
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
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40 Chs

A hunters lifestyle

To be a hunter, some things are required at the basic level, you must be able to fight, research and look into clues, and posses a survival instinct like no other.

Oh, and always be on the move and basically be poor.

What a horrible way to live, I personally might be a bit put off by this because I have lived a certain way for a long time. Which is why I can't accept the fact that I only have twenty dollars in my pocket.

I'm poor. And I have to say being poor is a different type of experience, it humbles one in a way like no other.

Well, humble is a strong word for what I'm feeling, I'm feeling more angry at my low pockets than humble. Being humble won't buy me a room.

It's been only a couple of weeks since I took care of that spirit in Winthrop, I ditched the place afterward. To slow for my taste, honestly, I can't understand how some people like to live in those small boring towns, the most excitement they ever had was in fact the spirit.

Some cop out there is going to spend his life trying to solve those murderers, and probably will spend every waking moment trying to figure out who did it. His life will spiral, and the people will blame him for not catching the killer.

In a small town like that, the people will start to feel unsafe around their friends and neighbors. They will think to themselves 'did he do it?' 'did she do it?'.

Poor Bernard will forever hold the truth, and will forever find no solace in figuring out he was right.

I lost track of my thoughts, back to the poor situation I currently stood in front of the first security bank in Seattle Washington. It is my third-day casing the place, I don't particularly want my face to be plastered all over the news so I'm not going to take the classic snatch-and-run route.

I'm sure I could escape.

Matter of fact, I'm positive if I went in right now I could easily steal all of the money I would need, and get away with it. The problem is the police here are rather quick to surround places. And I can't teleport, so I need a rather safe escape route.

I stole a car a while back after leaving Winthrop, it's an old Toyota. In other words, an old Toyota is my escape car.

I walked into the bank and got in line, I began to look around subtly for any new things I might have missed.

Spotting a bowl of candy I swiped one and popped it into my mouth, I'm actually excited for my big robbery.

Tomorrow is the day.

*BAM* the sound of a body hitting the floor riveted throughout the bank

Turning around to see what happened, I and the others in the bank saw five men in masks, guns out, and the security guard folded onto the floor.

My luck is truly outstanding. Maybe I should get my energy checked out.

"Everyone on the ground! Do as we say and no one will get hurt," The leading man said he glanced down at the security guard, he chuckled while adding, "well almost everyone,"



Several people screamed, "be quiet!" another robber hissed

I calmly got down on the ground like everyone else, I watched as they expertly got the money.



Police sirens could be heard rapidly approaching, the leader yelled to the others, "what's happening? How did they react so fast!"

"I don't know boss, we should leave," Another replied

They all began to run toward the door, right as they opened it several police cars pulled in.

"Police! Drop your weapons! Put your hands up," I heard over a speaker




A barrage of gunfire ensued, I saw them rushing back inside, two men down.

"Lock the door!" the leader yelled frantically

"On it," one replied

"I'll get the cameras," the third said

They moved as one unit, it was impressive. They obviously planned for an occasion such as this one.

The leader looked around surveying his surroundings, "alright everyone up," he said motioning with his gun

We all slowly began to rise, a plan was forming in my head, a plan to profit from this inconvenience.

As he led us toward the already open vault we all began to file in. The second guy came over with a bag, it wasn't full of cash.

"Five more," He said

The boss nodded his head, "alright, you, you, you, you, and you," he said pointing at me and four others

"Put these on," he added throwing us outfits similar to theirs

Blue jumpsuits, with a mask of a frowny face. The people he picked were all bigger men more physically fit like me. I calmly dressed myself, they as they closed the vault behind me.


As soon as the vault door closed I sprang into action, I lunged at the one closest to me, punching him in the gut I could hear his bones break, I covered his mouth and grabbed his shoulder.

Effortlessly I twisted *crack* his neck broke, I dropped him to the floor

The remaining captives backed away from me. They didn't say a word though.

The leader and the other guy were both talking away from us, they didn't even see their friend get killed.

I started to calmly loot his body, looking for anything useful besides his gun. I found a pocket knife, it was a relatively good one but definitely not the best weapon.

Fiddling with it in my hand I found the weight ratio, I have thrown knives with worse balance. Planting my feet on the ground, I sprung forward, throwing my knife at one *swoosh!* "ackkkGlgl" the knife entered the man's neck

I continued forward toward the leader, my fist shot forward faster than any human could react, *puchk* my fingers dug into his throat

Effortlessly I squeezed, "gagghhh" the leader began to choke on his own blood

I dropped him onto the floor, I then began to pick up his gun whilst at the same time removing his unique smiling yet frowning mask. Switching it with mine I began to walk over to the other dressed-up captives who were frozen in fear.

"Anyone want to rob a bank?" I asked lightly

"You ar-e craz-y ma-n!" one of them shouted his voice was shaky

"No, I'm resourceful," I replied with a small chuckle

"Fuck! Shit man ill do it," one of them spoke up surprising me along with everyone else

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, I mean I need the money and we can say we were forced" he added

"I am holding you at gunpoint," I nodded with slight amusement

"Put me in the vault! I won't tell!" the shaky-voiced one said

The two others stayed silent. They seemed off to me, something wasn't quite right with those two.

I walked forward slowly towards the one with the shaky voice, "nighttime," I whispered to him

"Wha-" before he could reply I punched him between the jaw and neck, knocking him out cold

"Shit, that's going to hurt in the morning," my new accomplice grimaced

I chuckled in response as I began to take off the now knocked-out man's disguise.

"Put him in a closet," I said to my accomplice

Suddenly the phone began to ring,




Pointing my gun at the two still silent captives I motioned for them to follow me, and they did so.

Once we got to the phone I told them, "stay in front of me," I didn't want them out of my sight

Picking up the phone I said, "how can I help you?"

"How can you help us? Well if you are asking how about you release some of the captives," a man replied

"Only some?" I asked back

"Well, all would be preferable," he replied

"I'm good, so what's your name?" I asked dryly

"Agent Thompson FBI negotiator," he told me, I could hear the pride in his tone

Leaning onto the table I replied, "Negotiator? Well, then I will give my demands,"

"Oh please do," Agent Thompson prompted

"An armored car that will give me safe travels to any boat of my choosing, and some sandwiches for now," I said then hung up

Turning to the two still silent men I said, "so, how long have you two been working with the guys I killed?" a small smirk danced around my lips

-end -