
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

First demon captured

[two weeks later]

It's been two weeks since I robbed the bank, I did drop off the money to my partners in the said crime. I don't know much about this world and didn't want to rip them off, for all I know some insanely powerful creature could want to kill me and its vessel would need to want to kill me.

Plus those guys were funny, all three of them. I wish I knew Flordia's name because he should be an actor, Oscar level actor the way he sold his story along with Logan and Gary's.

Currently, I'm sitting in a hotel room looking at a demon, I had my torture kit right next to me laying on the bed, the situation to be fair was a little strange.


I was walking in downtown New York, weird things have been happening here lately so I wanted to see if there was a hunt.

Power outages, electric storms, gardens wilting away. To be fair it is New York so the garden situation might be fairly common.

But my gut tells me I'm right and these are demonic omens. The very thought of hunting my first demon was enticing.

As I walked through New York my senses picked up the feeling of darkness, like the very being that it belongs to was scorned from the heavens. I guess that's what a demon feels like, I began to walk toward the feeling, I don't want to banish this creature, I want to capture it.

See if I can get any information out of it.

Finally, I found the place the energy was coming from, I saw him the demon, a white male sitting inside the gambling area of a hotel.

I bet quite a bit of deals are struck here, if I was a demon that's what I would do, gamblers would sell their souls in a heartbeat.

I began to walk toward the table he was at, it seems like he was playing blackjack, as I sat down I turned to a waiter that was there and handed him some cash.

"Get me your finest sake," I told him

"Right away sir," the waiter replied with a greedy glint in his eyes

"Got room for another?" I asked the table a small smirk playing on my lips

The first man, a human downed a shot and slurred out, "of course!"

The demon looked at me intently, I saw something flash in his eyes, something akin to greed but strangely hope.

Yes, hope was what I saw but why?

We played for a little bit, I drank and drank while winning some good hands and purposefully losing some.

My ability is kind of a cheat when it comes to gambling, that's why I robbed a bank way more fun that way.

The demon called himself Crowley, he seemed to have dropped his focus on the other guy and is now focusing on me.

Something feels wrong with this situation. I just couldn't place what it was that bothered me so much.

Downing one more cup of sake I stood up, stumbling a bit I picked up my chips, "I'm going to book a room!" I cheered aloud

"That's a splendid idea, shall we talk more about business in private?" Crowley asked me

Business? I honestly forgot what we were talking about, this demon fellow tends to talk slow and for a long time. I just tuned him out.

"Sure," I replied with a drunken drawl

"Let me get a room first," I told him

Branching off from him I walked over to the front desk, "I want to get a suite," I told the lady

"Of course sir we have two available," she told me

"Just pick one I'm not picky," I replied with an easy-going smile

"Of course," she said

She asked for some basic stuff and then handed me the room key, "will that be all?" she asked sending me a radiant toothy smile

"Actually, I was wondering if you could have someone run up to my room real quick, I have some chalk here it's easy to wash away and I was wondering if you could draw this symbol on the ceiling?" I asked showing her a picture of a demon trap

"My friend over there is scared of demons, I want to prank him," I added whilst sliding a couple hundred into her hands

Her smile turned into a full-blow greed-filled look of surprise, "of course sir!" she practically yelled

"Actually I will go up and do it now," she told me taking the chalk I slid her

"Thanks, just wave at me when you finished," I replied

She asked someone to cover for her and then went off, I 'drunkenly' stumbled back to Crowley.

"I gots ta wait," I told him

"It's no matter," Crowley replied

"You a good man Crowley," I said as I sloshed drunkenly

I sew her home back and give me a little wave, "that's me man leths goo!" I pulled him along toward the elevator

Letting him go I saw him straighten out his suit, "so, how long have you been in New York?" he asked

Snorting I replied, "not long enogh"

The elevator music kept the awkward silence at bay, I pretended to viciously watch the buttons light up according to the floor.

*ding!* the elevator door opened and we both stepped out

I stumbled in the hallway looking for my room, finding my room I tried to insert my card into the slot, but I kept missing it.

"Let me," Crowley said while whisking the card out of my hand

He inserted it and then opened the door, I walked in first and gazed around the room, it was rather nice.

Crowley stepped in then froze, looking up his cussed, "how did I get fooled by you?"

I instantly dropped my act, "overconfidence," I replied dryly

I pulled out some more chalk and then got to work, covering everything so he couldn't escape.

"Do you really think this will hold me?" he sneered

"Yep," I replied popping the p just to annoy him

My car is a little ways away and I didn't want to leave, luckily I'm in the habit of keeping a torture kit with me.

You never know with these things. Sadly though the kit doesn't include what I need.

"Stay put for me?" I asked him

He growled at me receding back as I left the room.

-flashback end -

Back from collecting my gear now, my real torture supplies are next to me. I took out some hex bags and tossed them in each corner, I contacted Logan about a week ago and asked him to make me all of the hex bags I might find useful.

The ones I'm using are made to make the room soundproof.

No one will hear his screams.

"I don't suppose you will give me the information?" I asked

"What information?!" he all but shouted

"What's happening recently, why you looked hopeful when you saw me, and more," I replied while drawing a demon trap on a chair for extra measures

I put the chair next to him, and before he could reply to my comment I splashed him with holy water.

"Ahhh!" he screamed in pain, quickly I took his shoulders and forced him onto the seat. Taking some chains I doused them in holy water and then coated them in salt.

I began to chain him to the chair.

"Last chance," I commented idly

"If you think your piss poor methods of torture will work on me you are gravely mistaken," Crowley bit out

Walking closer to him I took out a knife I coated in holy water and salt, I ran it down his face, and a long cut started to appear.

"ARGHHH!" he groaned in pain

Chuckling I said, "does it hurt that bad?"

"Haaa Worse," he replies

I grinned at that, I couldn't wait to test my methods, he seems like he is a stubborn demon, perfect for my methods.

Crowley after this won't even be able to look at me in the eyes.

"Let the fun begin," I idly said a grin was plastered on my face


A/N: next chapter will be a homage to the episode where dean tortured Azazel.

Some may be wondering where dean and Sam are. Their meeting will be a lot more significant than a run in.