
TVD: Mor Et Vita Nova

Levi lived a sad life and had an even sadder funeral, Reborn as Henry Parker guaranteed he wouldn't be alone. Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters. Bad at Synopsis; just read the story!!!!

ParadiseHeights · TV
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

As Henry sat on the bus heading towards New Orleans, his thoughts were consumed by anticipation and uncertainty. He couldn't help but wonder how his "father," Niklaus Mikaelson, would react to the news of his existence. Based on what he knew from the show and the stories his mother had shared, he expected Niklaus to go on one of his legendary paranoid rants.

Recollections from the show flashed through his mind, and guessing on the timeline, he knew Hayley was pregnant. And the Drama of the originals would start.

After enduring a grueling 35-hour bus ride, Henry finally arrived in New Orleans. The first order of business was finding a nearby motel, where he promptly secured a month-long stay.

With a room to call his own, he unpacked his belongings, made himself comfortable, and decided to treat himself to a much-needed shower. The road had taken its toll, and the warm water was a welcome relief.

Feeling refreshed after the shower, Henry decided to call it a night. Meeting his father could wait until tomorrow; he only wanted a good night's sleep to prepare for the potentially life-altering encounter that awaited him.


As Henry strolled into the Quarter, something in the air caught his attention. It was like the place was charged with a tangible magic that beckoned to him. Without drawing too much attention, he decided to give it a shot.

He attempted to siphon some of that enchanting energy with a nonchalant hand wave. To his surprise, it worked like a charm. His hands lit up with a vibrant red hue, and that familiar, euphoric rush coursed through him again.

Feeling both determined and a bit jittery, Henry decided to try a locator spell using a drop of his own blood. The spell guided him to a familiar location: the plantation house.

Taking a deep breath, he approached the house and gave the door a couple of firm knocks. From inside, a voice with a noticeable British accent replied irritably, "Bloody hell, I'm on my way."

The door eventually swung open, revealing a blond woman on the other side, it was Rebekah. Trying to appear casual, Henry greeted her with a friendly, "Hey. I'm actually looking for Niklaus Mikaelson. Is he around?"

The blond woman briefly regarded Henry before responding with a raised eyebrow. "Niklaus, huh? You're not the first looking for him," she said with a hint of skepticism. "But what's your business with him?" 

Henry took a moment to collect his thoughts, knowing he must carefully choose his words. "I'm... well, I'm his son," he admitted, his voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. "My name's Henry. I wanted to meet him and, you know, get to know him." 

The woman's expression shifted from skepticism to something resembling surprise. She studied Henry for a moment longer before finally nodding. "All right, Henry. I suppose you'd better come in." She stepped aside to allow him entry into the house, her British accent echoing as she added, "I'm Rebekah, by the way."

"Thanks, Rebekah," he said, offering her a smile. "I appreciate it." But if you're here to get to know him, I suggest you run."  Rebekah led him further into the plantation house, and Henry couldn't help but marvel at the place's grandeur. It was a far cry from the life he had known so far.

As they walked, Rebekah turned to him and said, "You should know, Niklaus is... well, he can be a bit complicated.

The woman's expression shifted from skepticism to something resembling surprise. She studied Henry for a moment longer before finally nodding. "All right, Henry. I suppose you'd better come in." She stepped aside to allow him entry into the house, her British accent echoing as she added, "I'm Rebekah, by the way."

After a lengthy conversation with Rebekah, Henry settled on one of the couches when Niklaus Mikaelson, his father, suddenly arrived at the house. Niklaus's arrival was met with a sense of tension in the air.

Niklaus glanced at Rebekah and then at Henry, his expression a mixture of annoyance and something darker. He smirked and quipped, "Well, Rebekah, you've found a new boy toy already. And if you decide to dispose of him, ensure it's done properly."

Rebekah rolled her eyes at Niklaus's comment, seemingly unfazed by his sarcasm. "Honestly, Nik, you're as charming as ever," she retorted with exasperation.

" He isn't a boy toy, Klaus; in fact, he claims to be your son, and I can quite see the resemblance' Rebekah says with a smirk. Klaus looks shocked but tells Rebekah not to joke around and just kill the boy.

​​Rebekah's comment hung in the air, and for a moment, the room was filled with an awkward silence. Looking shocked and skeptical, Niklaus initially thought Rebekah was playing a prank.

