

Chapter 2: Reunion

Harry was walking up the stairs to his bedroom after another uneventful dinner in the company of his relatives. Aunt Petunia had been telling her husband about the gossip she had overheard that day, regarding the dreadful behaviour of the new couple that had moved into the neighbourhood. Uncle Vernon on the other hand, had been discussing the GCSE exam results that Dudley would be receiving sometime soon. Harry seemed to be the only one at the table who noticed the way Dudley was squirming and trying changing the subject. He mused that the exams had not gone quite so well for Dudley, although Harry suspected that Uncle Vernon would blame everyone except his son for that. All in all, Harry would have preferred not to have sat down to dinner that evening but he made a deal with Remus and he respected the older man too much to recant on it.

As he walked into his room, Harry immediately noticed that Hedwig was waiting on his bed with a letter attached to her leg. After he untied the letter, Hedwig gave a grateful hoot and flew into her cage for a short rest. Skimming the short note from Remus, Harry discovered that he was to be picked up and transported to Headquarters sometime in the near future. The note specified that he pack all unnecessary items however, Remus apologised regarding the lack of details. 'I'm sorry Harry, but it's not safe to write how or when I'll come to pick you up in case Voldemort manages to intercept the owl'. "Well that's helpful to know" muttered Harry sarcastically to Hedwig, who just stared back at him. Throwing several items into his trunk that had been scattered around his room, Harry sat down on his bed and distracted himself of thoughts about Sirius and Grimmauld Place by reading 'Quidditch: The English Lions'. 'Tomorrow', thought Harry, 'I'll get ready for it tomorrow. Will have to tell the Dursleys as well, bet they can't wait to get rid of me'.

One afternoon, several days later, Harry was found reading one his Duelling books he had bought earlier that summer. Although DADA was his best subject by far, Harry actually had little practice in duelling with others. Of course, that small list did include one of the most feared Dark Lords, Voldemort, as well as a few of his Death Eaters. Harry however, felt that his duelling technique could do with a lot of improving, especially after seeing the Headmaster and Voldemort duel in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic. Harry had realised over the course of the summer that Transfiguration and Charms had their place in duelling, not just DADA. With that in mind, Harry had resolved to practice hard in those areas so that he was not so helpless, not if, but when he was to face Voldemort again. Harry would not find himself in such a situation where he depended on someone else to defend both him and themselves just because he did not know how to duel.

The screams of Aunt Petunia shattered the quiet of number 4 Privet Drive. Fearing that Death Eaters had breached the protection on the house, Harry rushed down the stairs wand in hand, only to find Remus and Moody in the hallway.

"Hey Remus, Moody. Am I leaving?" asked Harry, ignoring his Aunt, who had turned rather pale at the sight of the three wands.

"Yes Potter. Where's your trunk? You're all packed right?" Moody replied.

"Ummm, yes. Wait a minute though, how do I know you are who you say you are?" remembered Harry, casting a suspicious look at the two wizards.

"Good thinking Harry. I'm Moony. Your Patronus, which I taught you, is Prongs, and your Firebolt was bought by Padfoot for your Christmas present in your Third year" praised Remus with a smile.

"Okay! Just wait a minute while I throw the last lot in", yelled Harry as he ran back up the stairs into his bedroom. Throwing the book he had been reading along with some clothes he had not packed into his trunk, he glanced over the room and checked under the bed for any forgotten items. Everything was in his trunk, a present from Moody, including his beloved Firebolt, and so he grabbed the trunk's handle in one hand and Hedwig's cage in the other and made his way back downstairs to the two waiting wizards.

Moody took hold of the trunk and cage and walked back out of the open door, presumably to however Harry was being transported to Order Headquarters. Harry said a quick goodbye to Aunt Petunia, to which she merely glared back at him before Remus placed a hand on his shoulder and led him out of the house, for another year at least. "Lovely reception. I hope she doesn't treat all her guests in that manner" Remus mused, a wicked glint in his eyes. "I'd have thought she'd be used to it by now. Oh well. How are you doing Harry?" he asked as the two wizards approached a black car. "Ministry car" the older man answered to Harry's questioning look.

