
1. Jacob The Genius

Jacob will never let himself lose. The MENSA association-certified youth as a genius was too strong to beat. Never once, did he come out of the courtroom with his face down. Jacob, a Filipino man who has lived in California for 29 years of his life, is always a winner. This morning, a pale-skinned man was seen stepping out of a luxury condo in the heart of a highly populated city in America. The adonis walked quickly to a well-known law firm in the country.

"What are you doing to my witness, Allison !!" Jacob shouted in an elegant room dominated by white.

"Well..well .. so…now a top attorney, number one firm in California visited me." The 35-year-old woman rose from the white sofa in her room and gave a light clap, her face covered in heavy makeup. The woman was wearing a formal suit with a deep slit front, she was also wearing black fishnet and a fiery red stiletto.

"Cut the crap, Allison!" Jacob snapped and walked over to his toughest rival at the court. Allison is not a very smart lawyer, she often uses her connections to win cases, and it always works. Perhaps the woman in front of him also rewarded the judge who handled the case with her physical beauty. It is no secret in the world of lawyers that Allison charges for spending the night with her clients.

"Let me clear up this misunderstanding, that cute girl you call a witness, came to me and asked me to protect her from a dominant man who was threatening her life. And ... well ... the man she meant was, you !!" Said the fashionable lawyer in a sarcastic tone. Allison teased Jacob.

The words managed to ignite Jacob's emotions, the man with black straight hair furiously approaching the woman, who was now sitting casually on her sofa and enjoying a cup of hot coffee.

"I promise you a regret, Allison !!" Jacob said angrily and stands right in front of Allison.

"Ooh ... really? This time, your ego will be trampled under my heels, Mr. genius lawyer !!" Allison replied with a wry smile. Jacob walked out of the room with wide strides.

"Never !! Never in my life to be tricked by someone else !! And that person is a woman!" He growled to himself and continued down the corridor of his rival firm to the elevator. When Jacob made it out of the building, he stopped the taxi. The yellow sedan was moving slowly with the city traffic in the morning.

"King's man ave. Fremont, please," he said to the driver, who immediately nodded his head. He opened his newest cellphone, pressed the dial-phone button and brought it to his ear.

"For God's sake !! Roderick !! What other stupid things are you doing, Allison is in this case !!" He stomped hard and made the taxi driver jump from his seat.

"Sorry ..." Jacob said to the driver. With a reply from Jacob's cellphone, his colleague Roderick explained several reasons for this problem.

"Listen !! I'll be there in twenty minutes. When I arrive, you better have a smart reason why this is happening !!" Jacob replied in a choked voice. All the years he had fought the maximum to arrive in this position, he would not allow a woman to destroy his glorious career. Margy, the key witness in the case he is currently facing, is a woman cunning as a snake, having succeeded in destroying his genius plan.

Nineteen minutes later, Jacob's taxi arrived at a normal house, like the rest of San Jose, painted warm yellow with a green lawn in front of it. The wooden door at the front of the house was slightly ajar. Jacob walked through the stone steps of the garden to the wooden door.

"Roderick !!" Jacob yelled into the rainy green yard the night before, "I've ordered your grave at St. Clara Cemetery, so help me God !! Don't get buried in it tonight !!" Jacob said as he entered the wooden door of the house.

Jacob's handsome face looked completely different 30 minutes ago. Her flaw-less face looks duller, straight hair that always looks neat and smooth, is currently a mess, a sign that her stress level is high this time. This perfectionist man always takes care of his appearance. Appearance is one of his weapons in various problems of his life.

"Wow ... Calm down man !! You haven't even given me a chance to speak," replied Roderick trying to calm his partner who sometimes made him shudder with horror. Jacob walked past Roderick who was standing stiffly in the living room, he walked to the white refrigerator at the end of the living room and pulled out a coke. Roderick followed his friend and asked him to sit on the sofa next to him.

"Listen, man !! You scared Margy! The girl ran from your apartment trembling with fear, I was in the coffee shop across and saw her. I tried to chase her - she already got into the taxi. I tried calling you yesterday !! But you didn't it pick up. ! " Roderick explained. Jacob ruffled his black hair back. Frustrated by the current situation. Margy !! "Margy is not an innocent girl you think, she might have done that with Greg, before Greg was found dead in his apartment," said Jacob covering his face with both hands.

"Damn man !! Why are you just talking now, the testimony is different from yours, how do you know? Nobody knows that Greg Richardson has an affair with another woman!" Denied Roderick directed his entire body towards Jacob, hoping for further explanation from his colleague. Roderick admired his friend and co-worker, even though he sometimes spoke harshly to her.

"I slept with her. Three days ago, I sabotaged her a little to get drunk and could sleep with her. She told me everything at that time," said Jacob, still looking down over his face.

"That was so sick !!" Roderick's people after hearing Jacob's explanation.

"This time, we're in serious trouble, or ... if I can explain, YOU'RE in serious trouble !!" "I ... I don't know maybe I was drunk at that time, I don't know we were drunk. I don't even remember what happened. I woke up naked and wrapped in a blanket. Likewise Margy."

"Ha ... ha. How could you fuck her but don't remember? If you can do that with a woman, then you're aware."

"I'm aware, but my brain is not completely normal," Jacob replied stroking his forehead. It seems that women are a big problem, he is a little sorry for doing that to Margy, if it turns out that he will get a hassle like this.

"You're losing! Even though this is the first time you're going to explore an intimate adventure!" Teased Roderick to his friend who is known to be a little conservative. Even with a tall and muscular body, a smart brain, and a successful career, Jacob had never once dealt with women in his life. According to him, a woman will complicate his life which he felt is already difficult.

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