
turbulent realm

When a cheery farm boy experiences the fairness of the ever turbulent orderless world, he transmigrates into an unknown world filled with hidden dangers lurking in every corner and is adamant to survive until he sees the next sunrise. Follow Galvar as his will to survive strangles him to his core and pushes him forward into the unfortunate destiny forced upon him by unknown forces. --------- This will be the first novel/literature I will write. I do not have any official education in literacy as such constructive criticism is welcome. Feel free to check out guiidarts on the streaming platform twitch and catch me struggling to write.

shacochan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Knock Knock

"Run! Hide in your homes."

The shout broke Galvar free from the fear that clenched his chest. Taking a deep breath he once again looked around. Some of the urns that outnumbered the men around him laid broken on the ground. While he had been spacing out, people seemed to have already ran. Even Adeline was nowhere to be found.

Gasps of air followed by the loud slams of doors were heard coming from people who seemed to have come out of nearby houses inquiring about the commotion. Galvar did not know what to do. He was never told what to do when an army marched towards their village. 'Less thinking and more acting'. Galvar had to get home. He trusted his fathers instructions will save himself and his family. Galvar sprung up and bolted straight towards an alley.

"trud trud trud trud"

The sound of galloping froze Galvar to his core. Did they get here already?. He shifted his stiff head slightly to get a better view of his impending doom.


The air cut past his shoulder as a hooded figure on top of a black horse charged at a blinding pace. They narrowly missed Galvar, heading towards the direction opposite to the approaching army. He thought he saw the horse's eyes glow green but he did not have the time nor the chance to get another glance. Since the rider had left him alone, Galver did not care about them anymore. He had other pressing matters to deal with..

Galvar ignored the mess as he ran straight through puddles of mud on the barren roads and alleys to reach his home quicker. The creaking of wood and shuffling were heard from many of the cabins he passed by. As he exited an alley, the sound of hammering was heard from the house across the road. Galvar could only guess that people were barricading their homes shut. Soon, he spotted his house with the front door shut. He rushed to the door and banged on it.

"Father, mother, it's me!"

The sound of footsteps pacing on wood echoed underneath the door. With a click, the lock unlatched and the door swung open. A short woman with straight black hair wearing a gown stood at the door. The woman would've looked quite beautiful if it weren't for her shirt drenched in water and the bloodshot eyes she had.

"Quick get in!"

Galvar rushed inside and was greeted to the savoury smell of boiled carrots and potatoes permeating the entirety of the kitchen. He looked towards its source and saw the pot of soup still being cooked in the fireplace. Guenor sat near the fireplace on one of the chairs beside the dining table. Across her was a wooden plate of half wilted spinach. Taking a closer look at his sister, she looked puzzled and sad.

"Galvar, Help me push the cabinet against the door."

Galvar was confused by his mother, Typhainne's words. He looked around himself once again just to be certain.

"But father isn't here. We have to wait for him."

"That idiot father of yours left to meet with the chief." Typhainne almost growled as she mumbled in a deep voice.

"Adeline's father? What for?"

Typhainne looked deeply into Galvar with her sorrowful eyes. Darkness engulfed her eyes as her pupils dilated. She did not respond to Glavar's quandary and merely blankly stared at him. Galvar felt uncomfortable with the situation. An unpleasant feeling kept nagging on the back of his mind yet he could not get hold of it. What does father want to do with the chief? Aren't we supposed to hide together until all of this goes away?

"To talk for a bit. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Typhainne finally spoke in a muffled voice.

"Now come and help me barricade the door." She insisted. Irritation was clearly audible from her tone.

Why would mother insist on barricading the door if she said father will be here soon?

Galvar did not know why his father had abandoned his family at a time of need, but he realised one thing. His mother was lying.

The feeling of dread became clear in Galvars mind and he gritted his teeth. His breath became erratic and his eyebrows furrowed into one, as his anger towards the woman in front of him took form. How could she let father be in danger? Why didn't she stop him?

"I'll bring father back here." Galvar cared deeply for his father. If his intuition had any meaning, he needed to make sure his father was safe. Galvar motioned towards the door. Just as he was about to reach the exit, a figure blocked his path.

"Step aside mother." Galvar's deep bellow startled Typhainne and she furrowed her brows.

"You… is that the way to talk to your mother?" she screamed right at Galvars face mere inches away from hers. Galvar did not answer her. He wished to see his father and the woman in front of him was a nuisance. 'Do you think you can stop me?'. Galvar attempted to shove Typhainne to his side.

Typhainne was only five feet tall, four inches shorter than Galvar. Although her body was honed from farm work, her sexual traits were bested by Galvar's gifted body. Typhainne staggered to Galvar's right. He swung the door open and put a foot out the door. A hand grasped at the back of his linen shirt. 'Annoying bitch'. Glavar turned back to deal with the annoying rash and was met with something hard on his face.


