
Chapter 95: Failure

"You have to destroy all this. The ships, the equipment they used to build it with." Balthazar motioned to the tablet in the engineer's hand. "All the tablets used in this place."

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. "Why?" Even as he asked the question, he knew the answer, should've remembered the way the clones tried to take over the Rising Sun. Some of the engineers had reported that the alien tech, when they did manage to produce it, had a tendency to become uncooperative. That's why they'd started to build hybrids.

"The clones imbedded loyalty to their ryhov into the codes," Balthazar said. "When we took the Rising Sun, we thought we'd escaped. But the ship turned around and made its way back to Tundra. It happened three times before we could reprogram the ship to be loyal to us." He tilted his head. "We still do not understand how the ship became loyal to us."