
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
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40 Chs

Strange new world

-Taban pov -

I kept falling and falling, I couldn't see anything just darkness, my senses were going ballistic it was like I was seeing the most depressing but world-changing thing. The sensation of falling filled my very being, it was not pleasant.

All of a sudden colors started to show, and I felt more than the depressing endless darkness, happiness, anger, and envy.

Then nothing. Absolutely nothing, the nothingness hurt my very being, I have never been in a position like this, it was like my ability to sense all around me was stripped away.

Like my very being was stripped from me. It felt like I was falling for years.

Years of nothingness.

Years of torture.

Then I saw a bright light, the light illuminated everything in its path, next I saw a beautiful light blue, then white marks.

It hit me.

I was looking at the sky.

*SHOOM* my senses came back, I could feel again!

I looked down and saw I was steadily approaching the ground, tucking in my body I prepared for the fall.



A huge crater was formed where I landed, and my body was somehow intact. I should have at least broken a few bones but I didn't.

I hurriedly looked around, I was in some type of field, my mind was racing, my heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt hysterical.

I could finally feel again.

It was amazing, I finally felt whole once more.

Cutting me off from my celebrations was the feeling of several people entering my range, they seemed to be heading my way.

I quickly hid in some brush, that was around me I don't know where I am and how dangerous this place is. Even if this looks like earth, I can't be sure yet.

*shhshshs* the rustling of the brush across from me drew my attention

A man stepped out with several others with him, they each held a shotgun.

"Jesus Christ! What could have happened here?" one man said

"Aliens," another replied

"Shut up Al, there is no such thing as aliens," A woman yelled back

I moved silently through the brush, once I was in a good position I lunged forward, jabbing Al in the throat I took his weapon, then I quickly moved to the next man and kicked his leg, *crack* his leg broke from the force of my own, ignoring his screams I moved to the woman grabbing her gun I pushed it back *pah* the butt of it smacked her face causing her to stumble back.

Taking her gun I pushed her to the ground, I stood over the three, eyeing them.

"Owwww, what the fuck man!" Al groaned in pain rubbing his throat

"Fuck! He broke my leg! He broke my fucking leg!" the second man screamed in pain

"What the hell!" the woman shouted at me holding her bleeding nose

Judging from how I understand them, and they do look human I can easily say I am on earth. Was I just flung into some field? But that doesn't seem right. The air here feels wrong.

"What state am I in?" I asked them while leveling a shotgun at Al's head

"What? How do you not kn-"

*click* "I asked a question," I said voice was firm yet cold

"Kentucky!" he shouted shielding himself and scooting away from me

Suddenly I felt several vehicles enter my range, clicking my tongue I did what was most logical, I can't have them spreading my identity anywhere, I still don't know what to make of this situation.

Walking up to the one's leg I broke, I dug in his pockets and fished out an old phone, maybe it was because they lived in the country? Stepping back I leveled the shotgun I held.




The three were dead before they could react to the first shot. I then took the two other guns and smeared them in the blood of their owners. Taking the last gun I began to run in the opposite direction of the steadily approaching vehicles.

I ran for a while until I reached a stream, taking off my clothes I began to wash myself, while I was washing I began to think about the situation I was in, Han, Elaine, Ezra and my father all had phones and their numbers aren't working for me, which made my worries increase even more.

Looking down I saw something in the reflection of the water, it was the necklace Han gave me that worked as a communication device.

I hurriedly grasped it in my hand, then it hit me, how was this thing supposed to work? I don't have magic that I can 'will' into it.

I sat in the stream constantly trying new methods of working this thing, but nothing worked.

Giving up, I decided to try one last method, cutting my palm I held the necklace in my hand, and I saw a faint spark, the spark grew and grew until it was glowing.

"Han, can you hear me?" I asked hoping it would work

"Ta-Ban W-e C-an h-ea-r y-o-u" I heard Han reply his voice was broken and shaky

"It's hard to understand you, do you know where I am?" I asked

"T-he ne-ck-lace mu-st b-e far a-way" he replied

"I seem to be still on earth, Kentucky actually, when I went through the portal it felt like years," I said

"Only min-utes fffoor us," A different voice said sounding like Ezra

"I can-nt locate yyouu eith-err," Elaine's voicd sounded

"Your voices are slurring, I think this thing us running out of juice," I replied hurriedly

"I thinkkkk youuuu areeee in a different dimension that's likeee earthhh," Han's voice said

"I see, take car of my empire, Sora you will know what to do, I am going to stop using this, I will contact you again when I find more," I replied

The last voice I heard carried a tone of sadness, and hope, "Good luck son,"

"Thanks, dad," I whispered at the necklace

I looked up to the sky, this is going to be an interesting adventure but, I will return home. I'll do whatever it takes.

I got out of the stream to dry off, and once I did so I began to move once more, I felt a giant building to the west of me, hopefully, there is something useful there.

The journey wasn't that bad, I already ditched the phone back at the stream so I had nothing to do but think.

The main thought on my mind was simply, 'why is it always me'. I do admit I cause a lot of bloodshed and actively search for interesting things but, out of everyone on the council I feel like I get saddled with the most drama and headache-inducing problems.

The only feasible way I can even think of getting back home is with the help of magic and I'm not even sure there is magic here.

Soon I found the area where said giant building was supposed to be, but there was nothing, nothing but trees and rocks.

Sighing I realized it was underground, that is an interesting development. I began to search for an entry point, and somewhere along the line, I found a fake rock. It was rather big like a sewer cover.

Lifting it I was greeted by the sight of a ladder, I climbed down and closed the rock hatch, and once my feet touched the floor I began to walk down the corridor.

I passed by an unnecessary amount of confederate flags, one thought was at the forefront of my mind, 'is this a secret base of the civil war?'

Finally, I reached the end of the corridor, and the sight that greeted me was an open space, it wasn't very built but there was a large table with a map and some markings, a lot of weapons, and some books.

Another interesting thing was the number of symbols everywhere, they looked ancient, I had no clue what they were for but I sure hope I figure out.

Walking toward the only door in the place I opened it, *creek* the sight that greeted me was an old office area/ bedroom.

On the office table sat a large book walking forward I looked at the cover.

There was no title, flipping over the cover page I read the small paragraph that was shown.

'I hope whoever finds this uses my journal to help them in hunting, I have recorded every creature I came across in my travels,'

I flipped the page and saw the page title in bolded letters, 'skinwalkers'


A/n: this will help him learn about the hunting lifestyle and what it is. Yeah, I know *plot armor* but I wanted to have him grasp the knowledge sooner rather than later.

Having trouble on deciding the season I want to have him be in.