
TV/Movie world hopping

I don't own anything except my character and original ideas.

Shane_Town · TV
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


"Haa, kinda glad the girls chose to stay aboard the Lucrehulk…this place is just so awful and tiny." I muttered to myself while looking at the inside of the aged trailer seeing that it was dark outside as I looked out through the window…looking at the clock I noticed that only two hours, thirty eight minutes and thirty six seconds, has gone by in the real world.

'Let's at least make this something to not be ashamed of.' I thought to myself as I transformed into Upgrade and fused with the trailer, upgrading it from its very foundations leaving the outside with it's late 70's early 80's appearance while the inside became more modern and like that of my former Sheathipede shuttle and powered by an arc reactor.

"There, now they'll never know what a poor loser I am in this world." I muttered to myself as I turned back to human and thumbed the Lucrehulk ship that was kept on a chain around my neck like a pendant, the girls flew out of said Lucrehulk ship on a hover platform that slowly enlarged in size until they returned to their normal full-bodied sizes.

"Hmm, you really are a slave…a farm slave at that. Your living hovel is even smaller than mine." Shmi whispered underneath her breath though the twins and Talon nodded in agreement with her statement, making my right eye twitch in annoyance.

"Yeah…I'm not really a slave the farm belongs to my family…though you could say I'm a bit like an indentured servant of sorts this place belongs to the farm and in exchange for a place to live I have to work on the farm for a meesley, insultive monetary payment." I told Shmi and the others, as I moved to the Replicator interface, clicking on a pint of Guinness extra stout under the drinks as I was feeling thirsty and in need of something stout to drink.

"I assumed you weren't a slave…as you told Anakin you were, it was so he would identify with and trust you…" Shmi replied to me while putting her hands on her hips, "it's alright no need to apologize…thank you for helping Anakin and I." Shmi continued to say and I nearly laughed.

"I wasn't going to apologize…" I replied while trailing off shrugging my shoulders unconcernedly.

'Why would I apologize to her…if I was to apologize to anyone it should be Anakin for manipulating him.' I thought to myself while taking a large sip of the warm stout.

All four women shot pointed stares at me while either crossing their arms over their chest or putting their hands on their hips, like the sturdy stone in the middle of a calm river I let their ire flow past me like water flowing downstream.

"Anyway…this place isn't really big enough for the four of us…so I have something for each of you." I told the group of women as I reached into my bag and pulled out eight items I painstakingly created for the group while admiring the plain simplistic black rings made of a Beskar Vibranium Adamantium alloy doting each of my fingers, each one a storage ring holding my plundered loot, resources and weapons of mass destruction.

Each one of the rings and chests were made from the same alloy as my own rings and were enchanted with the same magics as my rings and my pouch, each ring and chest were matched to the girl's aesthetic preferences the twins liking greens and forests made me customize their rings with emeralds and green paint, while Shmi likes blue so I used blue sapphires and sky blue paint, Talon I used onyx and red paint as she was still a sith girl at heart.

"These rings have 120 meters of unilateral storage, time moves extremely slowly inside of the pocket space, so any food that you store in there will last for a long time and stay warm or cold…but eventually it will expire…these are apartments just lift the lids when you want to enter and open the doors when you want to leave. Siri helped with the customization process so be sure to thank her when you ladies get a chance to, also for security your rings act as keys and only the people you are touching and have the intention of entering your apartment with can enter said apartments. That pretty much covers everything." I told the group of women and then found myself scratching my temple trying to remember if I forgot to explain anything, while hearing the appreciative gasps and awwing of the women even the twins seemed very touched over my gift to them.

"These are beautiful…did you craft them yourself?" Katata asked me a light blush coloring her face and neck as she looked between the items resting in each of her palms and me.

"Yup, took me a while and I nearly blew myself up a few times…I actually started working on these back when I started working on making my own pouch to get rid of Charmcaster's bag." I replied to Katara who held the small jewelry looking chest to her chest and shyly slid the ring onto her ring finger.

"C-can you teach me how to make such beautiful and magical pieces of art?" Katara asked shyly, a little stutter tingeing her voice.

"I'll try to, but I'm not sure if you can use the same magic that I can…but you can definitely learn how to make jewelry, you all can if it's something you want to try…it's good to have hobbies." I replied to Katara before looking at the rest of the women who nodded while wearing soft loving smiles and naughty smirks in their eyes.

'Manipulation without even trying." I thought to myself as I'd averted the earlier liegate crisis…with the tried and true method of gift giving that men have refined for centuries.

I noticed Soka, quickly sidled up beside her sister and leaned in to whisper something in her ear, which I could have heard but I'd trained my enhanced senses down to what they used to be.

Suddenly I was grabbed by both twins and the three of us were transported into Katara's apartment.

"Uhh, what's going on?" I asked a little out off as the twins looked at me with hungry eyes, not because I wasn't down for some sexy time with them but because I thought they were lesbians as they hadn't shown any interest in getting naked and sweaty with me before now.

"You gave us our betrothal gifts…it's time to consummate our engagement to you." Soka replied with a little smirk on her lips that showed off her slightly elongated incisors, while Katara cutely bit her bottom lip and nodded in agreement with her twin.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Foo-haa!" I sighed as I reclined in my favorite chair feeling drained and exhausted in the greatest of ways as the succubus twins, the milf mommy and Darth Lady of the Sith had put me through my paces to show how excited and happy they were over their gifts…and that I had been forgiven for my creative story telling.

'Still came out on top.' I thought to myself while feeling a sense of pride as after I'd survived the twins and left Katara's apartment, Shmi grabbed hold of me and nabbed me, then after Shmi it was Talon's turn.

