
starting life of a superior being

As the sun shines in our hero as he walks to the courtyard he saw people with wasted potential. In the gymnasium where the opening ceremony is held.

Headmaster: welcome students to Sendokan Academy.

???: *yawn* this is so boring.

that is Kakuto Onirize our main protagonist in this story a sleep-deprived teenager at Sendokan Academy.

???: Quiet that's the headmaster she is the one that gave you a second chance remember

Kakuto: I'm sorry Shizuha, but it's not my fault I'm sleep-deprived.

Shizuha: Why would you even stay up so late when you have school the following day.

that is Shizuha Onirize Kakuto's older step sister

kakuto: Because I can't sleep why else and besides the reason, I'm even here is because some guy tried to rob me while I was too busy reading a book that I don't have money for.


In a store called "WEEBS 'R Us" we see Kakuto reading books from the forbidden section of the store when all of a sudden.

???:*inhales* aaahhhhh smell like long-time sleep deprivation and sweaty gamers. Now let's not make this difficult for us.

The leader who was known as "Jacob Satchner" said as he points his pimp cane at the shopkeep. Known for his trademark coat and cane and for being the thief that steals ancient artifacts from auctions and museums. Artifacts have been rumored to hold tremendous power and can be sold to the right man for the right price but Jacob he knows the legends the artifacts live up to are real and plans to gain their power. Luckily for him, one of his informants says that one of the artifacts is hidden in this store so naturally, as a power-hungry thief he is he robs it and claims it as his own.

Shopkeep: Please sir just take the money.

Jacob: Oh, no, no, no I'm not here for the money.

Shopkeep: You're not.

Jacob: No. I'm looking for a more priceless item. Search for the tablet and take hostages for insurance.

As the commotion is still going on Kakuto as the dumbass he is, is oblivious to his surroundings.

Kakuto: *uff* she is definitely not walking for the next week.

As the henchmen round up the hostages one of them decided to disturb the disturbing teen.

Henchman#1:put your hands up, I said put your hands up *pokes Kakuto with gun* I said put your hands up.

kakuto:*pulls out earphones* sorry what was that.

Henchman#1: I said put your hands up.

Kakuto: Uuummm let's see, how about you let me go so I won't beat the crap out of all of you.

Henchman#1: you got a death-wish or something.

Kakuto: what is it with bad guys threatening people with "you got a death-wish or something" like they're intimidating or something like come on.

As Kakuto rant to the Henchman, he pulls out his swords

Kakuto: They're beautiful aren't they? build them myself, you don't mind being my test dummy, do you?

Henchman#1: Go to Hell!!!!

Kakuto: *bows* Please, after you.

As the henchman gun him down, Kakuto dodges the bullet the henchman fired and sliced his gun in half leaving the henchman with his sword. As the blade extends from the handle he violently lashes out against Kakuto while he just effortlessly blocks and parry his attacks. The fight lasted for a minute before Kakuto kicks him to the entrance.

Kakuto: sheesh people these days man can't even read a book in silence. *looks at Jacob* Hey your Jacob Satchner the robber with a sketchy ass coat.

Jacob: Hey I'll have you know that this coat is stylish.

Kakuto: I don't know... *put on a black and white coat*

Kakuto: My sweet ass coat begs a differ.

Jacob:*whispers* tch show off.

Kakuto: Now are just gonna stand here or are we gonna fight.

Jacob: Fine I'll humor you on this one kid.

As the two took their stance, they dashed from their positions and met halfway, Kakuto kept slashing with his swords while Jacob blocks and parry his attacks. Kakuto did acrobatic moves and unpredictable slashes at Jacob put and land a couple of hits at Jacob whilst Jacob was having an easier time hitting Kakuto with his cane and beating him. The fight goes on until the henchman found the tablet

Henchman#2: Boss we found it.

Jacob: You impress me kid but I think it's about time we take our leave.

Jacob knocks down Kakuto by tripping him with his cane. As soon as he recovered from the beatings, Kakuto throws one of his swords at the henchman.

Kakuto: Oh no you don't.

The henchman was off guard by the projectile as he uses the tablet to block the sword evidently breaking it

Jacob: NNNNOOOOO!!!!!!

The tablet broke and the energy was transferred to Kakuto, as the newly gained energy has been absorbed by Kakuto he recovered from his wounds and gain a boost in his stamina

Kakuto: Phew, nothing like a good power boost to keep you going. Now where were we

Jacob infuriated by Kakuto gaining the artifacts blessing he lashed out at Kakuto with an undying rage

???: On your left.

Kakuto hearing voices in his head decides to not question it for now and dodge the incoming attack, giving him time to reacquire his sword.

Jacob: Damn you!!! I should be the one to gain its power, not you, you don't have what it takes to wield it

Kakuto: I don't know, from what I see it, the power chose me and I don't hear it complaining

Jacob: No matter I'll just kill you and take the power for myself

Jacob blinded by greed and hatred became predictable. As Jacob swing his cane Kakuto dodged it with minimal effort. Kakuto having an easier time thanks to his senses and for Jacob's reckless and relentless combat style swiftly incapacitated Jacob and the rest of his goons and tied them up.

Kakuto: *Phew* glad we got that settled have a good day now shopkeep and sorry about tables


Shizuha: I just can't believe that I can be in the same class as my baby brother *pinches kakuto's cheek*

Kakuto: Cut it out already, and I'm not a baby, or did you forget I'm taller than you

Shizuha: *pouts*

Headmaster: now let us welcome our student council president

As she walks to the stage everybody is cheering for her

President: thank you, headmaster, good morning everyone...

that is Chrysti Magenheld daughter of the legendary Juniper Magenheld the legendary tactician that stoped the "crisis-human invasion". He bested technology with superb methods and unbelievable tactics, I can see why she is the student council president she is really popular and loved by all but I'm concerned if she can live up to her father's legacy don't get me wrong she is incredibly strong especially with her "Queen's Speech" phantasma allows her and her team a boost in all stats, increase recovery and all-around immunity but the drawback is that the "Queen" must be confident in her ability to lead as well as her subordinates believing in her as well or the phantasma won't work.

Chrysti: And helping me in making this school in order is Detsuya Moribe our vice president Quinccy Lowain our secretary and Musagen Kurogima head of the disciplinary committee we will do everything in keeping this school on good condition.

Kakuto:*thoughts* of course, she picks her people for the job and I bet the teachers are also part of the inner circle.

As the ceremony ended students are instructed to proceed to their respective classrooms

School secretary: New students please head to the main hall for your schedule and classroom assignments.

Shizuha: I hope we can be in the same class as you Kakuto.

Kakuto: Why, aren't you one year older than me?

Shizuha: Yeah, but you forgot that you advance a year thanks to what happened last time remember.

Kakuto: Oh, right totally forgot about that hehe

Shizuha: honestly you are so hopeless

Kakuto:*depressed* I know.

Shizuha: Relax and whatever happens just know that I'll always be here for you.

Kakuto: Thanks Shizuha, you're the best sister I can ever have.

Shizuha: I know.

Next chapter