
Tuntuni Bird

This story is about a king and a bird .......and here I'm showing some funny interaction between them .

DRDRX05 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Found something amazing

Chatper 3

The tuntuni bird was wondering what was so special about this toothpick 🤨.

After some more searching, the tuntuni bird could not understand anything about it 😓.

The Tuntuni bird almost gave up hope that anything could be done with it😐.

Then it was night and the moonlight was about to enter his nest. Coincidentally, at that moment, his feathers were touching with the toothpick . As soon as this happened, green light started emanating from it. Coincidentally, this is what happened after the moonlight and its feathers came in touch together. 😮

As it happened, a kind of mysterious sound started coming from it. 😱

It changed its shape and became attached to the feet of the tuntuni bird, now it looked a bit like a ring😨.

Tuntuni birds are very scared and his heart rate increased. The tuntuni bird began to think that it was a trap to capture him 😬.

Then he got more scared. Suddenly the ring began to communicate with him.

{ the ring started talking }

Ring : You have no reason to be afraid, no one will come to catch you. I won't let that happen even if someone comes 😎 . You should be glad you got the chance to change your life. 😈

Tuntuni : Who you are and what you want?

Ring : I came to Earth from a planet many light years away to analyses about the earth.

But sadly a few thousand years passed but no one could turn me in to working state .

Because I need moonlight to work. The light from the sun is a little brighter but the light reflected from the moon is little less brighter.

So moonlight is more suitable for me. 😊

But sadly, those who made me are no longer alive because it's been a long time since they've all died, and that planet is destroyed by the other mega powerful rings, they destroyed themselves only I am left .

Basically, I am a lost Technology now.🙃

Tuntuni : Wow, although I didn't understand anything but I have a guess I found something amazing 😁.