"I've been better, but I'm not about to fall apart on you just yet! I've been reading up on duelling techniques and obviously reading the letters you wrote" he answered as he got into the car. "Thank you for that, I feel much better about how my dad and Sirius behaved at school. It's more obvious now that Snape's a biased git, but I do admit they weren't very nice at times either".

"Wotcher Harry. You alright back there?" asked Tonks, turning in her seat and grinning at Harry. He noticed that she had spiky purple hair today and wished that she could have shocked his Aunt Petunia by entering the Dursleys house again.

"Fine thanks Tonks. How are you?" he replied as Remus sat down in the seat next to himand closed the car door.

"Great, can't wait to get you back to Headquarters. You're lucky that I'm driving you there. Better me than Mad-Eye here, you'd end up stuck somewhere on the M5 I bet" she shouted as she started the car.

"Remember Tonks, I may be older than you, but it means I know more curses than you" growled Moody from his seat in the front of the car. Laughter filled the small space as Tonks started driving to London.

The four reached 12 Grimmald Place sometime in the early evening. Tonks and Moody drove off to return the car while Remus and Harry went to enter the secret Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius' old family home. As Harry stood on the pavement, watching the house appear from nowhere, his thoughts drifted back to last summer. The days he and the Weasleys spent cleaning the house, Sirius' dislike of being confined there, secret Order meetings, Mrs Black's portrait and the house-elf, Kreature.

Harry felt his temper rising as he remembered the house-elf's betrayal and how it led to Sirius' death. Harry's eyes narrowed and his grip on Hedwig's cage became tighter. He jumped when he felt Remus' hand on his back, giving him a gentle nudge in the direction of the house. However, his anger lessened as the apprehension in him grew with every step he took towards the house.

He was looking forward to seeing Ron and Hermione again, of course he was. Nevertheless, at the same time, he didn't want to answer their questions. He knew they'd notice the weight loss, his quieter moods, that he preferred to spend more time alone, and he knew that they wouldn't understand why. That they couldn't help him this time, unlike with their many adventures in the past. How could they, when he didn't fully understand? The hurt, the grief was still as strong. The worry, increasing each day, of what Voldemort would do, who would die next. They were still teenagers, but then again so was he. Yet he was not. He had a mission, a purpose, one thrust on him by the Prophesy, by Voldemort. It was a circle, Harry realised. Voldemort and Harry were there when it began, and they would be there when it ended.

Without realising, Remus, Harry, and his trunk were in a bedroom that Harry did not recognise. Setting Hedwig's cage ontop of his trunk Harry apologised to Remus. "Sorry, I was lost in thought" he said. Looking around Harry asked, "I don't recognise this room? Aren't I sharing with Ron again? He is here I assume?"

The werewolf smiled, understanding on his tired face and gestured for the younger man to sit down on the bed. Remus moved a chair away from the desk in the corner of the room and sat down opposite Harry. "I thought you'd prefer your own room, what with everything that's going on in your life. I guessed Ron might not appreciate your dreams, and I don't think that you would want him to know too much about them either" he replied. Seeing Harry blush, he quickly carried on. "You'll have a bit more privacy basically. My room is just a couple of doors down if you need me".

With a small smile, Harry thanked Remus. "Who else is at Headquarter then? Apart from you and me?"

"Well, Molly and Arthur are staying here until you lot go back to Hogwarts. Ron and Ginny obviously, Hermione arrived a few days ago. Bill and Charlie have been around, oh and I'm sure you'll be seeing the Fred and George about" answered Remus, pausing for thought before he carried on. "Tonks and Moody are around a fair amount. I think that at least one of us will be here most of the time. Ah yes, Neville Longbottom will be staying here as well. Dumbledore sending someone to collect him in a day or two, although I'm not entirely sure why. Everyone else will be just passing through or here for meetings".

