
TVD/Percy Jackson: Daughter of Chaos

I own nothing. When Elena is abandoned in the tomb where everyone put her in by her twin and Rebekah along with everyone else except Jeremy, Caroline, Ric she is at her lowest until her mother hears her cries for help as she came to bust her out of the tomb. Elena is Lesbian and OP.

SkyZeusKing · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - I’m the daughter of Chaos

Lena POV

As I walk out of the tomb stronger than ever to which I see my mother Miranda Gilbert or Isobel Flemming or you know her as Lady Chaos, Creator, she smiled at my transformation as my sister Nyx was giddy with excitement to see me.

Nyx: My baby sister is so cute.

Lena: Thank you Nyx.

Mom: Sweetie, it's time for you to have retribution.

Nyx: Let's go, I wanna watch you torment that bitch of a twin sister but I wanna see my little brother.

Lena: Is Jeremy a demigod too and Mya too?

Mom: No he's a Legacy so not as powerful as you but strong as the big three demigods but your twin I've taken her power to give to you.

Lena: Right, well let's start the party.

Mom: Me and Nyx will head back to watch the show, you have a great time.

Lena: Thank you and I'll head to New York per your instructions.

Nyx: Bye sis, will get to together later.

They both disappeared as I used my senses to find Caroline since she is a Demigod from what mom tells me as her mom is Liz but Nyx in disguise so let's get revenge started.