
TVD: Mor Et Vita Nova

Levi lived a sad life and had an even sadder funeral, Reborn as Henry Parker guaranteed he wouldn't be alone. Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters. Bad at Synopsis; just read the story!!!!

ParadiseHeights · TV
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

season 1, episode 10)

After 10 minutes, Cami arrived, and Davina introduced the two. "Cami, this is Henry. He'll remove the spell on you," Davina explained.

Cami turned to Henry, her curiosity mixed with awe. "So, you're a witch?" she asked.

Henry responded by conjuring a fireball. "Yep," he said with a grin, emphasizing the 'P' sound.

"Alright, sit on that chair over there, and let's get things going," Henry instructed. "Liam, can you hold her down? It's going to be a bit painful."

Just like that, Henry grabbed Cami's head, siphoning the magic away. Cami screamed and convulsed in pain, but Liam held her down. After a few intense minutes, it was finally done.

As Cami's agonized cries subsided, Henry withdrew from her, looking worn out. "There you go, Cami, all done," he said, sighing relief.

Cami, still panting and clearly in pain, managed a weak smile. "Thank you, Henry," she said, her voice shaky.

Liam, who had been holding Cami down, released his grip, and Cami immediately slumped in the chair, ultimately passing out from the pain.

Davina chuckled nervously. "Well, I guess she'll feel better when she wakes up."

"Sure thing," Henry said with a nod, waving as he left the church with Liam.


Henry had been taking a stroll, attempting to clear his mind, when he suddenly heard someone approaching from behind. Without hesitation, he tapped into his magic, causing the intruder to cry out in pain as they collapsed.

As Henry turned around, he realized it was Elijah. Feeling satisfied, he released his hold on the man. "What do you want, Elijah?" Henry asked.

Elijah straightened his suit, regaining his composure. "I'm here to collect you," he replied calmly. "You've been out and about for weeks. It's time for you to come back now."

Henry raised an eyebrow, a hint of defiance in his eyes. "And why should I?" he inquired.

Elijah maintained his calm demeanor. "Klaus has gained control of New Orleans from Marcel. He wants you to move in with us at the Compound," he explained,

Henry crossed his arms, a stubborn glint in his eyes. "I've been doing just fine on my own, Elijah. I don't need anyone looking after me."

Elijah sighed, his patience evident. "I understand your desire for independence, but you're part of our family, Henry. Klaus believes it's best if we stick together, especially with the recent power shifts in the city."

Henry folded his arms, clearly resistant to the idea. "Klaus wants me to move in with you all? You know I'm not one for cozy family gatherings."

Elijah remained composed. "Henry, it's not just about family gatherings. Klaus believes that with your talents, you could be a valuable asset in our efforts to maintain control of New Orleans. There are forces at play, and we need every advantage we can get. And you are family you should be with us"

"What did you just say?" he stammered.

Henry's smile turned wicked as he took control of the situation. "Oh, I forgot to mention, I cast a truth spell on you when you weren't paying attention."

Elijah's eyes widened in realization, but before he could react, Henry acted swiftly. With a snap of his fingers, he broke Elijah's neck, rendering him unconscious.

As Henry walked away from the unconscious Elijah, he muttered to himself, "I hate this family,"


( Elijah POV)

I woke up with a sore neck, disoriented and slightly embarrassed by the recent turn of events. Glancing around, I realized Henry was nowhere to be found. After managing to free myself from my restraints, I made my way back to the Compound.

Upon my return, Klaus greeted me with his characteristic snark, "Looks like your endeavor failed. I don't see the boy with you."

I sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the situation settle upon me. "Yes, it appears that way,

I couldn't help but feel frustrated as I returned to the Compound. Klaus, my brother, greeted me with a tone of annoyance, "Looks like your endeavor failed. I don't see the boy with you."