"It's still a lot to process that I spent around four months in the Star Wars universe and less than three hours passed here." I muttered to myself while mentally sending a food order to the Replicator, through my implant.

Soon a hover tray brought over my order of chicken tenders and beer battered fries, with blue cheese on the side, accompanied by a large Root Beer.

'It's cool that the Replicators from Trek…can replicate the taste profiles perfectly but without the negative ingredients.' I thought to myself that my root beer has the same nutritional value as a kale shake, but with the taste and texture of a normal sodapop-drink.

Turning on the TV and opening the HBO MAX app, I was greeted by the house of dragons season 2 trailer.

'Its too bad they replaced the younger Rhaenyra Targaryen actress with that woman…she's kinda…not quite ugly but nowhere near as attractive as the other one…though they nailed it with Alicent Targaryen Nee Hightower.' I thought to myself as I clicked on the show and started the young series over again.

"I kinda want a dragon…put it under a spell/enchantment that lets it stay in chibi form and ride on my shoulder, and then turn large enough for me to ride on its back…" I muttered to myself as a somewhat absent smile formed on my lips and I reached out and activated my ability…only to find that the green dot was unresponsive and was duly blinking.

"Hmm, don't tell me it was a one time use kinda thing." I muttered to myself dejectedly while figuring that world travel and item nabbing were now lost to me.

'Figures…' I thought to myself as this type of thing seemed par for the course for me as everything good in my life seems to end not long after it happens.

But then the screen of the TV went black and it was overtaken by a green translucent screen and I watched something similar to a divergent timeline forming in Loki as a line spit off the main one and it showed my interaction with Padmé at Watto's junk shop.

[Divergent timeline created:...new timeline…current time 32BBY. Cool down time to return to Star Wars Universe 89 days 14 hours 32 minutes.] was displayed on the screen which made me furrow my eyebrows as this wasn't something that happened in my fanfiction when the character version of myself got these similar powers.

'A cool down time is probably so I don't have a mental breakdown over the time differential between my universe and a tv/movie verse…' I thought to myself as I rubbed my thumb against my chin and tried clicking the minimize button that was displayed on the window showing me the two separate timelines and how the major events differed.

"What the actual fuck!?!" I expressed in a whispering breathless voice, as my world spun my vision grew with multicolored static while a cold sweat broke out across my body before everything went black…the image of a pregnant Padmé giving birth to twins and telling them stories about me with the copy of Siri left behind in Star Wars universe to help run things for me and build an empire for my return…an empire called the Imperium.

"Darling, darling wake up!" I heard Talon's gentle yet concerned voice chiming in my ears along with her firm but gentle touch.

"It wassshhh, jushht a bad dream." I heard myself blearily say to Talon as I fluttered my eyes open being blinded by the blinding lights.

"Wh-what was just a bad dream Darling?" I heard a bit of an unsure stutter in Talon's voice while feeling my cheek being pressed against the supple warm flesh of Talon's abdomen, that deceptively hid her steel like corded muscles.

"Padmé babies…twins…my babies…all grown up…wasn't there…for them…her." I replied while trailing off feeling nauseous as hell having to stop after every few words to catch my breath and swallow down the extra saliva in my mouth the begets vomiting, the gentle caress of Talon's fingers ruffling my hair, the only thing preventing me from throwing up.

"I don't think…it was a dream, and besides…it shows that Leia and Leann are only ten when the clone wars break out…if I'm seeing this correctly…in fact I'm quite surprised I can even see your ability as I wasn't able to before, maybe it's because I'm not of this universe." Talon replied to me making my world spin once again.

"I have to go back." I replied feeling resolute but I felt Talon slightly grip my hair possessively.

"You cannot until the cool down time is complete…at least that is my assumption." Talon replied back to me calmly and I found myself turning my neck a little bit to nuzzle against her abdomen, her rich slightly heady and smokey scent comforting to me.

"Ten years Talon I'll miss ten years of their lives, it was bad enough playing tenth fiddle in my parents lives, I can't imagine the effects being absent for ten years will have on them." I replied to Talon feeling a wash of emotions that I couldn't quite quantify.

"Padmé will understand…it will take time for the children to accept you and move on, but with some time I'm sure you'll grow to have a strong connection with them." Talon reassured me though I only nodded my head in agreement as I felt like she was dead wrong especially about making a good relationship with my kids as I could only imagine how vindictive they would be using myself as a base.

"Hmm, it looks as though your ability to travel to other universes…is functioning fine…would you like to go to this universe on your own or may I and the other accompany you?" Talon asked me as I found myself reluctantly pulled away from her comforting presence to look at the TV screen.

'Is it bad I kinda just want to get away and stew in self pity?' I thought to myself while shooting myself a mental affirmative nod to my question.

"Hmm…I kinda want to go in alone and then bring you guys over later when I have a secure base of operations on the ground." I replied to Talon gently but seriously which made the Twi'lek kneel down to look me in the eyes.

"Very well Darling…but don't take too long to get over your feelings of uncertainty towards Padmé and your children or else I'll use the force to rip open a portal and come beat some sense into you." Talon threatened while her eyes started to glow a menacing sith color with arc of what seemed like crimson lightning.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Stepping through the TV, closing the portal behind me.

"You're a fucking coward!" I expressed venomously at my own reaction to running away from my problems.

'Yes…Yes I am.' I mentally replied to myself as I jumped up on top of a building and watched Daemon Targaryens rousting of King's Landing with his golden cloaked army.

Feeling myself cringe and tighten my thighs as I saw a guy have his junk cut off.