"Neville's coming here?" mused Harry. "I guess the Headmaster thought he might be more of a target now, especially with … " he trailed off lost in thought regarding the Prophesy and how it could easily have been Neville, the Boy-Who-Lived. How different would Harry's life have been? His parents would have been alive and happy, and Sirius wouldn't have been sent to Azkaban, he wouldn't have had that deadened look in his eyes, he wouldn't have died. Then again, his parents could have been like the Longbottoms in St Mungo's, driven mad. 'No', Harry thought determinedly, 'not what ifs, not now'. Harry looked at the older man; the grey in his hair and tiredness in his face indicating the full moon would be coming soon. He wondered how a man who had gone through so much, the monthly transformations, the loss of his friends … no his family, how Remus could still give so much. Still fight, to hope for something better. If Remus could, Harry would try, but he could not help wonder if he would succeed, if he could carry on like Remus had.

Remus sat silently in his chair, watching, as Harry became lost in his thoughts again. He noted the messy black hair framing Harry's pale face and those green eyes, usually bright with laughter or curiosity, but now filled with pain, hidden behind glasses that had been broken once too many times. At least the clothes he now wore were the correct size, although hanging slightly loose on his thin body. Even so, Remus noticed that Harry had indeed grown taller, though he wasn't as tall as James had been in his Sixth year at school.

He knew that bringing Harry back to Sirius' family home would bring back memories for the younger man, but hoped that Harry would not live in the past, that he could heal. Even so, Remus worried that no one would be able to help Harry, that the only ones who could heal his heart and soul were dead.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Remus coughing, who then gave him an encouraging smile and handed him an envelope. He realised it contained his delayed OWL results. Taking the envelope with a trembling hand, he opened it and took out the parchment. Reading his results, Harry was filled with a mixture of excitement, disappointment, shock, and disbelief. Remus, who had watched the emotions flit across Harry's face shouted "Harry! Harry, how did you do? Did you pass? Is there anything wrong?"

Harry started to hand the parchment over to his one-time DADA Professor still feeling numb, but with small shivers running up his spine. He blinked twice and quickly snatched back the parchment before Remus could take it and stared at the results again, as if to imprint them onto his brain. With a small curl to his lips, he passed the parchment over to the worrying werewolf, who scanned the results, ignoring the Examination Board remarks.

OWL Results for Mr Harry James Potter:

Astronomy EE

Care of Magical Creatures O

Charms O

Defence Against the Dark Arts O

Divination P

Herbology O

History of Magic A

Potions EE

Transfiguration EE

Harry saw that Remus had read the results and raised eyes shining with happiness to meet his own. A huge grin split his face before Remus grabbed Harry into a one armed hug, pulling him off the bed. "Congratulations" he shouted, "They're fantastic results! What do you think?"

"I can't-, I-, I passed Potions, and Charms! I stuffed up in the practical exam so why, I can't believe it, I mean, I PASSED Potions. What is going on? I failed Divination, but that was a joke anyway, and of course DADA, I knew I aced that. You should have seen Umbridge's face. Oh, and Hagrid will be so pleased. I don't believe it; it's like … WOW! Remus! I passed!" Harry vaguely recognised that he was rambling and his mouth was beginning to hurt from the huge grin on his face. He couldn't stop his body shaking from excitement but he passed! It took a few minutes for Harry to calm down further, but he knew that for the rest of the evening a large smile would grace his lips as he remembered his results. Sobering slightly, he recalled his Potions grade. "I can't believe I actually passed Potions" he told Remus, "but I can't take NEWT level Potions. Snape won't let anyone without an Outstanding to take the subject. Professor McGonagall told me that I need it to become an Auror, so it looks like that's out of the question now".

Remus just smiled at Harry and told him "Harry, don't worry about Professor Snape just yet" and handed him what looked like his usual letter from Hogwarts. "I'm very proud at what you've achieved" he continued, his eyes shining with happiness, "and I hope you don't mind me saying, but I know that your parents and Sirius would have been proud of you whatever happened. They love … we love you, no matter what. Auror or no Auror" he finished with a bittersweet smile.

