

Name: Christopher Diedrich Keller(currently)

Gender: Male

Race: Primordial Spirit


The First Magic User, The Witch Spirit, The All father, Odin, Zeus, Amen-Ra, Buddha,The Saint, etc.


Manifesting apon the dawn of magic that occurred due to life and chaos. He grows and dies systematically to mirror the order of nature. Created as the loophole for magic in general. Apon his first conception there was no other life except for microorganisms. Life later developed into larger organisms over a series of thousands of lives. The life forms eventually began to take his image. When they looked similar enough he began to be born of them. If Nature is a mother, and Time is a father, then he is their first child.


Descendants: All Witches

Parents/Creator: Nature


An olive toned man that looks to be in his late teens. He has dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He has a strong build with his shoulders, back and legs being his strong points.


Through their countless lifetimes they have changed to experience new things. Once they were blood thirsty with a hunger for war. Once they were boisterous, arrogant and indulging in the pleasers of the flesh. Once a great leader who could lead nations and forge empires.


Reincarnation- during his early twenties to late eighties he is destined to die. Apon death he is instantly born from any peoples(and if people aren't available he just manifests as a baby), this is any baby birthed at the same time as his death, the body auto assimilates to his default traits though there can be a little variation in builds. He retains all his memories and powers.

"Cause locked" immortality- His death can only occur when no being causes it, supernatural or not. (Eg. Natural heart attack)

Psychic powers- mental powers able to influence others of himself. (Eg. Hypnosis, Telepathy, Illusions)

Magic- able to use magic with nearly no need for material, verbal or semantic components.

Causality(low) manipulation- it is his destiny to only die during a certain period of his life and only through certain methods so he is protected by supernatural forces.

Law making- able to create "laws" which can be applied to individuals, areas, groups, objects, etc. These laws can be almost anything but required input.

True sight- sight that is able to bypass any obstruction and even see alternate planes like the Other Side.

Unbound- magic that is against his direct will cannot use him as a component or talisman. Magic can't be bound to him.

Siphoning- can drain magic through physical contact or in close proximity.

Soul Consumption- able to absorb souls of the dead or living(in certain conditions) and have them become part of the users soul. The amalgamated souls are sentient yet completely subservient, unable to exist separately. These souls are capable of interacting with the physical world for short periods of time. The user can completely consume a soul causing it to cease existing, meaning nothing can be done to bring it back.