
The Burning door.

Upon entering the third room, I noticed something hanging on the wall. "Are those skulls? Human skulls?" I exclaimed. Strangely, the sight of the skulls evoked feelings of disgust, fear, and pity within me.

I was disgusted because some skin still clung to them, frightened at the thought that it could have been me or us, and felt pity without fully understanding why.

With those thoughts in mind, I decided to leave the room and attempted to open the doors to the other two rooms. Placing my hands on the fourth door, I tried to push it open but found it impossible to budge even an inch.

Thinking I couldn't move the fourth door, I didn't attempt to move the fifth door. However, as I was leaving, I twisted my ankle, causing me to lose my balance. In an effort to prevent myself from falling, I decided to lean on the fifth door.

Yet, the moment I placed my hand on the door, I felt a sharp burning sensation on my hand. "Ouch! My hands... It burns...?" I thought, quickly retracting my hand to check, only to find them completely unscathed.

Despite feeling foolish, I dared to touch the door again, this time with just my finger. Once more, it felt as though I had touched a scorching stove.

Yet, when I examined my finger after pulling it back, it was perfectly fine.

Confused, I left the area and made my way through the passage, eventually reaching the door to the throne room, where I decided to turn right.

I saw several buildings with chimneys. Upon entering one of them, I discovered that these buildings are actually forges or smithies.

Inside the forge, I observed numerous swords and sets of armor lying in crates.

Upon selecting one set of armor and a sword, I noticed that they were unusually light, indicating they were not made of typical materials like iron or steel.

Consequently, I decided to sell one sword and set of armor, which fetched around 1500 coins. "That's much less than I anticipated," I mused.

Realizing that instead of selling them, they could be used for self-defense or training, I picked up a sword and began swinging it.

Strangely, as I swung it, the weight of the sword suddenly increased significantly, causing it to slip from my hand and shatter into countless pieces.

"The sword shattered?" I pondered. A sword should not break from this height.

Not to mention the height, "swords are supposed to bend, not shatter," I believe.

Feeling uneasy about the sword breaking from just my waist height, I opt to discard the swords and armor.

To my surprise, every single piece of armor and sword shatters.

Concerned that if used in combat or training, the swords and armor could break, causing more harm to us than to the enemies, I choose to sell the remaining swords and armor for around 10k.

After selling everything, I make the decision to leave. However, as I am departing, out of the corner of my eye, I notice some more crates, which I decide to open. Inside the crates, I find many...

To be continued...

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