Harry opened the letter from Hogwarts and took out the parchment, reading the usual letter from Professor McGonagall. His brow creased in confusion before a slack look came across his features. He started mumbling under his breath, "I don't believe it! I know she said she'd help, but how did she? Wouldn't he have … does he know? The greasy git is going to hate me more than ever! I can't believe he'd agree, she can't have told him, surely?" Scanning the rest of the parchment, he absently noted the subjects he could take and the books required before asking Remus, "Did you know McGonagall got me into the Potions class?"

"I wasn't sure, no I didn't" he began, "but I bet she enjoyed doing it. I think she likes to wind up Professor Snape. Payback for when he was studying at Hogwarts I guess" smiled Remus. "Harry, it's getting late. We should grab some dinner. I'll wait downstairs, see what Molly made for dinner tonight" and with that, Remus left Harry's room.

After a few minutes Harry walked down the stairs to the kitchen, taking care not to wake up the portrait of Mrs Black as he passed her and found Remus putting two plates on the table. Remus had found two bottles of butterbeer and the two wizards sat down to eat. Harry had only ate just over half of his dinner and had been playing with the rest of his food when Remus suggested that he go visit his friends or go to sleep. "It's your choice. Your friends will still be here tomorrow, although Hermione may shout at you!"

Harry decided that he would say hello to his friends. After all, he hadn't seen them for over a month. Walking upto the room he had shared with Ron the previous summer he knocked once before opening the door and walking in. It was obvious that no one had told Ron or Hermione that he was arriving today because for a moment they just sat there gaping at him.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" he asked, smirking.

"HARRY! Sweet Merlin! When did you get here? How come nobody told us? Oh Harry how are you? Did the Dursleys treat you well this summer? Did they feed you? Look at you! How did you get here?" came from Hermione in a single breath before she grabbed him in a hug.

"Harry! Ignore Hermione here, too much energy. How are you mate? It's been ages since we saw you!" asked Ron.

Grunting quietly as Hermione impacted into him, Harry explained "I'm fine like I said in my letters. I'm eating and the Dursleys ignored me most of the time, which was perfectly fine with me. I've only just arrived really. Remus, Tonks and Moody picked me up and I've no idea why they didn't say anything".

The three friends spent the next hour or so talking about what had been going on in the month they had been apart. Hermione quizzed Harry on his OWL results while Ron snorted at her enthusiasm for schoolwork, even in the holidays. They both filled him in on what had been going on with the Order, which was not all that much since it seemed the members seemed to be more tight-lipped than before. Ron was discussing what this year's Quidditch team would be like which brought Harry's thought back to Sirius and he decided that he would prefer to go to sleep. Telling his friends that he was off to bed, Ron asked him "Harry? Where's your trunk and stuff? Shall we bring it up to our room?"

"Well my stuff's already in my room" replied Harry, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't see it anywhere" said a confused Ron as he checked the room.

"Uh, Ron? I've got my own room this time. It's a couple of door's down from Remus' room", said Harry.

Ron shot Harry a look before asking, "Why have you got your own room? Hey! Does this mean I have this room to myself all summer? Great!" not noticing the glare he had received from Hermione.

"Sorry mate, but Remus told me Neville's coming here sometime soon and I guess he'll be sleeping in here with you".

"Neville?" frowned Hermione. "Why would he be coming? I didn't think he knew about the Order. Why would he have to stay here I wonder".

"Actually his parents were members of the Order the first time around so I guess he knows something about it. Besides, Dumbledore will explain anything else" Harry answered, but he privately thought that the Headmaster was taking extra precautions regarding the Prophesy as well as Neville's safety.

"How do you know that? And when did you start calling Lupin 'Remus'?" questioned Ron.

"It doesn't really matter but Moody mentioned it. Besides, Remus asked me to", said Harry with a wave of his hand.

"I have to share with Neville?" moaned Ron.

"It won't be so bad Ron. You can see who snores the loudest!" Hermione put in laughing.

"Hey! I don't snore that badly! Besides, how do you know?" Ron retorted, his face turning as red as his hair.