"Rebekah, enough with the jokes," Niklaus retorted, attempting to dismiss the notion. "Just get rid of the boy."

But Rebekah's expression remained earnest as she urged Niklaus to really look at Henry. Despite his initial denial, Niklaus couldn't help but notice a few familiar features in the young man's face.

His emotions swirled with disbelief and a tinge of recognition. In a sudden and surprising change, Niklaus grabbed Henry and pressed him against the wall, his hands on his throat.

Niklaus's eyes glowed with veins pulsating as he tightened his grip on Henry, demanding, Tell me, boy, who sent you?"

Fed up with the escalating tension, Henry decided to take matters into his own hands. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Niklaus flying across the room.

As Henry caught his breath with Rebekah's assistance, Nikalus prepared to rush at Henry again. But Henry, determined to end the chaos, whispered a spell, "Ossox," and Niklaus's neck snapped, rendering him momentarily incapacitated.

Henry looked at Niklaus, breathing heavily, and said firmly, "I'm done with this. I didn't come here for all of this." With that, he turned away and started to leave, feeling overwhelmed.

Seeing her brother momentarily incapacitated, Rebekah decided to let Henry go and rushed to attend to Niklaus. After a tense few minutes, Niklaus finally stirred, groaning as he regained consciousness. His first question was directed at his sister.

"Where's the boy?" Niklaus demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

Rebekah sighed, shaking her head. "He left, Nik. After what you did, he decided to go. And honestly, I can't say I blame him."

As the commotion settled, Elijah and Hayley entered the room, concern etched on their faces. They immediately noticed Niklaus's disheveled state, and Hayley inquired, "What happened to Niklaus?"

Niklaus remained quiet, struggling to find the words to explain the situation. Rebekah gave them a concise rundown of the events that had unfolded in their absence, including Henry's unexpected visit and the intense encounter that had led to his departure.

Elijah listened attentively, his brow furrowed in deep thought.

Elijah, always the voice of reason, looked at Niklaus with a raised eyebrow. "So, let me get this straight. A boy shows up, claims to be your son, and your first instinct is to attack him?"

Niklaus, still defensive, replied, "I don't know who he is, Elijah. He could be conspiring with my enemies for all I know."

Rebekah, determined to get to the bottom of the situation, chimed in, "He had a striking resemblance to you, Nik. Same eyes, nose, and hair. We need to be sure." She pulled out the hair sample she had collected from Henry. "Let's call Sophie over. We can have her perform a paternity spell to confirm if he's telling the truth."

Elijah nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of finding out the truth.

Rebekah swiftly called to Sophie, instructing her to come to the plantation house. Ten minutes later, Sophie arrived, unsure why she had been summoned. Elijah stepped forward, clarifying that they required her assistance with a spell, but Sophie hesitated, fearing Marcel's wrath.

Elijah, ever the diplomat, didn't mince words. He warned Sophie that she could face the consequences or perform the spell. After tense deliberation, Sophie finally relented, agreeing to carry the spell.

However, she couldn't help but express her confusion. "Why do you need this spell?" Sophie asked.

Determined to maintain the situation's secrecy, Elijah replied firmly, "No questions, Sophie. Just perform the spell."

After a few minutes of preparation, Sophie requested the samples for the paternity spell. Rebekah handed her both samples without revealing who they belonged to. With the hair samples in hand, Sophie began the incantation, chanting, "Quis est pater pueri."

Yellow smoke rose as she added the father's hair to the bowl. When she added the child's hair, the smoke remained eerie yellow. Rebekah couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "What does that mean?"

Sophie looked at Rebekah and replied with certainty, "The child is biologically related to the father."

Sophie left the house; the Mikaelson family members grappled with the profound revelation that had just been unveiled. They watched her departure in silence before returning their attention to one another.

Elijah, always the voice of reason, broke the silence. "Interestingly, you have another child who carries your blood."

Niklaus stayed quiet, lost in his thoughts.

"We should find Him. He deserves to know the truth, and you all have much to explain." Hayley said

You're absolutely right," he affirmed. "Our priority should be locating him. And, as you suggested, we should keep this within the family for now. We don't want any unnecessary complications."


1600 words

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