The sound echoed in Galvar's head for what felt to him like a long time. Galvar stayed unmoving as he slowly brought his hands above his shoulders and caressed his face. His body screamed as it swoll red from the stinging pain yet Galvar did not feel it. His thoughts were fully focused on his mortal enemy. The woman who had not only let her own husband, Galvar's father go straight to danger but is also trying very hard to prevent himself from saving his father. Galvar's hand coiled into a fist with great strength tearing the skin of his palm.

"Stop it!" came an annoying squeal from the corner of the room. The abrupt ear-piercing noise made Galvar look towards its source with contempt. Guenor was curled up on a chair hugging her knees with her hand holding her head. She let out faint sobs as she held her head up and stared at Typhainne.

"You told me everything was going to be okay." Guenor let out more sobs as she struggled to speak.

"You told me everything was going to be okay even after you and father had an argument. Why are you fighting again? Everything is okay right?"

Galvar was stunned by her words. He had completely forgotten about Guenor and was solely focused on trying to save his father. His rage slowly quelled and now the annoying woman besides him started to look more like his mother. Recalling the events that took place mere moments ago, Galvar closed his eyes to calm his broiling emotions.

Galvar's mind was in shambles. There were so many things going on and so little things he knew to do. 'Why is father not here?'. Galvar felt a chill up his spine. The air around him seemed to grow colder and the hair on his skin began to rise. He felt like the world around him was collapsing. His body stood stiff like a day old deer, but he knew one thing to do.

"I'm sorry."

Galvar felt really bad about his actions. If he left the house, they would be forced to take shelter alone. 'Im so stupid.' He did not like the new feeling of being dominated by his emotions.

'Seriously, what is father thinking? Is he trusting me to protect them?'. At that thought, Galvar's eyes glew slightly brighter. Galvar had a purpose. He had to protect his family.

"Help me lift this cabinet towards the door. I don't want to scratch the floor." Galvar opened his eyes and stared at typhainne with steadfast eyes. She seemed to be taken aback for a moment before trudging her way towards Galvar who was already holding one side of the cabinet with a slight nod.


With the door barricaded, Thyphainne exhaled a sigh. She walked towards the water pot and scooped out a wooden cup's worth of water and chugged it. Water trickled down her mouth and nape, onto her shirt. She then slumped down a chair and let out another sigh.

Galvar walked towards one of the last unoccupied chairs and dragged it through the floor towards Guenor.


Noticing her brother's actions, Guenor lifted up her chin off her legs and looked at Galvar with watery eyes.

"Everything is ok right?" a muffled voice echoed in the silent room.

"Hmm" Galvar let out as he slouched onto the chair.

"I heard big bad men were coming to do bad men stuff."


"Father left us to go outside."


"Father is going to beat the bad men up right"


"Okay, everything is okay then."


Guenor jumped out of her chair and skipped towards their only hope against anyone trying to get inside. She took out a wooden bowl and a crooked spoon and skipped right back towards the fireplace.

She picked up the ladle leaning beside the pot and scooped herself some soup. She slushed around the piece of meat before turning towards Galvar.

"Can you chop it up?"

Galvar looked up from his slumped position to see Guenors glistening eyes. Galvar sighed and jumped out of his seat and went to the cabinet to retrieve a wooden board and a small knife.

"Cling Cling"

The sound of muffled metal clashing against one another froze Galvar in his tracks.

"Cling Cling"

The sound kept vibrating outside their house for moments until the loud shouts and screams drowned its presence. Loud stomps could be heard marching outside the barricaded door. The crisp sound of splintering wood followed by loud 'thuds' broke Galvar from his shock. He immediately rushed for the cabinet to provide it with as much support as he could muster. As his shoulders and head hugged the cabinet doors, the sound of one man right outside the door made a chill grow up Galvar's spine.

"One, two, three, NOW."

Barbarian : Look I'm not a coward, I just made a tactical retreat

DM : Uh huh, anyway what are you going to do about the soldiers outside the door.

Barbarian : Are they here to hurt me?

DM : I dont know would you like them to enter the house and find out?

Barbarian : No... I set the table with as many bowls as we have.

DM : Uh It will take a couple minutes to do that. Whether I allow it or not is a whole other problem but my question is why?

Barbarian : Well we've had a pot of soup boiling since the previous session. As you know, the more a soup simmers, the more tasty it is!

DM : Sigh, you know I try really hard to make my world realistic and here you are pissing on it.

Barbarian : So what do I make, a charisma check?

DM : Sure, I dont care anymore.


Barbarian : ...

Dm : ...

shacochancreators' thoughts