Leaving the other two to carry on arguing, Harry said his goodbyes and left for his own room. Once there, he decided to meditate for a bit and practice his Occumancy before settling down to sleep.

The next morning Harry woke up with a scream on his lips, "No! Sirius!" Clenching his hands, he forced himself to take several deep breaths before getting up. Again, he had dreamt of that day in the Department of Mysteries and the Veil that had haunted him all summer. He got dressed in a red T-shirt and jeans and tried to do something to his hair, but it stayed it's usual messy black self. All in all, Harry was feeling very grumpy that morning. Knowing that it was unfair to take it out on his friends, he resolved to take a deep breath and count to ten if he felt as if he was going to lose his temper.

Harry had only taken a few steps into the kitchen when without warning he was pulled into a rib-crushing hug. When he was released, Harry took a step back and saw Mrs Weasley looking at him with a critical eye. "Harry dear, how lovely to see you. Oh my though, you look positively thin. Did those awful muggles not feed you at all" she started. "I'd have expected better, especially after that talk! I simply don't understand why the Headmaster insists you go there. Never mind that dear. Sit down here and I'll get you something to eat. We'll get you right as rain soon enough" and with that, she started pushing him towards the table.

Harry was unable to say a single word during Mrs Weasleys tirade. Deciding that it would be better to not say anything, after all, it was just his second day at Headquarters, Harry resolved to eat what he could and make a quick exit before Mrs Weasley tried to give him second helpings. 'Perhaps if I tried to have my meals when Remus was about, we could work together on it?' he thought with a small smile.

Having escaped breakfast, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were joined by Ginny in Ron's bedroom. Ron and Harry decided to play a game of chess while the two girls were discussing what seemed to be Ginny's summer homework. After Ron had beaten him twice, Harry decided to read for a while instead. As Ron challenged his sister to a game, Harry left the room only to return a few minutes later with one of his Advanced DADA books. Making himself comfortable on the spare bed, he started reading a chapter entitled 'Duelling Using Special Abilities'. He had barely finished the first page before Ron called out to him.

"Yes Ron? What do you want?" he asked, slightly annoyed at the distraction.

"Mate! When did you turn into Hermione?" he asked.

"Ronald Weasley! What's wrong with doing some extra reading? It's not a crime, besides you might have done better in your exams if you read more" shouted Hermione.

Ron blushed at the rebuke but carried on regardless, "but this is Harry, not you. Come on mate. We can do something else; you don't have to sit there reading if you're bored of losing to me at chess. How about a game of Exploding Snap?"

"I don't think you should try to distract him Ron! He looks perfectly happy reading. Why don't you carry on playing with Ginny " admonished Hermione.

Taking a deep breath, Harry interrupted before Ron could argue back. "Look guys, I usually fit in some reading most days. If you want Ron, I'll play some Snap later, this afternoon perhaps?" he placated.

"Harry? When did you start reading schoolbooks anyway? You must admit, it's not something you're known for. It's more Hermiones area", asked Ginny.

"I don't recognise that book you're reading either. When did you get it?" added Hermione with a small frown.

"What is this, the Spanish Inquisition?" asked Harry with a small smile. Harry and Hermione laughed at the bewildered look on the two youngest Weasley's faces and said in unison, "muggle thing!"

"Actually, it's one of the books I got from the DA on my birthday. A 'thank you' present I think" Harry announced.

"Oh, that's nice", said Ginny. Abandoning the chess game temporarily, she continued, "so what else did you get for your birthday Harry? I know Charlie was in a right state. He had Dad and Bill working on something, but they wouldn't tell me what he had got for you".

Harry blushed as he realised the trouble Charlie must had gone through, but he wasn't ready to tell Ginny and the others his suspicions about the necklace yet. Instead, he reached inside his T-shirt and pulled his necklace into view.

"Wow! Is that an actual dragon's tooth?" asked a wide-eyed Ron.

"Yup! Charlie's gift".