I took a deep breath, knowing that this conversation needed to happen. "Klaus, what are you even doing? You haven't said a word to Henry other than threats since he got here. Niklaus, for crying out loud, you're his father. Take some responsibility."

Klaus responded with a mix of frustration and defensiveness. "How can I? The boy won't give me the time of day."

Elijah interrupted calmly, keeping his words composed, "Henry, not 'boy.' Remember, that's what Father used to call you. Now, you're doing it to your own son."

Klaus's temper flared, and in a fit of fury, he threw his drink against the wall, his voice thundering, "Never compare me to that bastard, ever!"

Taking a more conciliatory tone, I addressed Klaus, "Look, Niklaus, I know it's not easy. But Henry is your son. You can't keep pushing him away like this."

Klaus, however, remained obstinate. "I will do as I please. I am the Original Hybrid, and the boy will submit to me whether he likes it or not," he retorted before leaving the room.

Elijah couldn't help but shake his head at his brother's stubbornness, muttering softly to himself, ""You'll be the one responsible for driving your son further away from you and this family."


A couple days had passed and Elijah would not stop bothering Henry aksing him multiple times for him to come home, but he woudnt budge saying he woudnt go back to a den of snakes.

Eventually Elijah stopped bothering him, He guessed Niklaus probably needed him by his side or Maybe Hayley.

Henry had arranged to meet Cami at a cafe located just outside the Quarter, taking precautions by casting warding spells to ensure their conversation remained private. After about 15 minutes, Cami arrived, and Henry welcomed her with a smile. "Hello, Camillie. Please, have a seat."

Cami settled into her chair, her curiosity piqued. "So, why did you call me here?" she asked.

Henry leaned in, his voice lowered. "Well, I have a proposition for you. As you know, Rousseau's has come under new ownership."

Cami nodded in acknowledgment.

Henry continued, "Well, I'm the one who bought it, and I need your help to convert it into a neutral zone. I can't do that on my own because Niklaus and Marcel would pounce on me before I even get the chance."

He paused momentarily before elaborating, "So that's why I'm asking you. You're close to both of them, and they wouldn't dare disagree with you after some pleading."

Henry's eyes held a sense of sincerity as he explained, "The bar will become a safe haven, a place where witches, wolves, humans, and vampires can relax, a respite from the tensions of the war that's brewing."

Cami considered his proposal, realizing the significance of such a place in their tumultuous supernatural world. "Creating a neutral zone... that's ambitious, Henry. But it could bring some much-needed peace to New Orleans," she mused, her thoughts racing with the possibilities.

"I'll see what I can do, but it sounds like a great idea," Cami replied with a genuine smile, appreciating the opportunity to contribute to something positive in their supernatural world.

Henry nodded in agreement. "Great, because it's your plan," he emphasized. "If they ask who came up with it, it was you. I had no part to play in it. If they figure out I did, then the plan goes dead, and I'll have a target on my back."

Cami's smile waned slightly as she grasped the gravity of the situation. "I understand," she said solemnly, realizing the potential risks involved. "I'll be discreet, Henry. We'll make this happen, together."

I knew I was going to like you, Camille," Henry remarked with a grin as he took a sip of his coffee. He continued to explain the details of the plan, the strategy they would employ to make the neutral zone a reality.

Reaching into his pocket, Henry produced a pendant, a finely crafted and ornate blood amulet. He extended it toward Camille. "This," he explained, offering it to her, "is the blood amulet. It'll amplify your influence, making persuasion much easier. Between your appeal and the subtle nudge from the pendant, they're practically guaranteed to say yes. Plus, it's equipped with a protective spell. If anyone tries to harm you, I'll be alerted immediately, and you'll be safe."

Camille accepted the blood amulet with a grateful nod, a touch of caution in her expression. "Well, this is quite the bonus, Henry," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Thanks for looking out for me."

Henry returned the smile. "Of course, Camille. Gotta make sure you're well-equipped."

As they continued discussing their plans, they both knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy,