your friends and until your last gift, you can make do you are welcome" he said and teleported the two of us outside your place."

"The gift was an ability to procreate? Isn't that a bit much for someone you don't know?" Aurora asks

"I don't think he did it for Lucien he did it for his child the wolf he kept saying you are half his child already he didn't want his child to be alone and by extension you won't be alone." Tristan adds.

I bow my head hiding the expression in my eyes. "She doesn't know yet I don't know how to approach the subject. I'm the one who wanted to go to war more than anyone but if it means hurting my child I don't want it." I say defeated.

"We are forgetting something. The Originals will not let us off they will come for you Lucien. You are a thorn in their eyes you are stronger now and they can't risk your existence and once they find out about your child who will most likely be more powerful than them they'll come for you. They'll come for us all."Aurora says in a shaky voice.

"I say we should stick to the plan but for now wait for the children to be born and then keep them and their mother with the kid he won't let anything happen to them while we wage war on the Original siblings." Tristan reasons.



"Now I should go upstairs and talk to her about all this. We move tomorrow if you meant what you said about sticking together so we wont be easy for picking. Also I'm sorry about making you guys wait but we will get our revenge on them I can't wait to mess with Elijah's mind like he did to us. The thought of it make my mood improve." I say going upstairs

.... Elsewhere Elijah POV

"What do you want here Nicklaus? Did you come to plunge a dagger in my chest and throw my body into the sea like you did our siblings?" I face the brother I hate right now. He looks well not as obnoxious as usual but his face has real worry. Interesting.

"No time for you to nap our enemies are gaining momentum brother." The gall.

"I'm sure they want you dead more than me so I'll ask again, what do you want here Nicklaus?" I ask ready to leave here.

"Lucien is a hybrid now his bite may even be able to kill an Original we need to work together brother come home."

I snort at that "We are not a family Nicklaus we are your followers who has to do what you say or we are daggered and put in a box. Enemies? I'll take my chances with them than be around you, a man who rips my siblings from me."

"Did you know that Mikel found me? We had a drink and talked about old times like how a son and father should which brings me to a conclusion that it was just you who ge wanted dead. Not all of us just you his shame. So please leave me to my hollowing life or put one of your daggers on me because the sight of your face makes me sick." He looks hurt, and like a wounded animal he pounces and has me against the wall with a dagger on point I smile mockingly at him.

"Pathetic." That is the last thing I said before it all became dark.


Lucien POV

we found an unsuspecting town and settled here so that Clare can give birth it closer to Virginia so things won't take long afterwards. Tonight is the night I Lucien Castle becomes a father.

At the begging of Clare I spent two months getting to know our children two boys completely identical one can use fire while the other can use wind. I suppose they will turn into wolves when they come of age. Now though it is time to make those who have wronged me pay.

I return from bringing Clare and the twins to the territory of Salvatore The de Martel siblings show up.

"Well Aya has the where about of the Mikelsons and the intelligence says that Nicklaus has Finn who has regressed in years and look to be 15 the rest of the siblings have had their daggers removed but they quarrel until Nicklaus dagger them again." Tristan reports.

"Interesting as it may be we should assume that as soon as we appear to be a threat they will unite against us no matter how traitorous they have been behind each other's backs they will still stand together against an outside enemy. For instance Aurora if you hoped to use what Elijah did to you against him, Nicklaus will only be angry at him for a while." Aurora nods as if she understands.

I suppose she does have a sibling. "We need a better plan than going in guns blazing. We need a plan that will make them suffer. And since we haven't found a way to completely kill them, then we need to torture them or simply..lock them up." I say and Tristan smiles at this answer.

"I may have found a way. This is a median that can lock something dead or living it a medallion. You two have supernatural abilities I'll hold onto this trinket."