"What's that, there's something else…" came from Ginny as her sharp eyes caught sight of the gems. "Merlin! How did he manage that? Without breaking the tooth?"

"What? What are you talking about" quizzed an oblivious Ron, still sitting by the abandoned chess game.

"Honestly Ron! Why don't you come over and take a closer look" admonished Hermione as she peered at the necklace. "Can I take a closer look at the stones?" she asked.

"Sorry Hermione. I don't like to take it off" apologised Harry, "It's an emerald and a blue sapphire stone if that's what you want to know".

"It's a beautiful gift Harry. Charlie's never done something like that before though. I wonder if I could get one" pouted Ginny.

"It's not as bad as Bill's earring though! Mom won't have a fit over it either" laughed Ron.

"That's what Charlie and Bill said!" remembered Harry, thinking back to the small note that came with their gifts. Tilting his head at the frustrated look on Hermiones face, he said "What is it Hermione?"

"Oh! Sorry Harry, I was just thinking about something I read in a book about different stones and their properties" she started.

"Typical" muttered Ron.

Ignoring Rons comment, Hermione ploughed on in her lecture mode. "I can't quite remember, I'd have to look it up again in the Library. Emeralds are supposed to be able to reveal the truth and strengthen intuition. They're the stone of new beginnings and bring happiness to the bearer". Stopping to think, her brow furrowed, "I'm sorry, but I can't remember much about sapphires. I know that the various coloured sapphires have different magical qualities, but I don't remember anything concerning the blue sapphire. I'll look it up when we're back at Hogwarts Harry".

"Thank you Hermione. I didn't know that, but you don't need to put yourself out for me" said Harry gratefully.

"So what else did you get?" asked Hermione, Ginny nodding next to her. Harry had the uncomfortable feeling that he was about to be drawn into one of those 'girls talk' things and was not looking at all pleased about it. The eager looks on the girls' faces as well as Ron's curious look made him give in. With a sigh, he began to tell the three about his birthday. Ron was particularly amused at the reaction of the Dursleys while wincing sympathetically at Hagrid's unknown egg.

"Oh but Harry! What if it's something dangerous, or worse, something illegal! You could be expelled!" cried Hermione.

"Been there, almost done that" Harry replied with a smirk. Upon which Hermione smacked him on the head. "Hey!" he exclaimed.

"Don't make light of it, we were all worried about that last summer" she admonished.

Distracting her, Harry told Ron and Ginny about the Twin's present. In turn, the two Weasleys told their friends about that howler Charlie had sent the Twins regarding their dragonskin jackets.

"Well, I don't think I'll be wearing mine for a while. The Twins seem to have got my size completely wrong. It's too big both ways, but at least its black!" said Harry with a sigh, missing the concerned looks the other three gave each other.

Before the silence had got too long and uncomfortable, Ginny tactfully asked about the new, and more importantly, fitting clothes Harry was wearing. Harry blushed as he mentioned what some of the members of the Order had done for him. When he told them about Tonk's vow to burn his old clothes, Ron and Hermione immediately asked whether they could be there for the "ceremonial burning" as Ron called it.

"I think it was a wonderful and thoughtful idea Harry", said Hermione. "I hope Tonks and Professor Lupin made sure the Dursleys realise how terrible they are. I can't believe they had the nerve!" she sniffed.

Ron, it seemed, was still in shock after Harry had told them that McGonagall had also contributed to his new clothes and the remark she had made to Remus. It was with a pinch from his younger sister that he focused on Harry again. "Blimey Harry! You better be careful or Hermione here will get jealous! She won't be the teacher's pet anymore!" and with that he jumped up and ran away from Hermione who had turned bright red.


"Sorry Hermione, but you know it's true" he apologised.


Ron sat back down, but only after making sure he could see Hermione and was well out of reach of her arms. Ginny however, was scrutinising Harry. Feeling her gaze on him, Harry asked her what was wrong.

"I can tell you're hiding something Harry" she told him. "What is it?"

"It's nothing", he tried to evade and started to fiddle with the book in his hand.

"Don't nothing me Harry Potter!" replied Ginny, a steely glint in her brown eyes and looking reminiscent of her mother when she was interrogating the Twins. "There's something about the present that's bothering you. Out with it" she ordered.

"It's really not that big a deal. Besides, I'll never wear it or anything. Don't worry" he tried again.

"Harry! Can it really be that bad? Wasn't Professor Lupin one of the ones buying the clothes? Surely he can't have got anything that horrific" asked Hermione.

"At least it wasn't my mother mate, who know what you'd have ended up with" reassured Ron. "It can't be that bad".

"Oh, but it is, I mean, no offence Ron, Ginny, but what was your brother thinking!" responded Harry without thinking, before clapping a hand over his mouth and blushing.

Ginny looked amused at Harry's outburst whilst Ron had fixed the shorter boy with a stare. Hermione on the other hand looked caught between amusement and sympathy.

"What did my dear eldest brother do?" asked Ginny.

"Uh, I just remembered, I have to talk to, uh, Remus, that's right" replied Harry.

"Sit down!" shouted three voices. "Lupin's gone out, didn't you know that?" Ron pointed out.

"Do I get a choice?" Harry huffed.

"No!" he said. "Now what's so bad?"

"Billboughtmeapairofleathertrousers!" muttered Harry in one breath.

"Pardon? Can you repeat that for those of us who don't understand Harryspeak?" asked Hermione sarcastically.

"Bill brought me a pair of leather trousers for my birthday" repeated Harry, blushing.

Ginny and Hermione blinked before bursting into delighted giggles, tears forming in their eyes. Ron shook his head at the girls' strange behaviour before asking Harry, "are you sure?"

"Of course I'm bloody sure, they're in my trunk right now! Tonks even wanted me to put them on, in front of the Dursleys! I mean, why? Why leather? What was he thinking? Was he even thinking!"

Ginny and Hermione were still giggling, leaning against each other for support and the scathing look Harry threw at them just made them louder. Ron wasn't any better, patting Harry's back in support but the smirk on his face giving him away.

"Well, will we get to see them then?" choked out Hermione in-between giggles.

"No you flipping well won't! I'll look like a right prat for starters and well … NO! There is absolutely NO WAY anyone will get me to wear them" declared Harry. "I mean it!"

Ron, Hermione and Ginny looked at each other before bursting out with fresh laughter again. Luckily, Harry was saved from any more embarrassment by a loud knock on the door.

"Come in" he yelled above the laughter of the other three.

The door opened and Harry saw the pink-haired Tonks and standing next to her was a scared looking Neville. Tonks gestured Neville to join the others as she levitated his trunk into the room and set it at the foot of the bed that Harry was sat upon. Hermione and the youngest Weasley siblings were still chuckling as they greeted Neville and gestured for him and Tonks to take a seat. Tonks sat down next to Harry while Neville found a spare chair and moved it to the foot of the bed.

"Neville! How have you? Enjoying the holidays?" asked Ron.

"F-fine" stuttered Neville, slightly taken aback at the huge grins on their faces and the scowl on Harry's face. "Professor Lupin said that you were all staying here. I'm glad, I was worried that I'd be here all alone."

"I told you you'd be in good hands here Neville" laughed Tonks. "Why didn't you believe me? Don't I look trustworthy?" she pouted.

"Maybe it's the pink hair? The punk look I suppose" Harry mused.

"Well my dear Harry, what do you think would make me look more believable?" she asked, eyes glowing with mischief.

"Pigs nose and blonde curly hair?" came a suggestion from someone. In response, Tonks used her abilities to change her appearance as a wide-eyed Neville looked on.

"Spiky lime green hair and a pointed nose?"

"A long hooked nose and greasy black hair?"

"Arrghhhh!" screamed Tonks. Whacking Harry on the arm, she shouted "Urgh, what were you thinking of? Yuck, yuck, YUCK!" Running her hand through her previous spiky pink hair, she winced. "I think I need to wash my hair. Yuck!"

The five young witches and wizards laughed at the disgusted look on Tonks face as she realised that she had started to transform into a female Snape. Glaring at them, she got up from besides Harry and left the room, nose in the air, while laughter filled the room behind her. Harry began to feel slightly better for the first time since he had got up that morning. That was, until he heard the screams of Mrs Black drifting up into the room.

"What's that noise? Who's shouting?" asked a perplexed Neville, cringing slightly at Mrs Black's cries.

"Get one of the others to tell you", yelled Harry as he jumped up and ran out of the room, running down the stairs to the screaming portrait.


The screeching of the portrait echoed in the hallway, ringing in Harry's head as he reached the source. It looked like Tonks had tripped over the large troll's leg as she returned to the kitchen, thus awakening Mrs Black. She was aided by Remus, both currently trying to close the moth-eaten curtains. For the first time that summer, Harry again came face to face with the life sized, drooling old woman wearing a black cap. As soon as the Mrs Black saw Harry she stopped screaming, her eyes popping out and instead she let out a horrible cackle.

"So it was YOU, the precious godson of my abomination, who finally got rid of him! HA HA HA, the blood traitor dead!"

He ignored Remus who was desperately trying to stop the cries of the portrait. Harry saw red! "HOW DARE YOU! YOU- YOU … SHUT UP YOU STUPID OLD COW! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING"




Harry's eyes were wide open as he stared incredulously at the insane insults of Mrs Black. He could feel the pounding of blood and his hand twitched, longing to grab his wand and curse her, not that it would do anything. Remus and Tonks stood frozen, still holding onto the mouldy curtain. He was vaguely aware of the presence of his friends and a couple of members of the Order behind him, watching the argument in shocked silence.

"HE WAS YOUR SON!" screamed Harry, not wanting to understand the hatred she held for his dear godfather. "YOU MUST HAVE LOVED HIM!"


Harry stood shaking from pure fury, his green eyes blazing with a fiery determination and raw power. He was dimly aware of someone putting his or her hand on his shoulder, trying to push him away from the portrait, but he angrily shrugged it off. The silence in the hallway was in itself deafening, but all present heard Harry count to ten under his breath. In a cold tone of voice, Harry said to himself "Well, that didn't work" and stalked off down the stairs at the end of the hallway.

The adults and teenagers in the hallway looked at each other, confusion, sympathy, and shock on their faces after Harry left, but were quickly brought out of it by the insane laughing emanating from the portrait. Tonks and Remus tried to close the curtains again when the sound of determined steps reached their ears. They turned to see Harry standing in the middle of the hallway, a fierce light shining in his eyes, his face as cold as stone. Hermione and Ginny gasped a mixture of shock and fear at what he was holding. What he might do.

"Harry! Don't!" someone yelled, but Harry seemed not to have heard. Harry knew what he had to do, and he was going to get his revenge for Sirius.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I wasn't actually expecting to get this out as fast as I did, but the reviews just made me want to write, so thanks you so much! Will start on the third chapter tomorrow.

Actually, the original Chapter 2 was too long by far, so I decided to cut it in half and stop at this point in the story. Don't hurt me for ending it on a cliffhanger. I apologise if it seems that the story is going slowly, but I promise that the next chapter will be the last 'boring' one and we'll meet the main characters of the story. The first three chapters are setting the groundwork for various ideals and situations in the story and will be important later. There are some hints and clues to what may happen later scattered in these chapters. I don't think I've indicated the ship pairings yet, so feel free to guess! If you have any questions so far, e-mail or review and if I can I'll answer them. Any ideas you have are also welcome!

Thanks to pablo5280 and serebii for reviewing!

Bec - Thanks for being my first reviewer! Yay! The dragon's tooth is symbolic of something and Harry will always wear it, but it isn't an ordinary necklace. Harry won't be wearing the pants for his mother, but that doesn't mean she won't be seeing them. Harry is not at all keen on the trousers and will swear never to wear them, but I suppose we'll see! *smirks* The contacts are also symbolic.

Firesword - Oh my god! You like it? I love yours! It's what got me started!